Your ideal dessert depending on the zodiac sign

Horoscope and zodiac signs have become part of the culture, and they predominate the world in which we live. Do not let this decide our perfect dessert?

Horoscope and zodiac signs have become part of the culture, and they predominate the world in which we live. We can categorize people according to the zodiac sign, decide whether we match our partner, judge people according to their features and let us know the zodiac sign. Why not let this fashion decide our perfect dessert. It's a funny idea, so do not take it seriously, but let us know if this is the truth.

1. Berbec - Sundae with grilled pineapple

Aries would be bored with a classic dessert, they need a unique taste, something that can do it special. Instead of vanilla and chocolate, we suggest something with a tropical taste, Sundae with grilled pineapple. It is sweet, refreshing, and sweet touch from Pineas.

2. Taurus - Cherry pie

Taurus is a sign of land, they like something sweet and known, possibly with a bond to their childhood. A cherry pie should quench this hungry, it is sweet, and a little sour, and we remember from childhood when our mothers were doing at weekends.

3. Gemini - Blueberry Sandwich

The dual nature of the twins can not decide what they want. In a minute they want something sweet and easy as they would like something salty. The best dessert for them is to combine them, and we think that sandwich with cheese and blueberries is strange enough to satisfy them.

4. Cancer - Blump with strawberries

Casts adore comforting food, but at the same time, it does not prefer something difficult to digest, so strawberries are a good choice for them. It is sweet, it is satisfactory, it is juicy, but you will not feel full of strawberries, because it is easy food.

5. Leo - crazy ice cream

The lions feel special, and they feel the hottest in the room, so a large ice cream, as the massive bubble ice cream looks, it would be the perfect combination for them. They will certainly satisfy them, thanks to topings (true lei will want all possible tops) and will help them cool on a hot summer day.

6. Virgo - cake mouse

Virgo are elegant and effortless, and they prefer the dessert to be likened. No need for a lot of chocolate, or other things. Prefers something easy, with fruit and small. A mini cake is the perfect choice for them, something that melts in their mouths.

7. Balance - Desert with Return

Balances adore the surpirses, and they like the unique taste, and the combo texture. So a lava dessert, or chocolate that melts, or chocolate popcorn is perfect for them. The balance for the balance must not be delicious, but it is also a unique experience.

8. Scorpio - Alaska ripe

Scorpions like drama, they live for it. And if he could add a little drama to their lives would do it. So their dessert, you have to be dramatically. What can be more dramatic than on the food? Any immutable thing will be good, but we suggest Alaska ripe.

9. Sagitters - donuts

Sagitters are not those who think of caloric density, they prefer their dessert to taste, rich and satisfactory. So a donut is right for them, and if I can get a donut with jam or glaze, it's a blow.

10. Capricorn - Peaches

Capricorn can be nostalgic and by enjoying a dessert that is home, can remember childhood, it is a good idea. At the same time, they do not want to spend a lot of time to prepare them. A peaches or blueberry cake is suitable.

11. Aquarius - Red beans and rice

Aquarius is happy to try new things, and experiment with food. They are received looking for new and healthy alternatives, or do something unusual. So a bean dessert is on their taste, they will be delighted to try.

12. Fish - Panna Cotta

Fish are delicate beings, and they like the taste that is not too strong. They will appreciate a dessert Panna Cotta that has a light texture and a subtle taste. If it looks good, it's a bonus.

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