12 things you stop taking care of 30 after

When you are in your teens and twenties, you feel everything so hard. It's the first time since many adult experiences. But as you continue to adult, you stop worrying about toxic things that are used to remember and be at the top of your list of priorities, exchange them for stuff that matters more.

When you are in your teens and twenties, you feel everything so hard. It's the first time since many adult experiences. But as you continue to adult, you stop worrying about toxic things that are used to remember and be at the top of your list of priorities, exchange them for stuff that matters more.

1. Be lean. Who cares about some extra pounds? Not you! Eating a donut or have this sprite at lunch is essential to deal with stress than being a 30 something.

2. Other expectations of people and what people think of you. The peak of this feeling has come without a doubt in high school and university, but once you start picking up the real priorities and responsibilities of life, this hormonal paranoia disappears slowly.

3. Birthday parties! Starting that rage epic or have the perfect instaramable fine dining dinner with your team is really not a more priority. Take us a bottle of red and season 1 of "Mad Men" and we are good.

4. Hawning on a soul mate. In your 20 years, you are panicked to be alone forever and meet this perfect person for you. In your 30 years, you are indifferent, and just down to someone who is a good guy who cares about you. A little perfect.

5. On the same subject, the idea you have "one type". Yes, there are traits that you will probably like, but you do not know what your dream man will eventually look like.

6. Be worried that you are not the life of the party or as adventurous as your might be. Your days of adrenaline pumping sky diving and try MDMA are no longer, and thank God for that.

7. Always compare your life to others. Social media does not help you exactly, but you get older and wise, you stop asking yourself how it has a husband and you are not, or how the peers bought a house and you still rent. We all came to stages at different times.

8. Shaving your legs all the time. Ok, by this point your man understands that you are not naturally hairless like a dolphin, and even in summer, you could skip a few weeks and still rock jean shorts. So what? Feminism!

9. Establishment every weekend. You read the content with BAE or go to the farmer's market. Nights cozy in the start-up care, and you do not even miss the party. Embrace grandmother's life - we have sure.

10. Constantly afraid you will fail. You have already experienced all your "first times", so that any dissolutions that followed, disappointments and refusals will be less frightening than they were the previous decade. The art of letting go is amazing. With mistakes come learned experience and wisdom!

11. Be obsessed with the latest trends and the latest version of everything. You do not really care about the hottest brunch place, or the last iPhone.

12. Similarly, the hottest new trends of fashion are not important for you more. You are looking not reallyStyle.com For the new and chic look of the track you want to try. Instead, scroll to your phone to spend the time while you spend the 5th day in the same black leggings and cotton tee.

Categories: Lifestyle
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