Tag: covid-19

Rambut Rontok Setelah Pulih Dari Covid? Ini Cara Mencegahnya!

560 dari 1.700 responden mengalami rambut rontok pasca pulih dari Covid-19. Mengapa kondisi itu terjadi? How to prevent?

Rambut Rontok Setelah Pulih Dari Covid? Ini Cara Mencegahnya!
Shocking photos of Covid-19 doctors exhausted

If you really want to help these heroes exhausted on, follow these rules: stay at home, wash your hands and do not touch your face!

Shocking photos of Covid-19 doctors exhausted
Stars who lost weight over the past year

The last year represented difficulties for many different people. But that was also once for us to re-evaluate our lives and our current priorities - celebrities included. Many stars have undergone serious weight loss transformations.

Stars who lost weight over the past year
Tips on how to survive working at home with your other

Here are the ultimate ways to survive to work at home around your other significant, without adding tension to the relationship.

Tips on how to survive working at home with your other
The reasons for the need to underestimate the Corona virus, even if you are young

Recently, some information that is also confirmed to be subjected to the seriousness of the disease - this epidemic is not a joke.

The reasons for the need to underestimate the Corona virus, even if you are young
The number of divorce in China is heavily due to quarantine

The quarantine may be newly developed in Europe and the United States, but China has dealt with this quarantine since the physical year as citizens sat at home for. Everyone believed that the mutation of born in the state would mean because the population was leaving the house. But the truth is less optimistic.

The number of divorce in China is heavily due to quarantine
Keep your fitness during self-insulation

Keep your fitness is a way to manage your mental health and strengthen your immune system as well. Exercise will facilitate the passage of these difficult times and keep our positive. While some equipment, such as dumbbell and resistance tapes can help, do favorite exercises that depend on body weight which you can do at home to keep fitness and body diet. With some optional additives and modifications.

Keep your fitness during self-insulation
8 things you need to know in front of the second wave of the coronavirus

The autumn begins, the weather is spoiled, and therefore more people will spend time in closed rooms. This means that the risk of infection with coronavirus will grow. So what do you need to know before starting the second wave?

8 things you need to know in front of the second wave of the coronavirus
6 anti covid-19 tools that must be taken while on vacation

Well, that's 6 anti-covid-19 tools that you must bring and use while on vacation.

6 anti covid-19 tools that must be taken while on vacation
6 Tips on vacation when Covid-19 struck

Have a holiday hobby but Covid-19 has hit?

6 Tips on vacation when Covid-19 struck
8 Celebrities who are positive for Corona Covid-19 viruses

Surely you have watched Thor films. Or maybe you've ever watched the famous TV serial game of Thrones? If ever, then you must know some celebrities who play in the film. There is bad news, some famous celebrities including Thor film players and game of thrones have been hit by the Corona virus, you know!

8 Celebrities who are positive for Corona Covid-19 viruses
8 facts Covid-19 that you must know

Panic and anxiety in yourself and the family must be felt by everyone. But do not focus too much with an anxiety, you better and your family prepare to always maintain body immunity and undergo a healthy lifestyle by maintaining cleanliness. To reduce anxiety and panic, you better read the right information about the Covid-19 virus. Next we will present 8 facts about Coronavirus or Covid-19.

8 facts Covid-19 that you must know
Countries "defeat" Covid-19!

Since the first case was discovered at the end of 2019 in China, the new anti-acute respiratory respiratory infection (Covid-19) spread around the world and became the most worrying pandemic in the century 21. While many countries are still "struggling" against the pandemic, some other countries have been quite successful in the fight against Covid-19 and recover well.

Countries "defeat" Covid-19!
The reason why the Corona virus is not a joke, even for young people

Recently, a lot of new information showed that if young people suffer from Corona virus, they are still at risk of falling into critical conditions - so pandemic this time is not a joke. I will give the reasons to prove this right after.

The reason why the Corona virus is not a joke, even for young people
7 reasons you should wear regular masks, not only when there are Covid-19

When translating pneumonia caused by Covid-19 viruses in Wuhan, the demand for masks increased sharply because everyone believed that the mask would help them safer when exposed to others. However, wearing a mask is not only necessary when the epidemic appears like Covid-19 or the seasonal flu that should become a habit when you leave the house.

7 reasons you should wear regular masks, not only when there are Covid-19
Famous actors with new Corona virus infections (Covid-19)

The Global Pandemic Covid-19 due to the new Corona virus is spreading around the world. Among more than 300,000 people infected with viruses, there are many famous actors in the world and Asia. Starting from the announcement of positive results with Tom Hank's Covid-19 virus and his wife on 11/3/2020, the list of celebrities with this virus is increasingly longer.

Famous actors with new Corona virus infections (Covid-19)
Stars that have lost body weight during quarantine due to Covid-19

The Coronavirus pandemic was a lot of strive for many people. But it was also a time for us, to re-evaluate our lives and priorities - here we include celebrities.

Stars that have lost body weight during quarantine due to Covid-19
Reasons why coronavirus is not a joke, even if you are young

Recently, information has emerged, that young people are at risk if you contact the disease - this epidemic is not a joke, here's the biggest reason.

Reasons why coronavirus is not a joke, even if you are young
Reasons why coronavirus is not a joke, even if you are young

Recently, information has emerged that young people also run serious risks if they con-with the disease - this epidemic is not a joke, and here are the biggest reasons for it.

Reasons why coronavirus is not a joke, even if you are young
What happens to your lungs if you wear the mask every day?

It almost seems that the real information on masks are obscured by strange memes and that the media spread false medical information. The time has come to make our voice heard to debunk some of these beliefs so that people don't really believe at certain bizarre ideas.

What happens to your lungs if you wear the mask every day?
Shocking photos of the Covid-19 exhausted doctors

If you really want to help these exhausted heroes, follow these rules: stay at home, wash your hands and don't touch your face!

Shocking photos of the Covid-19 exhausted doctors
We stay at home, but we remain fit!

Although spring is upon us, at this time of Coronavirus we have to stay at home and do not go out unless of extreme and proven needs. We left the subscriptions in the gym suspended in half, in this limbo entitled "VA Well ', these exercises I do it next time". And I'm still there, waiting to be executed. But, if there is a remedy, we can continue to keep us in shape even without leaving home!

We stay at home, but we remain fit!
Fashion at the time of the coronavirus

We are now in an emergency. We are closed at home, we only go out to go shopping or for an emergency. Zero social life. You don't go out for aperitifs, you don't go out to go for dinner, you don't go out to go shopping. You don't buy, if not something online. And it is not said that what we buy arrives. And how is this pause from the "normal" life? What damage is it arginating?

Fashion at the time of the coronavirus
When you use a mask every day, this is what happens to your lungs

It seems that the real information about the masks is being eclipsed by strange memes and false medical affirmations made by the media seems that we have to make our voices hear to straighten some information, because people are believing some really strange things.

When you use a mask every day, this is what happens to your lungs