Guide on rumps: when salt, how much cook - rice, mannock, oatmeal and other cereals

"There are little porridge - do not grow up" - this phrase of parents and do not frighten their little capruz. Of course, it is an exaggeration. However, the importance of porridge in a person's diet is truly difficult to overestimate.

"There are little porridge - do not grow up" - this phrase of parents and do not frighten their little capruz. Of course, it is an exaggeration. However, the importance of porridge in a person's diet is truly difficult to overestimate. Groats are an excellent source of slow carbohydrates, vegetable protein, many trace elements and vitamins of groups B and E. They are equally valuable to its fibers necessary for digestive system to clean the intestine and settlement of its useful microflora. So, porridge must be in your menu. In addition, they are absolutely easy to prepare and boast of a variety of species, for every taste.

1. buckwheat.

This is definitely the Queen of the Ukrainian desk. She first disappears from the shelves of stores in the event of some shocks that we observed both in February 2014 and in March 2020. Grown from the same plant that came to us from Greece. Great feels in Ukrainian fields. The ramp is rich in iron, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, fluorine, iodine and zinc, contains a rare vitamin PP, as well as vitamins group B, vitamin A and E.

Preparation: 1 cup buckwheat - 2 cups of water, cook 15-20 minutes, do not mix, solve immediately before removing groats from the fire.

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2. Fig

For many peoples of the world, this cereal acts bread, that is, the main dish on the table. Has a lot of varieties and species, among the main: long-grained, round grain, brown, white, steamed, basmati, arboro, deuser, red, black. Low calorie product, which is included in the diet of athletes. It is a source of antioxidants that will help slow down the aging process. Contains many vitamins of group B, microelements and minerals.

Preparation: 1 cup of rice - 2 cups of water, cook 15-20 minutes, salt directly before removing groats from the fire. If you need adhesion for dish, then salts immediately after throwing.

3. Mank.

Unchanged Association with a kindergarten. Mank is a wheat cereal with a high degree of purification. Rich potassium, quickly and easily absorbed, perfectly removes mucus, salts and fats, but by the number of nutrient elements inferior to both buckwheat and rice. Much more useful is a manual of solid wheat varieties.

Preparation: 1-2 tablespoons - 1 cup of water, cooking 4 minutes., Solite or tug porridge in the stage of tacking. In the finished dish, it is recommended to add a piece of butter.

4. Oatmeal

Berrymore and the alarm clock - that's what it comes to mind when we hear the name of this porridge. Get it from oats. In contrast to thin flakes such as "extra", the flakes of type "Hercules" are less processing and retain significantly more of its useful properties. Oats are rich in proteins, fiber, natural antioxidants, still contains important amino acid methionine, as well as magnesium, which are important for the normal functioning of the central nervous system.

Preparation: Proportions of porridge and water depend on the desired dietary consistency (for liquid take 1: 3, for the average 1: 2 and 1: 1 for thick, respectively. Cook 10-15 minutes. When you open the lid, turn off and insist another 5 min. with a locked lid. Solit the porridge still before boiling.

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5. Wheat Kasha

This is a large grinding grain of solid wheat varieties (durum). Contains a lot of fiber and minerals such as: magnesium, zinc, iodine, potassium, silver, boron, calcium, silicon, phosphorus, molybdenum. Has the ability to reduce blood pressure and output of severe metals from the body. With various technologies of wheat processing also make such cereals as Cuskus and Bulgur.

Preparation: 1 cup of wheat - 3 cups of water, cook without mixing 50 minutes, salt can immediately before the start of cooking.

6. Cinema

Ancient Grain Culture of Amaranthny Family with a pleasant walnut smoke that came to us from the Indians from the Foothills of the Andes (South America). In recent years, it has become almost the most fashionable cereal from all of the above due to the complete absence of gluten in it. Cinema contains a lot of vegetable protein, amino acids, as well as phytic acid, which reduces cholesterol.

Cooking: 1 cup of cinema - 2 cups of water, cook 15 minutes. Under the lock, salt can immediately before the start of cooking. It is important to wash the cereals well, otherwise it is worse.

7. Corn Kasha

In essence, this is the most mamaliga, which once loved to cook the Cossacks during campaigns, as well as a Hutsul National Dish. The porridge is made of crushed, grinding corn grains. It is easily absorbed by the body, rich in antioxidants and plant fibers that contribute to the correct peristaltic of the intestine.

Preparation: 1 cup of corn cereal - 4 cups of water, cook constantly stirring (it is important, because the porridge often sticks and stirs) 30 minutes, sow immediately after throwing.

8. Pshono

This porridge is made from a prose - a grain culture originating from China, but it has been great in Ukraine. Wheat is minimally processed in production, so it stores all its useful properties. It is considered to be the least allergenic cereal, containing iron, fluorine, magnesium and calcium. Promotes the removal of antibiotics from the body, so it is a good restorative dish.

Preparation: 1 cup of mill - 3 cups of water, cook sometimes stirring 45 minutes. Under closed lid, sow immediately after boiling.

Categories: Food and Travel
Tags: Groats
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