Category: Food&Travel

What Fast Food resembles worldwide

All the fast restaurants in the world are not equal - you could be used to a cheeseburger and fries, but there are nice wild dishes that will contest your notion of fast food and comforting foods that each country loves. Find out what your favorite fast food chains in the world do - what would you like to try?

What Fast Food resembles worldwide
17 impressive secret places that tourists do not know

1. The Lakes of Plitvice, the incredible Croatian lakes consist of cascades composed of 16 different terraced lakes, with a beautiful crystalline water flowing from one to the other, making a beautiful structure. 2. Samarkand, Uzbekistansamarkand is as old as Babylon and houses ancient mosques and the mausoleum of the famous Tamelane. UNESCO held "crossroads", and this city illustrates the Wondrous Sea Silk Road.

17 impressive secret places that tourists do not know
10 incredibly beautiful countries to live for dirt cheap

1. Thailand - The average room costs only $ 300 here, with less than 100 for public services. There are amazing temples and Buddhist festivals, and the country is breathtaking. 2. Panama - with a 1 bedroom for only about 450, you ...

10 incredibly beautiful countries to live for dirt cheap
15 sweet and savory snacks, you will not be able to resist

Some of us are more likely to salty bites, while others have more than a sweet tooth. But who says you can not have the best of both worlds with these surprising combinations of sweet and salty sweets. Your tastes will explode with pleasure. ...

15 sweet and savory snacks, you will not be able to resist
14 Sweet & Savory Mason Jar Meal Ideas for Piment Your Week

You might think we're talking about these sad shakers salads of whole dishes, but these homemade versions are much more succulent and do not have any limit. Create the Creative Mason Jar recipes of your dreams based on one of these dreams! 1. Deconstructed ...

14 Sweet & Savory Mason Jar Meal Ideas for Piment Your Week
13 delicious and exotic breakfasts from around the world

1. Cambodia - Kuy Tev This is a soup of filling noodles and cloth noodles with rice noodles, pork stocks and various fittings. It is similar to Vietnamese Pho and makes a delicious breakfast for a cool morning. 2. Pakistan - Halwa Poori Cholayce Breakfast is ...

13 delicious and exotic breakfasts from around the world
13 Alternatives Make Homemade Starbucks Drinks Decadents

1. Salted caramel homemade This spirit-blowing creation has a delicious salt torsion and you can enjoy without artificial syrups. You can even make your own caramel. If you like sweet and savory combos, it will be your new favorite drink, frozen or ...

13 Alternatives Make Homemade Starbucks Drinks Decadents
10 worst foods of anxiety and depression

There are also foods and drinks that you might believe are healthy, but can actually bring your mood significantly.

10 worst foods of anxiety and depression
10 foods that stimulate your metabolism naturally

Snack every few hours only you get so far, if you are looking for your metabolism. If you are looking for you naturally instead of eating as a rabbit, these foods of the plant will launch metabolisms atone at the edge of the sidewalk. See the ones you can integrate into your diet, and look at the love handles fall.

10 foods that stimulate your metabolism naturally
9 Healthy and Delicious Drinks (Smoothies) for the Autumn

Smoothies are not just a summer drink. Because the beach season is over, it does not mean that you should not try to eat healthy. If something, autumn is a good time to pack as many vitamins as possible in winter preparation. Here is a selection of ...

9 Healthy and Delicious Drinks (Smoothies) for the Autumn
10 things that can get you in trouble in Dubai

Let some of the things you may want to do, but certainly should not if you do not want to finish with a prison.

10 things that can get you in trouble in Dubai
16 beautiful rainbow desserts, you can do at home

1. Fudge rainbow An external colorful candy gives way to a chocolate inside decadent. These are super rich, so be sure to share them with friends. 2. Rainbow checker cake it looks impossible, but any amateur baker can do it. To find...

16 beautiful rainbow desserts, you can do at home
6 Blower strawberry desserts

Have you always asked how these other strawberry desserts are made? Well, it's your lucky day! Today, I am on a mission to know exactly how to make lovers of pretty and delicious strawberries. For most of them, you will need strawberries, chocolate, whipped cream and ...

6 Blower strawberry desserts
Benefits of being vegetarian

Almost all girls at a time or the other have thought of becoming vegetarian. There are great motivations to do it - live longer and live healthier. Some are animal lovers and are therefore ethically opposed to the consumption of animals. Something is a ...

Benefits of being vegetarian
The incredible fairy trips from Swedish trolls

Four years ago, Moscow's photographer, Murad Osmann, started his project "Follow me". In this series of photos, he immortalized his travels around the world with his girlfriend. The project has become extremely popular on the web and the world for this case. Today I want ...

