Coronavirus: All you need to know about symptoms and risks

At first it was Norovirus and now is the Coronavirus. Coronavirus produces global panic due to the large number of deaths. So far, nearly 3,000 people have been contaminated, most of them are in China. Only in China 80 people died.

The infection began in Wuhan, which is located in China's Hubei Province. Many companies suspend deliveries and collaborations with China. Starbucks, McDonald's and Disney ceased operations and put traffic restrictions due to the outbreak. Even automotive companies such as PSA Group, Honda Motor have begun to remove Chinese workers. The rest, carefully evaluate everything that is happening.

Shanghai even predisposed companies not to start working until after February 3 and not of 31 January, as it was normal. At the same time, public transport was closed in Wuhan. People in different countries who have traveled to China are isolated home to stop spreading the virus.

The World Health Organization has classified the risk as moderate, but this has recently changed, the risk is classified as high.

This is not pleasant for Chinese New Year's holidays. However, there is some information, what needs to be known and the precaution necessary to remain safe.

What is Coronavirus?

There are many types of coronaviruses, here includes NL63, HKU1, OC43, and 229e, these are alpha and beta varieties. There are also Going, SARS-COV, and last but not least, 2019 NOV, or 2019 Novel Coronavirus, this is the last one that is identified in Wuhan.

The disease generally begins with an upper respiratory infection, but is moderate. Taking into account that we are talking about human coronavirus, this family of viruses can be transmitted between animals and humans.


Human Coronavirus appears as a cold and can cause:
General Discomfort
Sore throat / cough
Runny nose
Respiratory problems

In some cases, coronavirus can cause lower respiratory problems such as bronchitis and pneumonia. The most prone people are the elderly, newborns, and those who have a low immunity.

How is it diagnosed

Health specialists can diagnose the virus with laboratory tests and symptoms. Travel history is an important part of diagnosis.

How to spread

Coronavirus usually spreads through: physical contact, includes hand tightening, or other forms of touch. By air because of cough or sneeze. Physical contact with contaminated objects, touching nose, eyes and mouth

How to Prevent Coronavirus

We can reduce the effects of coronavirus by washing hands with water and soap for 20 seconds. If hands are not washed, do not touch your nose, mouth or eyes. At the same time, try to avoid contact with already contaminated people. There is currently no cure, neither Coronavirus vaccine. If you have symptoms specific to Coronavirus, contact Medical for Medical Treatment and Appeal.

People are very worried about Coronavirus, the economy decreases in this case, following these things a significant decrease in the chances of infection can occur. Only one, Coronavirus, is a virus belonging to a family of viruses, which causes colds, both in adults and children. Of course, when it is diagnosed, it can evolve in quite serious respiratory problems and can become a deadly.

Possibility to travel to China

If you plan to travel to China, the US department advises you not to do it. Making abstraction from medical problems, the Chinese government, can restrict access without prior notice, which can be dangerous for visitors. The Department also said that he has limited skills in helping builders who are blocked in China.

If you plan to travel to China, the US department advises you not to do it. Making abstraction from medical problems, the Chinese government, can restrict access without prior notice, which can be dangerous for visitors. The Department also said that he has limited skills in helping builders who are blocked in China.

The decrease in the economy

Of course, it is a volatile economic reaction, the world economy has seen a decrease due to coronavirus. After China announced the increase in the number of cases, the economic market in Japan and Europe stopped working with the Chinese. Analysts are of the opinion that the disease will stop global economic growth. Let's hope that this is just temporary and the order in the world will be restored soon. Come on, scientists!

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