7 reasons for consuming garlic for your health

Millions of people around the world consume garlic every day, but not many of them know if they actually have very great medical efficacy.

Millions of people around the world consume garlic every day, but not many of them know if they actually have very great medical efficacy. Egyptian people, Greece, Babylon and Ancient Chinese understand the health benefits of garlic and use it widely. According to Ayurveda books from India, garlic is also a potential drug for various diseases and medical conditions, even though it also mentioned having several side effects. Therefore you can continue to use garlic in pizza and pasta, but you can also use it as a real medicine when sick. Here are 7 reasons for consuming garlic for your health.

Fever and flu

Garlic is a powerful immune amplifier and will help you overcome fever or flu quickly, caused by sulfur compounds that are formed when you smooth, cut or chew fresh garlic tubers. This means you will get maximum benefits by consuming raw garlic. To deal with seasonal flu, take some raw garlic cloves or make a cup of garlic tea by adding a little ginger and honey to make it taste more bearable. This will strengthen your immune and relieve flu symptoms.

Nutrient content

Garlic is full of various vitamins and minerals that are important for your health thoroughly. It has vitamin C, copper, iron, selenium, magnesium and high vitamin B6. The last two nutrients are known to be responsible for cognition, brain health and good mood functions. Garlic has low calories, which makes it a perfect food supplement to improve your health.


For thousands of years of our ancestors have used garlic to fight various types of infections, prevent parasites and remove toxins from within the body. You can also eliminate bacteria and fungal infections. The mouthwash made from garlic will eliminate bacteria causes caries from your mouth, even though this is not the most refreshing formula. Consumption of garlic and certain herbal ingredients in the long run will free your body from all types of parasites.

Normalize high blood pressure

High blood pressure is the cause of various heart disorders. Garlic not only helps control blood pressure, it can also balance cholesterol levels and reduce blood sugar levels. All this happens because the sulfur alicine compound contained in the newly cut garlic, mashed or squeezed. This means you will get maximum benefits by consuming no cooked garlic, because garlic will lose most of the medical efficacy when you use it as a material.

Young skin

One of the main causes of our skin looks tired and old is a lack of collagen, which occurs because of an inappropriate menu arrangement, an inadequate sleep cycle and stress. All of these factors lead to the increasing number of wrinkles, which makes you look older than they should. Garlic helps maintain collagen and can also be used to restore various skin diseases and fungal infections.

Healthy hair

You may have heard if the onion can be useful to recover hair damage - alright, garlic can also provide some benefits for beauty. If you have thin and fragile hair and feel if you often lose a lot of hair, take a little garlic extract (from raw garlic mashed) and rub it with the gurrage on your scalp. As you know, all hair problems start from these two things: the food menu or the condition of your scalp. You have to keep both healthy! You can also try a number of garlic starch sari and massage to your head at least once a week. Your hair will be much stronger.

How to use it

Because you already know white garlic is amazing, especially if consumed raw, you might also want to include it on your diet menu. Prepare an acid salad sauce by smoothing one garlic clove and mixed with a little olive oil or sunflower oil. You can also make a sort of spread for healthy bread, although it's a bit sharp - enough to puree one clove of garlic and mix with a number of samin oil to get a better taste. If you don't really like raw garlic, just use it to give a taste on the vegetarian menu, soup and your fruit juice. There are also some supplements for you to use, which doesn't smell at all!

Categories: Food & Travel
Tags: garlic / health
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