Remember the little an aurora? This year she will be 30 years old

We all remember this pretty girl with an angelic face and charming stems on the cheeks. In the middle of zero films Oksana Bayrak with her participation broke the heart to millions of viewers. Today we will tell you how the fate of the young actress after such a rapid acting career was.

Remember the little an aurora? This year she will be 30 years old
Coco Chanel, Madonna and Greta Tunberg: Time magazine amounted to a list of women of the year for the last 100 years

Time magazine recently compiled a list of "Women of the Year" over the past 100 years. Each of them, according to publishers, in different decades made an important contribution to the development of society and the whole planet. For each of the laureaters, a separate stylized cover was made.

Coco Chanel, Madonna and Greta Tunberg: Time magazine amounted to a list of women of the year for the last 100 years
Fashion Parisians: 7 Inspirational Instagram-Profiles

To visit Paris and inspired by the style of luxury Frenchwomen is much easier than it seems. We picked up 7 exciting accounts that, without a doubt, will decorate your instagram tape.

Fashion Parisians: 7 Inspirational Instagram-Profiles
How to entertain children on quarantine: a young mother from Japan is preparing a phenomenal scrambled eggs

Quarantine made on his head forced many parents by surprise. What to take a child to finally do not go crazy? Without panic!

How to entertain children on quarantine: a young mother from Japan is preparing a phenomenal scrambled eggs
What products worth buying during quarantine to support immunity

Self-insulation is the best time to reconsider your habits, including food. We tell what products to buy during quarantine to support immunity.

What products worth buying during quarantine to support immunity
Celebrity selection: what to wear a veil

Let's look at the example of celebrities, as in the XXI century you can diversify your wardrobe using such a wondrous accessory as a veil.

Celebrity selection: what to wear a veil
How fast and safely remove gel varnish at home

When there is no opportunity to turn to the master to remove the gel varnish, it can be done at home with the help of remedies. In no case, do not try to just skip or tear off the nail polish. This is fraught with serious injuries. Here you have a few secrets, how to do it at home without special devices.

How fast and safely remove gel varnish at home
How not to recover during quarantine: 7 Delful Soviets

Little movement, a lot of food - during quarantine there is a risk of seriously recovering. We share effective advice as not to eat a sides, sitting at home at a computer.

How not to recover during quarantine: 7 Delful Soviets
10 most beautiful couples from favorite TV series and films of the 90s

Milli and Ivo, Brand and Dylan, Rachel and Ross - from which of these couples did you go crazy in youth?

10 most beautiful couples from favorite TV series and films of the 90s
Giant paper flowers Danish artist Marianna Eriksen Scott Hansen

Artist Marianna Eriksen Scott-Hansen from Copenhagen creates amazing bouquets of flowers from cigarette paper. Every flower it makes manually manually and without any templates, which makes them, truly unique. You can make sure you look at the work of this amazing woman!

Giant paper flowers Danish artist Marianna Eriksen Scott Hansen
Trend dyeing hair 2020

Bold experiments with image is the best option to reboot after quarantine. If you have long dreamed of painting your hair, feel free to realize your plan. Here you will find the most trend variants of hair coloring. The choice is only for you!

Trend dyeing hair 2020
The most attractive men by the sign of the zodiac

Representatives of these signs of the zodiac enchant women at first sight and force their hearts to beat participated regardless of their social status or appearance. So who are they, these handsome?

The most attractive men by the sign of the zodiac
How to cut hair yourself: make a kara, crop bangs, get rid of split tips

Quarantine, self-insulation ... Your hair is still. They will continue to grow on schedule. Sequencing tips and abrasing bangs threaten many. However, there is a way out of the situation - you can cut the hair yourself without leaving the house. How to do it?

How to cut hair yourself: make a kara, crop bangs, get rid of split tips
8 tips how to make a good impression on the guy's parents

Even if you are nervous, feel stress or do not know what to expect from the meeting, these useful tips will help you not fall into the dirt face.

8 tips how to make a good impression on the guy's parents
Products that should not be stored in the refrigerator

We used to fold in the fridge almost all edible products that we have at home. It seems to us that in this way we will prolong their expiration date. In fact, everything is not so unequivocal. There are products for which low temperatures are contraindicated.

