9 easy ways to integrate personal care into your daily routine

Personal care is not to buy dear things or a massage. It's about finding time to pay attention to your mental, physical and spiritual health, to restore them in a small and accessible way that brings you joy.

So often, we put other people before ours. Add household tasks and work to the mix and things can be really exhausting. So, how is it a relaxation and recharge it correctly? Personal care is a concept that we hear a lot to take it into account, but nowadays, but incorporating personal care practices into your daily routine is the only way to get there. Personal care is not to buy dear things or a massage. It's about finding time to pay attention to your mental, physical and spiritual health, to restore them in a small and accessible way that brings you joy.

1. Work

Many people see exercise as a race, but in fact, it is the ultimate act of personal care. Weightlifting and cardio can improve your mental well-being (hell yeah, endorphins) as well as your physical health and be stronger inside and out, you can help you improve trust, motivation and Improve your mood. Go a bike ride or head at the local ice rink if structured workouts are not your thing. Even fast stretching can help.

2. Meditation

Meditation has tons of advantages, is free of equipment and easy to reach for all. That being said, many people do not like to sit and close their eyes. Other ways to calm this chatter and reduce stress include yoga as a form of meditation, staining books or other business that allows you to focus on a thought at a time.

3. Spend time in nature

Even if the time cools for some of us, nothing is more refreshing than a hike or lying on a blanket surrounded by trees and fresh air. Entering nature can be a vast experience and even a spiritual experience that helps you connect to the world around you and yourself.

4. Go on a digital detoxification

This pair perfectly with our suggestion of nature. What is a digital detox? So many of our minds are filled with anxiety and stress of response text messages, emails and social media, which invites comparison and self-judgment. But nothing of all that matters when it comes to our happiness. So, set your phone in airplane mode, or better, turn it off completely. This will help you refocus and can also revive your happiness and your love.

5. Take a bath of aromatherapy

Most spas are closed during Covid-19 and even if they were not, a spa day can come with a huge price tag. With a DIY recreation, you can stay in the comfort of your own bathroom - for free! There is just something about a bath and your favorite playlist that allows you to fully melt in this hot water and let go. Essential oils can make it even better - Choose lavender for relaxation and eucalyptus for invigorating powers.

6. Make a list of tasks

You can not push the races forever! But write a list of tasks to do can make them more manageable - on a digital calendar or on paper. Seeing a reasonable list can help you remind you that even if your mind has made a monster of this task, it's not so scary. Write it in order of essential tasks and take a moment to think about how this task will help you achieve your goals and your dreams, as well as the tasks you can possibly eliminate it does not have as much positive impact.

7. Stay hydrated

Drinking more water is a wonderful way to take care of you a little better. Drinking enough water will boost your energy, will make your intestines happier and will also help you make healthier food choices. A dehydrated person often feels more tired than it really is. Water is really life!

8. Start a gratitude journal

It's easy to take things for acquired, but we have a lot to thank in this life. Studies show that this can really improve your mental health in just three months. In addition to writing things that you are grateful and why, daily, you can try to integrate more acts of kindness into your daily routine or "paying the front" as we know. Smile at a stranger. Open the door for someone. Give your colleague a compliment.

9. Spend time on your hobbies

Take the time to spend on your passions is important. Many people think that hobbies are for children, but it's just not true. The hobbies are a form of personal development, which is necessary for your growth as a person. Login to hobbies can also increase creativity, which improves your quality of life and can even help you make you more productive at work. More importantly, all these things help you connect to your true self authentic, which can help us all flourish.

Categories: Lifestyle
Tags: self-care
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