8 Indonesian traditional recipes that can improve the immune system

Corona viruses or also known as Covid-19 are rampant in the world, especially in Indonesia. For this reason, it's a good idea to keep the body's immune system by keeping a healthy life. In addition, you can also try 8 traditional Indonesian recipes that can improve the body's immune system.

Corona viruses or also known as Covid-19 are rampant in the world, especially in Indonesia. For this reason, it's a good idea to keep the body's immune system by keeping a healthy life. In addition, you can also try 8 traditional Indonesian recipes that can improve the body's immune system. What list?

1. Wedang Uwuh.

Traditional drinks from Yogyakarta are famous for having many benefits, one of which is to increase immune and immune systems. In addition, Wedang Uwuh is also useful to reduce cholesterol, relieve pain, launch blood circulation, and many others.

How to make it quite easy. Mix ingredients such as cinnamon, ginger, secang, cloves, nutmeg leaves, clove leaves, sugar, and water. Then add the ingredients into boiling water. Stir until the soluble and reddish water ingredients. After that lift water and drink while warm.

2. Kencur Rice

The second recipe comes from Javanese land, namely kencur rice. This herb has been legendary since time immemorial, very effective to improve the body's immune system because it is rich in antioxidants. What to do with antioxidants and what immune systems? Well, the antioxidant serves to counteract free radicals that can reduce the immune system. So, indirectly antioxidants play a role in improving your immune system.

3. Turmeric acid

If you want traditional concoctions or recipes that have many benefits, then one of the acid turmeric. This ancestral traditional recipe has a lot of benefits such as reducing pain during menstruation, reducing body odor, preventing acne, and the most important thing is to cleanse poisons and increase immune systems and immune systems.

4. Wedang Ginger.

If on the first list you know Wedang Uwuh, this time we will introduce Wedang Ginger to you. Have you ever heard it? Yes, Wedang Ginger is very famous and can you order in various corners of the city like in Yogyakarta.

The benefits and efficacy of Wedang Ginger are so much like to reduce blood sugar, reduce inflammation, launch blood flow, and of course improve the immune system because of the high antioxidant content.

5. Wedang Temulawak.

The legacy of the next Indonesian ancestral recipe is temulawak. You can process it into a drink or better known as Wedang Temulawak. The way to present it is almost the same as Wedang Uwuh, where you simply mix the required recipes including ceramulawak along with boiling water.

Ginger benefits are very much like antibacterial, preventing cancer, relieving inflammation, helping the body's metabolic process, and the most important is to increase endurance.

6. Wedang Serai.

Have you ever thought that lemongrass / lemor is very beneficial for the body? Maybe you have found lemongrass as one of the famous food recipes in Indonesia such as Soto, Oseng-oseng, and so on. However, this time we encourage you to boil along with boiling water.

Why is that? Because the lemongrass stew or better known as Wedang Lemongrass has a myriad of benefits such as overcoming depression, maintaining cholesterol levels, and of course repel free radicals because they contain high antioxidants.

7. Jamu Sambiloto.

Maybe you are wondering, what is it bitter? Well, in order to answer your curiosity, we will explain briefly, solidly, and clearly. Sambiloto is a plant from Asia and India which is famous for its very bitter taste. His scientific name is Andrographis Paniculata.

Although bitter, but this traditional recipe has very amazing benefits such as helping to relieve heat in, overcoming respiratory infections, as well as the most important is to increase immune and immune systems. Even though it tastes bitter, but it is worth consuming regularly.

8. Wedang cinnamon

On the last list of traditional Indonesian recipes that can improve the immune system are Wedang cinnamon! Aside from being a food ingredient, cinnamon can also be processed into a drink called Wedang cinnamon, you know!

Wedang cinnamon is very good for immunity and body immunity because it contains high antioxidants. In addition, this drink can also improve brain function, maintain health sugar, and many others.

Well, that's 8 traditional Indonesian recipes that can improve the immune system. Maybe after reading the information above, you wonder what the meaning of the word wedang is it? Simply put, Wedang or Wedhang is a Javanese language which means it is hot or warm drinks. Are you interested in trying 8 recipes above?

Categories: Food & Travel
By: max-frye
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