10 crazy facts that you do not know about astrology

Astrology appeared there are thousands of years in an attempt at the sense of the universe and its laws. The stars have met us since the very beginning of human history, so no surprising that our star has led us to believe that these sparks in the sky actually influence our lives. In fact, all your destiny is written in the sky up! Most people know their sign of astrology and some really like to read horoscopes and follow the advice they give, but there are many facts that many of us still do not know astrology and signs of the zodiac. You will be surprised how old this knowledge is and how it can be used to learn more about yourself.

Astrology appeared thousands of years ago to try to give a sense of the universe and laws. Stars Hypnotized We since the beginning of the history of humanity, so no surprising that our observation of the stars led us to believe that these sparks in the sky actually influence our life. In fact, your destiny everything is written in the sky above! Most people know their sign of astrology and some really appreciate reading horoscopes and following the advice they give, but there are many facts that many of us still do not know about the signs of the zodiac and astrology . You will be surprised to discover how old this knowledge is and how it can be used to learn more about yourself.

The moon affects your body
We all know that the moon influences ocean and sea waters and is almost responsible for tides. Our bodies are mainly made of water, so it would therefore not be surprising to discover that the moon influences our mind and body states just as much. Many people say they act or feel strange during the full moon - that's exactly why! Although it is not itself a scientific fact, there are statistics showing that the more aggression occur during the full moon. Just pay attention to what you feel!

Presidents are really in astrology
The regans shot to be true amateurs of astrology than on a horoscopes consulted every day. After the assassination attempt at her husband, Reagan really in the planning of astrology and even started various presidential events around her. The Readans even ran the White House with the help of astrology! Presidents Franklin D. Roosevelt and Theodore Roosevelt were also fans of this science.

The future of Hitler was predicted by astrology
Although no one knew how horrifying his reign would be, a person predicts a "big" future for Adolf Hitler. Back in 1924 Frau Elisabeth Ebertin received his Hitler Natal Astrological Theme and made a precise forecast to become fuhrer. Hitler himself believed in astrology and consulted on more than one occasion.

Your sign influences the way you look at
Astrologes believe that every sign of the zodiac has certain features and characteristics that differs from all others. Gemini signs usually have refined characteristics and are quite small, while Sagittarius have long magnificent legs and tend to behave in a Tomboy-Ish manner. Scorpios rock quite an intense look and usually have amazing muscular bodies. There is certainly at least a certain truth about that!

Astrology is a very old knowledge
Dates of astrology back to 3000 years before JC in Mesopotamia. Babylonians obviously knew an old thing or two on the stars and the planets, but their knowledge was gradually lost and what remained was twisted and transformed into astrology we know today by Greek, Indian, and astrologers Chinese. While astrology today is generally considered a pseudoscience, in the day, it was a respectable science that closely linked to astronomy.

We have all favorite colors for a reason
Many believe that our choice of the favorite color palette depends on astrology with its stellar and planetary positions. Each zodiac sign has a list of colors that make it or its calm or agitated. Just like that, fish tend to gravitate towards green sea colors, Sagittari signs like to be there all violet things, Taurus pink pretty pink above all other colors, and the balance really blue shades. So, the next time you will be redesigning your room, consider integrating a couple recommended by astrology.

Zodiac signs influence your relationships
All the signs of the zodiac are different and, according to astrology, some are more compatible than others. This does not mean that astrology knows what relationships would certainly work or vice versa, but it does not hurt to have this little additional information. Scorpions are really passionate and go well with signs of water like fish and cancer, while signs of air like balance and Gemini can create beautiful relationships with Aquarius. The possibilities are limitless!

Retrograde mercury
Many of us have heard this mysterious term that does not really make sense if you have at least a small degree in astrology. A few times a year Mercury seems to completely change his course (inverse or retrograde). Although it is just an illusion of optics, according to astrology this event affects our daily life and people should be very careful during these periods. No decommissioning decision should be made during mercury retrograde that these plans will not be available soon.

Zodiac signs affect your lovemaking
All astrological signs have their own sexual characteristics and compatibility with other signs. It is thought that powerful lovers can be a little selfish in bed. Gemini are pretty creative in love and taurus have crazy libido levels, so they can last a long time in bed. If you want to enjoy really passionate relationships, Leo will certainly have something to offer.

Your sign can really be different
Things change in heaven as much as they do on the earth. There is a phenomenon called precession, which refers to the wobbly land on its axis. Your panel depends on the position of the sun at the time of your birth and that if the precession has not been taken into account during the calculations, your sign can actually be totally different. That being said, everyone seems to believe that astrology is a non-science and ancient ancient precise have always known the precession, as they knew other stars and galaxies.

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