What happens to your lungs if you wear the mask every day?

It almost seems that the real information on masks are obscured by strange memes and that the media spread false medical information. The time has come to make our voice heard to debunk some of these beliefs so that people don't really believe at certain bizarre ideas.

Some of us are not many happy with the policy of mandatory masks that is spreading in many cities and we can understand the reasons that push many not to wear it. It is not really the ideal accessory to wear this season, especially with all the pollen, sweat and make-up that inevitably appear to the fabric. But it almost seems that the real information on masks are obscured by strange memes and the media spread false medical information (since tabloid writers are professional doctors?). The time has come to make our voice heard to debunk some of these beliefs so that people don't really believe at certain bizarre ideas.

A small gesture to prevent a bigger disaster

In this warm and humid climate, already wearing normal clothes can be a weight. We then add a layer of tissue adherent to the face and the recipe for discomfort is ready. Many have complained about mask acne, even calling him "Maskne", while others have been surprised of how the back of the ears can irritate and become sensitive.

However, these annoying inconveniences are nothing compared to what could happen if it was contacted with the Covid-19. Wearing a mask or face cover aims to reduce the spread of potentially infectious breath droplets.

That being said, out there are talking about the guy stories that wear masks damages lungs and health in general, and is a perfect example of fake news. There is nothing true in this and, if you were thinking of joining one of the ridiculous brigades that protest against masks, keep it in mind.

Do not damage the lungs

First of all, wear templates every day does not cause carbon dioxide poisoning and does not damage the lungs in any way. Furthermore, it does not reduce the tissue oxygenation levels or lead to any form of hypoxia.

If you have any doubts about it, take a look atsnopes.com, a respectable site that verifies facts and news and that has missed many false theories about what happens to the lungs when wearing a template for a long time. The logic is that if the mask does not retain air and if you do not breathe recycled air, there will be no problem.

In a guest post onForbesA scientific researcher confirmed that this theory is unreal, because carbon dioxide molecules are "simply too small to be held by the material of masks and simply cross it".

In an example, the author spoke of surgeons wearing masks for hours for hours keeping normal levels of co2 During surgery, without having any consequence. Apparently, oxygen and other gaseous molecules are even smaller than the tiny particles of Coronavirus.

Exceptions are few and remote

Some people who have pre-existing Covid respiratory problems, such as asthma, could argue that wearing a mask is difficult, but for the vast majority of people, it will never result in hypercapnia or carbon dioxide poisoning.

Health workers, in reality, advise to always wear the mask especially to those who have asthma problems and airways because they have an even more compromised immune system.

So, unless you're going to get into a flame building or you're going to go to the moon, you're likely that wearing a mask on her face will not cause you any negative effects.

So what actually happens to the lungs and respiratory capacity when wearing a template for a long time?

Nothing. Nothing at all. Absolutely nothing. It is good to remember that wearing the mask is simply the least we can do. Millions of nurses, doctors and other health professionals risk their lives daily, wearing template for hours and hours until they have visible signs on the face.

Here's when you don't wear the mask

If you are away from home, in public or in a store, and you have other people around, you should wear a mask. But there are some very rare cases where you could even do without it:

  • During workouts or other situations where the mask could get wet
  • It is not mandatory for young children, since their lungs are not yet completely developed
  • If you suffer from a serious respiratory condition and you already have difficulty breathing normally

What to do if wearing the mask is a problem?

No one obliges no one to wear the mask. But if you have to enter a store and in a supermarket without a mask, expect someone from you. If you want to make your face skin freely breathe throughout the summer, you just have to close yourself at home! There are many home delivery services that can bring you everything you need.

If instead you are serene mask bearers and you know other people who hesitate to wear it because they let them condition from incorrect information, please bring them back to the right way: Wearing the mask is an act of civilization that serves to safeguard everyone's health!

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