8 facts Covid-19 that you must know

Panic and anxiety in yourself and the family must be felt by everyone. But do not focus too much with an anxiety, you better and your family prepare to always maintain body immunity and undergo a healthy lifestyle by maintaining cleanliness. To reduce anxiety and panic, you better read the right information about the Covid-19 virus. Next we will present 8 facts about Coronavirus or Covid-19.

Lately, the Indonesian people are being hit by anxiety to quickly expand the Covid-19 virus (Corona Virus) in various Kotaindonesia. Until March 26, there were 893 people in Indonesia who were confirmed by Positive Covid-19. WHO announced that this outbreak was a global outbreak, because until now the death toll of 18,612 people worldwide, in Indonesia itself had 78 people died.

Panic and anxiety in yourself and family must be felt all people. But do not focus too much with existing anxiety, it is better and the family prepares to always maintain the body's immunity of the body of a healthy lifestyle by maintaining cleanliness. To reduce instruments with panic, you better read the right information about VirusCovid-19. Next we will present 8 facts about Coronavirus orCovid-19,Check it out bellows!

1. Very quickly reinforce throughout the world

The new Covid-19 virus appeared for the first time at the end of the Buler of 2019 in Wuhan City, China. In the data at the end of March, Virus has spread to 198 parts of the world hemisphere, and infecting at least 473,137 people. In the middle of this outbreak, people all over the world experience future days. Because some countries areLockdown His country in order to anticipate the Covid-19 virus. The economy around the world has dropped dramatically. The whole entertainment place, school and transportation is temporarily closed.

In Indonesia itself there has been an appeal from the government forStay at home andWork from Home, in order to support the registration of the spread of the Covid-19 virus by applyingSocial / physical entry.

2. Symptoms are similar to ordinary flu

Positive patients Covid-19 will usually feel symptoms like ordinary flu, namely fever, cough, runny nose, sore throat, and headache. But what distinguishes to Covid-19 is the patient experience flu symptoms accompanied by body temperatures above 38 degrees Celsius and have difficulty breathing (shortness of breath).

Calm down, if you feel some of the symptoms above, it doesn't necessarily there is a Covid-19 virus in your body. Above is a table that has been intercourse between ordinary flu with Covid-19.

3. Relatives from Mers and SARS

You must have heard of the outbreak of the SARS virus(Severe Acuterespiratory Syndrome) in 2002 and Mers(Middle-Eastrespiratory Syndrome) In 2012. The symptoms on the two viruses are similar to symptoms that cause the Covid-19 virus. All three are infectious diseases in the respiratory tract that can be fatal. Although rare, these three viruses have the same deployment pattern that occurred from the animal of the manner.

SARS, MERS, and Covid-19 come from the same virus family, namelyCoronavirus.However, the three have almost similar incubation. The incubation period of MERS disease is 2-14 days (average 5 days), while SARS is around 1-14 days (on average 4-5 days), and the incubation period of Covid-19 is 1-14 days (average 5 days) .

4. Not yet available

Covid-19 is a new virus that is very foreign toilmuwan and medical personnel. To date, the vaccine for the virus is still developed and takes a long time. There are already several guins who are willing to take part in the vaccine feasibility test trial, the timmedical will monitor security and the side effects of the vaccine. Hopefully Vaksincovid-19 soon so!

5. Quickly reinforce through Droplet

Maybe some of you are still unfamiliar with wordsDroplet, namely droplets of liquids originating from coughing and sneezing Liquid, viruses can also stick to the surface of the bend within a certain period, depending on several factors such as humidity and room temperature.

6. Risk of bisadiminimalism

Even though Covid-19 is fairly very fast and worrying, but you must remain calm because the risk of exposure to Covid-19 can be minimized with the following ways:

  • Maintain self-immunity with consumption of vitamindan nutritious food.
  • Avoid traveling to a crowded place, Kagarak is at least 1 meter with other people(Social / Physical distance).
  • Cover with a tissue or hand when Andbatuk or sneeze.
  • Avoid people who are sick fever, cough, or runny nose.
  • Always use a mask when you are activated outside the house.
  • Diligent washing and cleaning tangansenganHand Sanitizer With a minimum of 75% alcohol supplies.
  • Don't touch your face, eyes, mouth, or run when your hands are dirty.
  • Take care of objects that are often you ...
  • Cook the meat carefully evenly.

7. Angkakematon is only 3%

According to WHO, the mortality rate due to the spread of Covid-19 throughout the world is only 3%. The figure is fairly a little if it is divided by a mortality rate in the SARS virus (around 10%) and MERS (around 35%). In addition, almost 80% of people experience mild symptoms and healed with the issuance within 14 days. Some must go through medical handling fast and precise.

8. Can be cured with itself

The statement that Covid-19 can recover by itself has been proven from more healing numbers recorded throughout the world than his mortality rate. Until now, it was recorded that 114,779 people were recovered after fighting Covid-19. In fact, this virus can be resisted and healed by itself if it has a good endurance. Some cases of deaths that occur due to patients have low endurance and have a history of diseases such as diabetes, heart, or respiratory disorders.Stay Safe, Gaes!

Categories: Lifestyle
Tags: covid-19
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