10 foods burning calories

Sometimes a room session does not reach our goal. Here are some foods that help you lose weight, after you consume, keep the hunger away.

Sometimes a room session does not reach our goal. Here are some foods that help you lose weight, after you consume, keep the hunger away.

1. Cow cheese

This food is very good to eat before bedtime. When you do not sleep enough at night, you're about to put more calories during the day. Cow cheese is rich in casein, a protein that helps a long sleep.

2. Peanut butter

Although, you must be attentive to the portion, the peanut butter has a high cholesterol content, reducing the monosaturated fatty acids. At the same time, it also contains phenylalanine and amino acids, reducing appetite, which leads to weight loss.

3. Garlic

The strong flavor makes you vibrate - combat fat thanks to Alicin, the same component that makes garlic smells and have that strong taste.

4. olive oil

Yes, olive oil contains fat, but it is a healthy fat. If you invest in virgin olive oil, you get a substance called oleocanthal, it reduces inflammation just like ibuprofen.

5. Oats

People who eat oats have 10% less abdominal fat, than those who eat the same carbohydrates. High fiber content and a property that helps us. But the condition is not to exaggerate.

6. White tea

If you are willing to get rid of fat, white tea is suitable, burn fat, and hinders fat cells. Coffee substitute, Hello!

7. Sweet potatoes

Another good carbohydrate food, sweet potatoes include carotenoids, which stabilizes the level of blood sugar and insulin, helps the body convert calories into energy instead of fat. Great vitamin count means greater resistance to exercises.

8. Fruits of forest

Large amount of polyphenols, antioxidants burning fat and prevent their training. Afins for example contain a substance that reduces the risk of obesity. Its sweet essence helps a check to be sweet.

9. Quinoa

A salad supplement, or a replacement for cuscus, quinoa is a protein containing high betaine, the latter combats fat deposit and helps metabolism.

10. Apple vinegar

With an acidic composition, ACV helps to release sugar in the blood and produces protein that burn fats. Helps gastric emptying.

Categories: Food and travel
Tags: weight loss
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