Products that should not be stored in the refrigerator
8 budget analogues expensive superfudov

Each of us is heard about the benefits of superfudov. They are saturated with the body with vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. Regular consumption consumption is positively affected by the state of hair and skin. They help strengthen immunity and even lose weight. The only drawback is a rather high price. However, do not be upset ...

8 budget analogues expensive superfudov
Sexy and stereotypes: why March 8 loses its relevance

Traditionally, on March 8, the post-Soviet space is associated with the bouquets of tulips, mimos, chocolate candies and state weekends - in general, with anything, just not with the ideas of Emancipation and the struggle of women for their rights.

Sexy and stereotypes: why March 8 loses its relevance
6 reasons why women choose loneliness

Futurologists make a stunning forecast: the decade that has come in 2020 they call the time of singles. And all because the old gender roles do not work. Modern women are no longer scary to stay without a permanent partner. And that's why.

6 reasons why women choose loneliness
8 signs of good dad

A real man is not only a fighter and a getter, it is also a good father, a mentor and a teacher in life. In his power to help the child to overcome their fears and complexes. Teach him stand firmly on the legs. Let's figure out what qualities a man is needed to become a good father?

8 signs of good dad
Famous women who first became mothers after 40 years

Modern women are in no hurry to start children. They get an education, build a career, and someone simply does not feel ready for such an important event. Despite the fact that there is a stereotype in society that it is too late to give birth after 40 late, many ladies successfully refute this myth. Inspire examples of some famous actresses and singers.

Famous women who first became mothers after 40 years
Top 10 Spring Trends Manicure

We disassemble the trades of the manicure that will be especially relevant to look at this spring.

Top 10 Spring Trends Manicure
5 most unusual ways to lose weight

Summer is approaching, vacation season and hot parties on the beach. Have you already managed to bring the body in order? We have excellent news for you. It turns out that it is possible to reset the excess weight and without painful diets, starvation and serious loads in the gym.

5 most unusual ways to lose weight
"Time and Glass" broke: 10 little-known facts about the group

"Time and Glass" released their last clip and announced the termination of the group's existence. Nadia and Alexey decided to put a point in their joint activities. Fortunately, not in his creative career. The guys promise to continue to delight their fans, only more cooler and suck in a different way! With tears in the eyes recalls the most interesting facts from the life of the favorite group.

"Time and Glass" broke: 10 little-known facts about the group
6 star couples who got married on Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day is the most romantic day of the year. Someone on this day timidly confesses to love and gives the first kiss, and someone goes under the crown. Because the wedding on February 14 promises to be colorful and bright!

6 star couples who got married on Valentine's Day
As a flash of coronavirus influenced the fashion industry

Because of the coronavirus epidemic, the global industry has already lost $ 50 billion. The textile industry and the fashion industry are one of the main victims of the impending crisis. About what losses suffered fashionable giants and what will be expected in the future, read in our today's review.

As a flash of coronavirus influenced the fashion industry
Blonde in Brunette: Domestic Stars Decorated to Cardinal Shift

A radical change of image requires courage. After all, changes do not always go to favor. Even stars allow mistakes. We suggest you look at these stellar beauties to inspire an experiment or protect yourself from him!

Blonde in Brunette: Domestic Stars Decorated to Cardinal Shift
8 cult lipsticks that do not mind spend money

Budget cosmetics are good, and luxury is even better. We chose for you eight luxurious lipsticks, which 100% justify their merciless price.

8 cult lipsticks that do not mind spend money
9 simple tips that will help flourish your beauty

No need to strive for the ideal of a glossy magazine covers. Every woman is unique and different, one has only to learn how to present themselves in a favorable light. We have prepared for you 9 ordinary tips that will help you bloom your beauties a few times.

9 simple tips that will help flourish your beauty
How to take a child on quarantine: 10 excellent ideas

Quarantine Zastiga surmoved most parents. But you should not despair! We have prepared 10 ideas for you how fun to spend time with a child on quarantine. We promise will be interesting - and you can finally tear your child from gadgets.

How to take a child on quarantine: 10 excellent ideas
Deceived wife: why Irina Meladze still holds a grudge against the ex-spouse

Irina Meladze doted on her husband, bore him three daughters and supported in all creative endeavors. Imagine her surprise when her husband announced divorce.

Deceived wife: why Irina Meladze still holds a grudge against the ex-spouse