Category: Lifestyle
9 easy ways to integrate personal care into your daily routine
Personal care is not to buy dear things or a massage. It's about finding time to pay attention to your mental, physical and spiritual health, to restore them in a small and accessible way that brings you joy.
How to love your life: 5 simple steps
Do you like your life? It's a difficult question to answer. If life is a moments puzzle, you can absolutely say that you like some parts. But if you take your life as a whole ... There are days when your life is ...
Progress in America: #Lovewins!
I always thought that America was going to be one of the first countries to board the idea of same-sex marriage. Only with America being the country of the free and the house of the courageous. I know it's not perfect, no country ...
14 ways to fall in love with yourself and be a better you
Who needs a BAE when you can listen in your own beautiful, smart and talented self? These tips will help you crawling in love with yourself and kissing the things you thought.
8 unique ideas for your child's birthday party
A birthday party is crucial for a child, making it interesting and exciting for a child is a must. The children wait for their birthday all year long and if you want your child to be really satisfied with a party, a birthday cake and ...
Top natural boosters for your health
We can almost say that a healthy lifestyle is a new trend now. Many girls are obsessed with all these recipes of smoothies, popular and trendy diets because they want to stay in shape and healthy. But some of them take pills ...
Fun ways to paint with your child
Children gather a lot of their perception of the world playing. Regardless of your child's age, it is extremely essential to spend time choosing good toys or finding new activities that will strengthen the child's development. The great mistake of parents often do ...
They changed beauty standards
To quote BBC's Sherlock: "Uh, beauty is a construction fully based on impressions, influences and childhood models". These standards change from generation to generation, but for the last two years, the media grow the same level of beauty over everyone -...
How are you scaring on your zodiac sign?
Discover how are you scary on your zodiac sign ...
7 Ideas Perfume Gifts of the Best Mother's Day
If you have forgotten, the Mother's Day is just around the corner. If you still do not understand what's present to buy, do not worry, you do not have time, and a text with an Emoji flower simply do not work. Of course, choose a perfect gift is ...
8 great mother-girl activity ideas for Mother's Day
Mothers are the most important people in our lives and there is no doubt about it. It was the ones who brought us in this world and without them, we would not literally exist. Mothers are incredible and should be appreciated every day for all things they ...
10 unique ideas for DIY Mother's Day gifts
You want your mother to remember the Mother's Day. But what do you prepare for her? The holidays are around the corner. These ideas in recent minutes are exactly what you need! It is not necessary to spend a lot of money on them, but if ...
15 essential cooking tours and advice
We all know that cooking is sometimes a delicate thing. Women spend a lot of time preparing food, but very often they simply lose time. Because there are a lot of tips and tricks that can make our lives easier. You will be surprised how ...
I can not help but press "I like" for: lambers, twee and cute guys with puppies
Over the past year, we have seen, "loved" and followed many new positions, as well as groups and tips on Pinterest who have brought new style trends to the tip and of course gave us doses. daily joy and inspiration. By the way ...
10 crazy facts that you do not know about astrology
Astrology appeared there are thousands of years in an attempt at the sense of the universe and its laws. The stars have met us since the very beginning of human history, so no surprising that our star has led us to believe that these sparks in the sky actually influence our lives. In fact, all your destiny is written in the sky up! Most people know their sign of astrology and some really like to read horoscopes and follow the advice they give, but there are many facts that many of us still do not know astrology and signs of the zodiac. You will be surprised how old this knowledge is and how it can be used to learn more about yourself.
Beyonce - The woman who changed the face of feminism
Feminism used a lot of bad representative. People used to associate it with hateful man burning bra and hairy armpits. There are still many people who are confused about what feminism is. The main problem, in my opinion, in this feminism necessary ...
Dance: 10 amazing dances from around the world to move your body
Traveling around the world, we live different cultures. Although food, tongue and architecture show you the history of culture, music and dance by setting up the movement. Get your best dance outfit and move your body to some of the best dances around the world.
10 signs that you are ready to be a parent
Raising children is the most difficult and responsible for adults will never undertake. You should understand - this little stranger will change your life totally and forever, not just a part of it, not just for a period, but everything ...
10 Easter eggs Creative ideas
Oh yes, it's Easter time - get ready to gather these beautiful bold eggs, but you must first offer fresh ideas how to decorate them for Easter before it's too late and you will decide simply declining them with coloring the ...
8 ways to make healthier Easter baskets
Do you like Easter as if we do? Every year, you can feel this incredible spring spirit as well as to have fun coloring eggs with children, Easter rabbits, stuffed baskets, thematic decorations. And Easter would not be of Easter without delicious treats in your cart. This year, we recommend ...
5 reasons to love being a tattooed bride
The most popular issue for tattooed brides is to show or not show their tattoos on the day of their wedding. Many women choose to cover them but it's not a good idea. You should not be afraid to show your tattoos on your ...
An incredible acrobatic couple has wedding ceremonies around the world
If you thought you have a cool wedding adventure, you are about to feel super boring. This couple had the unique idea of having a wedding ceremony in all the countries of the world.
What you drink says a lot about you!
The girl who drinks ... was much written on this topic late. Some items are pretty graphic and explain how this woman wants to be perceived. The barks of the ladies or what would often be the night of the night of the night of drinks, are really the ...
Adorable cosplay duo: 7 year old girl and mom dressed like disney characters
When you were a little girl, you did not like to live in Disney's magical world? Well, a little girl named Layla got her wish granted in a way. She and her mother play dress all the time and take amazing images that look even more magical than movies. Layla likes to dress like Disney princesses and his mother likes to be the bad guy. They are a very adorable duet, look for.
10 gadgets all parents need to know
Being a new mom has always been stressful. But these days, it's so easier! New technologies become supermaries and superdads dealing with all the elements of parents and non-parents. Planning to have a baby? Or in search of good gift ideas for ...
8 things to say to anyone who thinks pom-pump is not a real sport
Those who say that cheerleading is not a sport - just dare to spend a day in the life of a cheerleader. They work and practice for hours nearly 7 days a week without stopping for only 3 minutes of execution. Not only should they have ...
Does female friendship exist?
Yes. Definitely yes. Of course, women friendship exist, there is no question about it. The real question is why is it still in doubt? Seriously. I suppose this question has just lived in a society where most executive positions in the media ...
Passionate about Yoga Laura Kasperzak: a woman who has become an internet sensation
The number of people who choose to live a healthy lifestyle has increased enormously in the last 5 to 10 years. Vegetarianism, biological food, fitness, meditation are very popular today. Yoga has become part of this healthy lifestyle movement and the number of young yoga lovers is ...
10 easy tips to stay healthy this winter
Winter has already come. With the joy of skiing, sled, snowball fights and many beautiful winter landscapes the influenza epidemics came. Everyone knows that to resist cold, you need to strengthen your immune system. We gathered the best tips that are ...
10 benefits of winter marriages
I bet you think that a winter wedding is a bad idea. But do not rush for conclusions before knowing all the benefits. The New Year and Christmas can provide a good atmosphere for a winter wedding. Winter marriages remind us a small family reunion that ...