The incredible fairy trips from Swedish trolls
Surprising things to add to the cafe

Peppermint is a bit of seasonal drink - put a candy cane in your tourbillon coffee around milk and sugar and a delicious minety flavor also founded in the drink. It will taste like a Starbucks Mint Pepper Moka ....

Surprising things to add to the cafe
12 great travel jobs and how to get them

Have you ever dreamed of becoming global explorer? Are you looking forward to exploring exotic places and immerse yourself in their incredible crops? Living the life of a traveling nomad can be exciting and rewarding, but unless your rich uncle uncle has left you an important legacy, you will need to find a way to support you. Fortunately, you have a lot of options. If you plan to live abroad for a prolonged period, consider these popular employment opportunities.

12 great travel jobs and how to get them
17 tasty and healthy pizzas miss you

We can all accept: pizza is an indulgence impossible to give up. And there is no need for. Take your taste buds with these alternatives that are more than half of the calories but have taste like decadent. They are easy to do at home, which ...

17 tasty and healthy pizzas miss you
7 reasons why you should visit Greece this year

He has already fallen and you have your last chance to go for a perfect holiday - Sunny Blue Skies, warm sea, cold cocktails and gold beach - all you can find in Greece! It's always difficult when it comes to choosing the right trip ...

7 reasons why you should visit Greece this year
10 delicious ways to eat eggs for dinner

The eggs are incredibly nutritious and it is important to eat them regularly. An egg has several vitamins essential to your health. The eggs are perfect for people who are on a diet. This diet limits your calorie consumption all day. We know a lot of recipes from ...

10 delicious ways to eat eggs for dinner
9 delicious and healthy sandwiches to take at work

1. Portobello, goat cheese and red pepper Portobello tastes meat and earthy, but is actually very healthy for you. Added with creamy but distinct goat cheese and soft red pepper, if you throw a slightly spicy rocket, four ingredients will have a taste of twenty in ...

9 delicious and healthy sandwiches to take at work
9 breathtaking airbnbs in Portugal Casa Banana, in Ponta Delgada is an unexpected joy. This bright and vibrant home is painted with several colors and will make unforgettable photographs. At only $ 46, this unique cabin is painted with a plethora of colors, inside and out. It is surrounded by ...

9 breathtaking airbnbs in Portugal
The 12 best Free Apps for Junkies Travel

Go on a trip? Although packaging does not forget to also take essential travel applications. Useful and practical applications can greatly facilitate or even add a new dimension to your holidays. Cards, Currency Calculator and City Guide, Dictionary and easy search of your hotel ...

The 12 best Free Apps for Junkies Travel
9 simple steps for planting vegetarian meals

If you have trouble finding healthy and satisfying meals for your vegetarian lifestyle, check out our beginner's guide to eat as a vegetarian.

9 simple steps for planting vegetarian meals
The most amazing (unusual) hotels in the world, Part 2

1) Free Spirres, Vancouver Island, BC to be honest, when I was a child, I dreamed of setting my own cozy tree house. And I'm sure you have almost done too. Childhood days are over, but now we can escape ...

The most amazing (unusual) hotels in the world, Part 2
12 incredible cake cookie recipes - They only take 20 minutes to do!

Here are 12 incredibly diverse and mellow cookies that only concern 4 ingredients and only take 20 minutes to do! Each guy is so different and tastes as if you bought it from a bakery - a perfect holiday gift or a pleasure to bring to a party!

12 incredible cake cookie recipes - They only take 20 minutes to do!
12 recipes without stove for the summer

What can be worse than turning on the oven in summer? Probably nothing. We are sure you did not want to spend time in cooking with cooking cooking, frying, boiling, etc. That's why we have prepared for you 15 absolutely delicious cooking recipes that are really worth the value ...

12 recipes without stove for the summer
8 Crazy Groized Coffee Recipes Delicious

Imagine ... hot summer, burning sun, lying on a sandy beach, the Canary Islands, admiring the view of the wavy sea and your drinking a long island cocktail or a mojito ... rings well, right? But ... and if it's hot summer and burning sun, but instead of sun ...

8 Crazy Groized Coffee Recipes Delicious
The 10 hottest vacation destinations for the summer

Summer is a wonderful moment. We always associate this season with holidays. Once you are ready for a vacation - the most difficult decision is to choose where you want to travel well, because your holiday decision should also match your desires and salaries. Take a ...

The 10 hottest vacation destinations for the summer
11 quick and easy breakfast ideas

No matter what breakfast remains the most important meal of the day. Whether you do not have a lot of time or just do not want to spend eternity cooking something tasty in fast and fast morning alternatives, are a must. Keep in mind that a first healthy meal ...

11 quick and easy breakfast ideas