Keep your fitness during self-insulation

Keep your fitness is a way to manage your mental health and strengthen your immune system as well. Exercise will facilitate the passage of these difficult times and keep our positive. While some equipment, such as dumbbell and resistance tapes can help, do favorite exercises that depend on body weight which you can do at home to keep fitness and body diet. With some optional additives and modifications.

Keep your fitness is a way to manage your mental health and strengthen your immune system as well. Exercise will facilitate the passage of these difficult times and keep our positive. While some equipment, such as dumbbell and resistance tapes can help, do favorite exercises that depend on body weight which you can do at home to keep fitness and body diet. With some optional additives and modifications.

Keep its patrol with renewal

Make it part of your daily routine. Since your regular routine is at risk, making a new routine at home will help you keep your style. Try adjusting alarm for the same time every day, and exercise (mix your routine so you do not bored) and continued with shower and a healthy breakfast. This will not help you keep your fitness and feed you only, but this feeling of routine can benefit mental health.

Use your home tools for moves you will have in the gym. Everyone stores the groceries during this time anyway, so you must have a lot of different weights for experience. Try some pasta bags with barton or milk jug, for example. The whole thing about creativity. Cans and any bottles can be filled with liquid and rice bags as well.

Pilates and Yoga

Learn about Yoga or Pilates. These are the movements that provide you and improve your position while strengthening you. This is particularly important because many of us work from home. Yoga and Pilates will resist the joints and promote flexibility. The work can be given from home, especially on your laptop, what health professionals call "neck neck", but these exercises can help work against these effects. There are a lot of free videos for both on youtube.

Body mass movements

Master the body exercises that you can do. Make your perfect shape in exercise, wooden, seating and squatting sitting. Use props in your home to help you - for example, exercises pressure on the couch.

Here are some necessary body mass movements:

Russian volatility:Sit down on the ground with a milk bottle, juice and dedicated in front of you like sitting. Low back, keep your back straight and engage your heart. Turn your trunk slowly by one side, with a goal of touching the earth at a time. If you want to adjust to make it more difficult, lift the feet about the ground.

Seating on the wall: Do it on the wall in the living room, or wherever you have space for your back to be comfortably. 90 degree angle shape with your legs and sit on the wall as you do on a chair. Wait, this does not seem very severe, but this step will begin to burn really.

The Bulgarian couch: Try pushing your body up by doing this: Put one leg in the front rush mode so that your knee is adjacent to your slave and does not skip to the toes. Then place the other leg on the couch so that the front of your leg on the pad, increasing your front leg. You can bend forward to make it more difficult. Also, three-headed dips from behind a solid chair are a back road to burn those arms.

Training Department

Put in mind to do a training protein for the circle, which allows you to get full-body routine and combine both strength and heart training if you choose. This includes many movements instead of becoming an excellement with the same thing repeatedly. You can do this multi-use pattern of exercises with or without weights, but the goal is constantly exercise instead of taking rest intervals. Burpees and high knees are an ideal example of heart disease.

Extension, expansion, expansion

HiIT exercises and the most comprehensive exercises we mentioned for the routine, but also attention to blood circulation, rotate and pollen the body parts such as ankles and lower leg. Otherwise, a painful tip can occur, and you can not fully walk in the current situation. Try to extend at least twice a day.

Ves Time

While it may not be the worst idea to go shortly abroad, if you live in a crowded area, think of face-timing for your friends while walking immediately. You may not feel the same feeling to go to exercise light enemy with friends, but they will keep your mind and your body active, allowing you to catch up with one of your loved ones while pumping those evils.


Finally, please feel free to dance from your home as our friends are doing in Italy. Dance can help keep your morale, and will not make exercise look like a routine action. In addition, you will spend on every mad news cycle.

Categories: beauty
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