17 impressive secret places that tourists do not know

1. The Lakes of Plitvice, the incredible Croatian lakes consist of cascades composed of 16 different terraced lakes, with a beautiful crystalline water flowing from one to the other, making a beautiful structure. 2. Samarkand, Uzbekistansamarkand is as old as Babylon and houses ancient mosques and the mausoleum of the famous Tamelane. UNESCO held "crossroads", and this city illustrates the Wondrous Sea Silk Road.

1. Plitvice Lakes, Croatia1. Plitvice Lakes, CroatiaThese incredible lakes consist of cascades composed of 16 different terrace limestone, with a beautiful crystalline water flowing from one to the other, making a beautiful structure.

2. Samarkand, Uzbekistan2. Samarkand, UzbekistanSamarkand is as old as Babylon and houses ancient mosques and the mausoleum of the famous Tamelane. UNESCO held "crossroads", and this city illustrates the Wondrous Sea Silk Road.

3. KAKSLAUTANEN, Finland hotel3. Kakslauttanen Hotel, FinlandThese glass domes in the Finnish forest resemble exhaust extraterrestrial out there. It constitutes a warm and dynamic contrast against the Arctic bottom Stark. It's the most romantic place to spend a crisp winter night in a comfortable setting.

4. Shoo cellar, Scotland4. Shoo Cave, ScotlandThis massive seaside cave looks like something straight out of the Jurassic Park, but do not worry, the only thing that is hiding in its depths is a hidden waterfall that cascades at 80 feet in the placid waters. below.

5. Green Lake, Austria5. Green Lake, AustriaIn winter, this valley is usually a park with a small lake, but when the warmer months come, the valley fills with beautifully clear water to create a surreal and temporary submarine kingdom that looks like a dream.

6. Sark, Canal Islands6. Sark, Channel IslandsThis small and rarely visited in Normandy, France is difficult to reach and has only 600 people the inhabitant. The trails are winding and breathtaking - it is the only feudalism place is alive and the cars are prohibited.

7. MONS KLINT, DENMARK7. Mons Klint, DenmarkThere are more famous cliffs in Denmark, but this incredible chalk is a white God in nature. The chalk exists because of the vestiges of microscopic creatures shells that lived on the seabed there are more than 70 million years ago. The top view should feel like a dream.

8. Tigre nest monastery, Para Valley, Bhutan
8. Tiger's Nest Monastery, Para Valley, BhutanMonasteries are magical places of calm and meditation. This one is desiccated on the cliff of the Haute-Valley of the Valley of the upper part, but would probably be the most memorable experience of your life.

9. Aescher Hotel, Switzerland9. Aescher Hotel, SwitzerlandIt is also a hotel risky to visit because it is cut on the side of a cliff. You can only get there by hiking or cable car, and it is located at the edge of a mountain. The views are incredible - perfect for the more adventurous traveler.

10. Stairs Haiku, Hawaii10. Haiku Stairs, HawaiiThis steep hiking trail is more commonly called the stairs to heaven and for a good reason. This leads to a breathtaking view, facilitated with the help of wooden stairs, but remains an exhausting trip.

11. Island Lord Howe, Australia11. Lord Howe Island, AustraliaOnly 400 tourists are allowed to visit this beauty a year, preserving its ethereal nature. It is a volcanic vestige irregularly in the form of crescent between Australia and New Zealand, in the Tasman Sea. It is paradise, with all the flora and fauna imaginable.

12. Alter Do Chao, Brazil
Alter do Chão fica localizada na margem direita do rio Tapajós, a cerca de 30 km de Santarém. Lá existem belas praias de areias brancas, banhadas pelas águas transparentes do rio, a beleza delas se associa ao lendário Lago Verde ou Lago dos Muiraquitãs. Conhecida também como “Caribe Amazônico”, Alter do Chão é palco da maior manifestação folclórica da região, o Çairé, criado pelos índios como forma de homenagear os portugueses e atrai turistas do mundo todo. Santarém (PA). Foto: David Rego Jr.This city rides the Amazon forest and has an incredible beach that is a white sand chain surrounded by water, known as "Island of Love" and a huge lagoon called Lagos Verde. You can only get there by canoe, but there is a plethora of unique animals awaits you.

13. Ile de disappointment, Antarctica13. Deception Island, AntarcticaThere is a range of activities you can do on this remote island, exploring the active volcano, glorious hot springs. It is ring-shaped, houses hundreds of penguins and can help you escape the cold environment with the volcano and hot springs!

14. Meghalaya, India14. Meghalaya, IndiaIt is a remote forest of the tribal territory that turns into a river due to 40 feet of annual rain, but a series of sky bridges help you navigate the fluid environment. Feels like you're in "avatar".

15. Antelope Canyon, Arizona15. Antelope Canyon, ArizonaThe brilliant red red rocks of this canyon with slit in the American Southwest are so beautiful, it is difficult to believe that it is a natural wonder and not a massive art exhibition. This paradise of Navajo will leave you out of breath.

16. Oneonta Gorge, Oregon16. Oneonta Gorge, OregonThe second canyon slot on our list is not even accessible by Trail - you have to spend a day walking towards the winding creek bed with a difficult newspaper jam that you have to climb. It is an oasis of hidden waterfall which is the best isolated swimming, and it is a reward for adjustment and adventurer.

17. Ijen volcano, East Java, Indonesia17. Ijen Volcano, East Java, IndonesiaA volcano that produces melted sulfur that vomits the blue lava. which become more visible during the night. The atmosphere is anotherworldy, but also dangerous. The look of the blue lava the night makes it look like another planet and one of the most unique locations in this list.

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