The 6 most dangerous locations you need to avoid this weekend of the commemorative day
The curve could be flattened and the summer can be almost here, but Covid-19 is no less dangerous.

The Weekend Memorial Day is on us, just like home stay guidelines are starting to raise across the country. Although the figures are improving, the Covid-19 virus is no less mortal or contagious than weeks ago, so you still need to be safe when you venture outside your home. Fortunately,to be outside"Regardless of the directives on social distancing - seems to be one of the safest activities you could attend at this time. But as you plan your day-to-day weekend activities, you should be aware of where and how are you still atrisk of contracting coronavirus.
There are a number of locations that you are likely to visit during the unofficial start of the summerpose a particularly high risk to contract the potentially deadly virus. Here are the places where you need to avoid all the weekend of the Memorial Day. And for more points that are not so sure they seem, check7 "sure" locations where you could catch coronavirus.
1 Public pools

According to disease control and prevention centers (CDC), "there is no evidence that the virus that causes Covid-19 can be spread to peoplethrough the water in the poolsSpas, spas, spas or water play areas. But while the water itself could be good, especially if it is well chlorinated - it does not mean a trip to the local pool is safe.
"You must assume that people [at the pool] are infected"Roberta Lavin, aprofessor of medicine At the University of the University of Tennessee Nursing College, told the American masters swimming. "All they touch would be contaminated. It would be difficult toEnter and get out of the pool without touching anything Or interact with another person. "
In addition, a 2009 study published in the journalWater search found that coronaviruses in general, not Covid-19 specifically, canStay in the water for a few days a few weeks. "Now it's important to note that simply because the virus particles are found in the water, it does not necessarily mean that they will be active and capable of provoking active infection", "Jamil Abdurrahman, MD, andItries Abdurrahman, MD, previously saidBetter life. "But just the fact that aCoronavirus can be able to survive in water means that it is at least possible that the transmission of the virus can occur to contact contaminated water. "
2 Concession stands

The concession stands resembling very trafficked spaces, densely crowded and poorly ventilated - are where coronavirus transmission is the highest. In fact, a study on JapanNational Institute of Infectious Diseases, which has not yet been examined by peers, found that "the chances of a transmitted CIVID-19 primary affair in a closed environment was 18.7 times higher than that of an outdoor environment". In short? If you go out for the day, try bringing your own food and drinks. And for more errors, you could make sure that the locks end, discover9 errors that you should not do when reopening.
3 Public toilets

If you venture outside your home, make sure you use your bathroom before starting the door. The public bathrooms are a place you want to avoid in the middle of the pandemic, see how Covid-19 can easily be broadcast via theAerosolization of fecal matter when we slide the toilets.
But that's not all. "In addition to the potential exhibition of the toilet, you can potentially be exposed by people who sear their hands"Roberto Contreras II, MD, regional medical director ofBorrego Health In California, previously saidBetter life. "Bacteria, viruses, etc. of their hands [get] thrown into the air with the use of many dryers by hand." Basically, it is better to hold it until you get home.
4 Grocery Payment Countertops

Do you indicate about provisions for your garden barbecue or family picnic? Just know thatgrocery clerk are not only on the frontal lines of the battle against this pandemic, but many are actuallydie after contracting the virus, because of the frequent exposure. The only place in the grocery store where people areThe most at risk of contracting COVID-19 is the cash desktop, according to a recent CNN report.
Instead, theThe best place to shop is a farmers marketBut if it's not an option for you to get your burgers, your hot dogs and watermelon,mask At the grocery store and keep your distance between others, including staff. And to make sure you wear your mask in good way, check7 ways you still dock your fake face mask.
5 Beach gyms

Recent studies show thatSpeak loud, heavy breathing andExercise can lead to the propagation of coronavirusdue to an increase in droplets in the air. So, this weekend, jump the gym from the beach, that the game of volleyball, or the tug of the war. And for some summer activities you can do safely, check 15 summer back yard games playing during quarantine .
6 Public transport

This is not necessarily a tradition of the commemorative day, but many city dwellers had to make public transportation to go to parks and beaches. It turns out that mass transit systems lead the league of user-friendly variables to diffuse germs. In fact, a 2011 study published in the journal BMC Infectious Diseases showed that those who took the transit mass were six times more likely to contract a respiratory disease that those who did not do it. So, if you can go to your outdoor activity and Avoid buses, metros and trains , Thanks.

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