Survive quarantine without asking for divorce

Set of day, at night, at breakfast, for lunch, at dinner, yesterday, today, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow and you don't know until it is! Salt tension and tolerance decreases. And how does a couple make peace reign at this time of Lock Down worldwide, without regretting life from singles? Simple, we tell you!

Survive quarantine without asking for divorce
17 reasons to watch Justin Bieber documentaries on YouTube

It seems that Bieber has made a complete review of his life since he married and his new docu-series will tell us everything.

17 reasons to watch Justin Bieber documentaries on YouTube
Things to know about hen legs and how to get rid of it

Gallina paws sound like a story of horror for those who are going around 30. It is that sign of aging that many fear more, because it is the first one that is seen and is on the face, difficult to hide. Well, can you try but, will it really work?

Things to know about hen legs and how to get rid of it
Children! Breakfast is ready!

The days at home are long and a little boring and you know, the children are the first to get tired if there is nothing fun to do! How can you make them smile in this daily routine without being able to leave home? A solution is there! We can make breakfast and snack even more super fun!

Children! Breakfast is ready!
Venice in total block: the water of the canals returns limpida

With Coronavirus humanity is paused. We have interrupted any productive activity that is not essential. Tourism has already stopped by the first cases of contagion, a few weeks ago, and the roads have progressively emptied. Nature takes a breath of relief, goes on even without us or, perhaps, without us is better. A few weeks of standing for the man were enough to see the waters of the Venezia lagoon much clearer and they returned (to see) the fish!

Venice in total block: the water of the canals returns limpida
6 things that occur on your body if you eat salmon every day

The caught, tend to be a great remedy for improving health in general. Different fish varieties offer extensive health benefits, can help relieve different problems and improve the immune system. One of the typologies of richer fish, in this sense, is salmon. Real concentrated benefits, it has the potential to totally change the aspects of your health in a few months. Its consistency and taste give it the versatility needed to start incorporating salmon into your diet very regularly.

6 things that occur on your body if you eat salmon every day
The 10 best looks of Harry Styles

Reference point of the androgynous style, Harry has never pulled back from getting a brazenly colored manicu-king or wearing a floral blouse. Yet, that aspect of a kid who makes him look like a mix between Leo DiCaprio and David Bowie, always works. Here are the best looks of Harry Styles of all time. I mean, good taste is practically imbued in him's surname!

The 10 best looks of Harry Styles
10 natural remedies to eliminate skin imperfections

How to eliminate acne and skin stains comfortably at home

10 natural remedies to eliminate skin imperfections
The best flu remedies

Here we propose this: some simple tips to prevent or fight the flu. And you? Do you have any effective remedy of grandmother to recommend?

The best flu remedies
Negative calorie foods: feel good and lose weight by eating

There are foods without sugar, gluten-free and then there are food without guilt, those who don't scream consciousness because you can eat as many as you want without getting fat! Then there are others who have the property of burning our body more calories than they do. Let's give a move, we choose what to put at the table carefully and let's get back in shape.

Negative calorie foods: feel good and lose weight by eating
6 exercises that can give you a ballerina posture

Having a good posture can help keep bones and joints healthy but also to release tension and stress at the vertebral column. If you are ready to improve your posture, here is 6 exercises to make it perfect like that of a ballerina.

6 exercises that can give you a ballerina posture
Pink cardigans and trousers: the latest trend for the 2020 man

Women are vain. They love to take care of themselves, they love to always look at the best and always keep up with the times and with the latest trends. But the truth is that the boys are not less. On the contrary! The winter 2020 is almost finished, soon spring and the streets will see flourish the latest trends of this 2020! Dear guys, are you ready to wear cardigans and pink pants? Because these will be the most in the next season proposals!

Pink cardigans and trousers: the latest trend for the 2020 man
Stomach burning with season change: causes and remedies

Although with some uncertainty (a little for a winter that seems to never be arrived, a little for the first hottest days that seem to be rather tormented), the season is changing and spring is upon us. The days stretch, the temperatures are more mild and our body and our lifestyle adapt.

Stomach burning with season change: causes and remedies
What you should know before starting a keto diet

There are many types of diet out there and all promise similar results. And if you think you have to eat less and move more, whether it's calorie in calories outside, the important thing is to decide the food you will eat.

What you should know before starting a keto diet
Achille Lauro, between private life and extravagant performances

Achille conquers as it is: free, eccentric, above the lines. He is an artist. But are you sure you really know everything about him?

Achille Lauro, between private life and extravagant performances
Gaia Girace will no longer be Lila

In the direct series from Saverio Costanzo, we met the faces of Lila and Lenu, we are passionate about the friendship of those two little girls raised together in the difficult and fascinating reality of the Neapolitan suburbs. We saw them become women, along parallel roads, but very close, which continue to intertwine at every intersection. If you have also been kidnapped by history, keep you strong: Lila goes away!

