8 ways in which olive oil can increase beauty

Olive oil is one of the largest moisturists you will ever find and does not contain additives or chemicals. You can use it as a cream for hands, hair mask, facial treatments and even detoxify the whole body!

We all know that olive oil can make miracles in the kitchen, you can make roasted meals and delicious salads, but what about using this flavor in your daily embellish routine? Olive oil is one of the largest moisturists you will ever find and does not contain additives or chemicals. You can use it as a cream for hands, hair mask, facial treatments and even detoxify the whole body! Here are 8 amazing ways through which olive oil can increase your beauty.

Hair mask

The olive oil contains omega-3 antioxidants and fats, which means it can accelerate your hair growth while giving it a healthy glow and a moisture it needs. While our scalp produces quite oil, hair peak becomes usually dried and no longer uses hair products and shampoos. Mix a little olive oil for honey for an increase in health and apply it on the hair before washing. Leave it 30-60 minutes or at night. Wash and rinse hair as you accustom. Plete will show you amazing!

Oil for bathrooms

If you like to take a warm bath from time to time to relax and leave all the worries behind, then try to add 3-4 tablespoons of olive oil instead of sparkling. You can throw 7 drops from your favorite oil for a rexalant effect. The skin will become smooth as the silk after this procedure!

Facial cleaning

Who could think that the old extra virgin olive oil can be used for facial cleaning? But it's true! Makes wonders for your skin and remove all the impurities that gathered during the day. Fill your palm with olive oil, wait a little until it gets warm and massage 30 seconds until you get into your skin. Mass a little on the face until you get rid of stress and relax your muscles. Take a wash cloth and put it in warm water, then apply a face until cool. It will open your pores for the oil to make magic. Then carefully remove the oil left on the skin- and you are ready to go!

Oil extraction

Oil Extrelation may look strange at first, but please note that it is an ancient Ayurvedic treatment, and in those days people even knew how to use oils in the best possible ways. The idea is to take a few tablespoons of oil (or any other natural oil) and put it in your mouth for about 20 minutes. While it seems a little much, you can start with less oil and make less time. This easy procedure will clean the bacteria in your mouth, alive teeth and toxins will come out of the whole body! It is important to spit the oil after you have completed the procedure and clean your teeth.

Removing makeup

It may sound slightly crazy, but the oliva oil is perfect for removing makeup. It is gentle, natural and doing it very well. Just sink a piece of cotton in olive oil and use it as your makeup remover. You will carefully clean your skin and all this time will feed it and wet it. It will improve skin elasticity and is perfect for the aging skin. At the same time, you can clean the makeup brush with a mixture of liquid soap and olive oil. Just pour a mixture of it into a glass and turns the brushes until they are soaked. Then rinse them with water until clean.

Face mask

Naturally, olive oil is a perfect base for any face mask. The growing dry skin has benefits from olive oil, specially mixed with other health products. Mix olive oil with avocado puree for immediate health effect. Antioxidants in olive oil prevent aging, while the avocado is full of healthy fatty acids that make your skin smooth and beautiful. To work better apply the mask on the slightly moistened face. Mix honey, olive oil and a spoon of salt for a perfect exfoliation that will heal your skin and hydrate your skin.

Massage oil

If you make your massage or you want to do others then olive oil can become your perfect tool. It can be mixed slightly with other oils and essential oils of aromatherapy or a beauty marriage. With its anti-inflammatory property olive oil is a perfect skin remedy on the entire body surface. It has Polyphenols and vitamin E, which is Essential for the skin.

Healing soles

The dry, cracked soles are painful and if you experience them you know it is not easy to fix them. There are different ointments you find in pharmacies, but if you want to try a natural one, then use olive oil. She rubs a little stupid oil and be generous because you will need moisture to cure your soles. Put it on warm socks to get on bed linen and go to bed. Do this treatment until the soles are healing.

Categories: Beauty
Tags: olive oil
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