Progress in America: #Lovewins!

I always thought that America was going to be one of the first countries to board the idea of same-sex marriage. Only with America being the country of the free and the house of the courageous. I know it's not perfect, no country ...

Progress in America - LoveWins!I always thought that America was going to be one of the first countries to board the idea of ​​same-sex marriage. Only with America being the country of the free and the house of the courageous. I know it's not perfect, no country is. But America has always been the country that everyone secretly dreams of. It's the promised land. A place where everything is possible. When you say "only in America", you always refer to something incredible and awesome. However, states took their time. Even sex marriage in America started with only 1 state - Massachusetts, then more states joined, and finally, on June 26, 2015, the glorious day of victory came. June 26 is a good day for America. It is the day, on which the same-sex marriage has been legalized throughout the country. From now on, it is not just a privilege of heterosexual couples, it is a constitutional right for all.

America may not be the first country to do that, it is actually the 21st, but it is the largest country so far. So what took it so long? America is one of the most populous countries in the world, it is also a country that believes in democracy, which means that the peoples of the country say they are going on and can vote for the laws. they wish. Does this mean that all America believes in same-sex marriage now? Probably not. But the majority of the country is doing. What happened on June 26 was a decision of the Supreme Court of the United States. That everyone must agree with, regardless of whether they want it or not. This is a good decision, by the way, I applaud it. But 36 of the 50 states recognized same sex marriage as legal before June 26th. It is a large number of states and many people who have come to the conclusion that everyone should have the right to marry the person they like by themselves. It's impressive. This means that the attitudes and vision of people on society change.

In the 60s and 70s, it was unthinkable that same-sex marriage could be legal. There were laws in place who really banged same-sex marriage in some states. Only 50 years later, we now live in a world where same-sex marriage is publicly discussed everywhere and that countries are starting to change their legislation and finally accept the same sex marriage as the legal. 50 years may seem long, especially for those who fight for that all this time. It takes time and generations of people. The old habits are difficult to break. But 50 years of history is very little time. And there has been a lot of progress in this period. The perspective of people and prospects changes, people are increasingly accepting the LGBTQ community and thus accept even gender marriage.

Personally, I do not quite understand the opposite point of view. I do not understand why would you want to ban people to get married? Why did it take so long since people understand that there is nothing wrong with same-sex marriage and why there were so many angry people against that? Why would someone be supported if anyone else wanted to marry someone same sex? What does it serious? Do these people feel threatened? And if so, whereby? The same-sex marriage does not change anything for heterosexual couples and families. It literally affects them in any way. So why would you be against that? In addition, if you, as heterosexual couple, have the right to get married, why does a couple of the same sex have the same right? We are all people and we should all be equal in our rights. It's a very simple idea, but many people struggle with her for some reason.

I know there are many people who think the same way. I know there are generations of children who will grow believing in equality. Thanks to this decision of the Supreme Court of the United States, there will be generations of people in America who will have no guarantee on same-sex marriage, they will simply see it as a normal thing, because it is the law. now. We are moving towards a better and more acceptable future and I can not wait to see him arrive!

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