Gaia Girace will no longer be Lila
6 reasons to stay friends after leaving

There are two types of people when it comes to separation. Those who treat their ex as enemies or who pretend that they do not exist and others, instead, who choose to stay friends and maintain a civil relationship with them. Both choices have their reasons. Sometimes the separation is difficult, simply horrible, you don't want to see that person anymore. In other cases the reason for breakage can simply be unforgivable, you feel really injured and makes sense to avoid avoiding the person who caused all this forever.

6 reasons to stay friends after leaving
The 10 most expensive Oscar dresses of all time

The Academy Awards is the symbol of Hollywood: if you are there, it's a sign you made it and there is no way to go back. In addition to recognizing Hollywood talent actors, the Oscar ceremony is a fashion event where we can see some of the most beautiful clothes of all time. Most costs a lot but, the clothes in the list below, are the most expensive in the story of the Red Carpet.

The 10 most expensive Oscar dresses of all time
How do you build the "forever"? Here's what to do and what not!

There are those who love short stories but full of passion. There are those who, instead, look for the prince or the princess of fairy tales, who will be single and happy forever and those looking for the relationship that lasts "forever" or at least "very long". One of those stories that are built slowly, dinner after dinner, evening after evening, weekend after weekend, in which you know each other a little at a time, discovering merits and defects that come out only after some time, but who learns to Love the same. Happy stories! Here ... do you want to know what the trick is like this?

How do you build the "forever"? Here's what to do and what not!
6 Simple reasons why luxury brands are so expensive

It may seem incomprehensible that luxury designers make much more than less renowned brands but, in reality, there is a bit of logic behind the crazy high-end clothing price. There are simple reasons to justify the fact that luxury brands are so expensive. Have you ever peeked up among the beautiful leaders of a high-end store asking you why everything is so expensive? It is common for luxury brands to sell their products and clothing at astronomical prices. You can find a cheap garment and a similar one in a high-end clothing store, the only difference between the two is the price. It may seem incomprehensible that luxury designers make much more than less renowned brands but, in reality, there is a bit of logic behind the crazy high-end clothing price. There are simple reasons to justify the fact that luxury brands are so expensive.

6 Simple reasons why luxury brands are so expensive
Fashion at the time of the coronavirus

We are now in an emergency. We are closed at home, we only go out to go shopping or for an emergency. Zero social life. You don't go out for aperitifs, you don't go out to go for dinner, you don't go out to go shopping. You don't buy, if not something online. And it is not said that what we buy arrives. And how is this pause from the "normal" life? What damage is it arginating?

Fashion at the time of the coronavirus
The hard truth about the Plus-size models in the BIZ

We all know that the beauty standards in the fashion world are already changing as we talk about it, becoming more and more realistic. Still, it remains a difficult context for women with "normal" sizes and larger sizes. Here are some harsh truths of which nobody speaks about being a Plus-Size model in the business.

The hard truth about the Plus-size models in the BIZ
Elisabetta Canalis and the most unforgettable looks of her

Today Elisabetta Canalis is a mother, diva and woman and in every appearance of her has always been beautiful, showing unforgettable outfits! From the most elegant to the most casual, we repeat you the best ever! Ready for the tour?

Elisabetta Canalis and the most unforgettable looks of her
Masks do-it-yourself that actually work!

Natural ingredients for masks do-it-yourself super effective for healthy and beautiful hair that would not shame

Masks do-it-yourself that actually work!
8 Celebrities with splendid floral hairstyles

We might think that wearing flowers in the hair or bringing a crown of flowers to be silly to such a point to be overrated of the type "already seen, already done, goodbye coachella" but feeling this: it will never be out of fashion.

8 Celebrities with splendid floral hairstyles
7 Reasons for Loving Selena Gomez

Selena is beautiful, she has talented, it's popular and it's hard to find people who don't know who she is. She loves her and have many reasons to do it. This girl works hard, she is a musician, an actress, a businesswoman, but at the same time she stays with her feet on the ground, she is humble and honestly is like a breath of fresh air in this crazy world made by Dramaturgical celebrities.

7 Reasons for Loving Selena Gomez
7 mites on the avocado to whom you probably believe, but you shouldn't

Rich in healthy fats and fiber, avocado is a perfect ingredient to add to your diet. We are used to thinking that avocado is a vegetable but, in reality, it is a fruit and this is just one of those many strange secrets that avocado hides in its green sleeve.

7 mites on the avocado to whom you probably believe, but you shouldn't
The 6 most talented zodiac signs

These 6 signs of the zodiac have unique talents, everything revolves around what they are and the way they live their lives.

The 6 most talented zodiac signs
9 things you need to know about Laverne Cox

Laverne Cox has become "the first" under many aspects and we look forward to seeing what other incredible things you will make you in the future.

9 things you need to know about Laverne Cox
Here's how your boyfriend expresses him love for you, according to his zodiac sign

When it comes to demonstrating their girlfriends how much they care about, men can have the most unusual ideas, from simply bringing coffee to the bed to surprise with an unplanned journey into a tropical island. Even the stars make their game in all this!

Here's how your boyfriend expresses him love for you, according to his zodiac sign