This considerably increases your risk of heart attack, the study says
If you have this symptoms lately, you are not alone.

Chances are, you know how to avoid the most common risk factors for a heart attack: obesity, poor diet and sedentary lifestyle. But a new study found that there is another common prefecture of the catastrophic cardiac event.Men who live "vital exhaustion" are more likely to have a heart attack,These researchers ToA Conference of the European Cardiology Society (CES) last month. The risk is particularly pronounced in single men of all types - never married, divorced and widowed.Read on and to ensure your health and health of others, do not miss theseSure sign that you have "Long" Covid and may even know.
What is "vital exhaustion"?
It is "excessive fatigue, a sense of demoralization and increased irritability," said Dr. Dmitriy Panov's study author of the Novosibirsk Cytology and Genetics Institute in Russia. "It is believed that it is an answer to insoluble problems in people's lives, especially when they are unable to adapt to prolonged exposure to psychological stressors."
For the study, 657 men aged 25 to 64 were enrolled in 1994 and followed for 14 years. The researchers found that men with moderate or high vital exhaustion levels were at risk of 2.7 times greater of a heart attack within five years, a higher risk of 2.25 years in the 10 years and an elevated 2.2 year rise risk within 14 years, compared to men without vital. exhaustion.
Scientists have been adapted to social factors - namely education, occupation, marital status and age - and have found that the effect of vital exhaustion has decreased, but was still statistically significant. In this analysis, men with moderate or high levels of vital exhaustion were 16% more likely to have a heart attack over 14 years than without. This risk was higher in men never married, divorced and widowed.
"Life alone indicates less social support that we know about our preliminary studies is an independent risk factor for myocardial infarction and stroke," Panov said.
"Efforts to improve well-being and reduce stress at home and work can help reduce vital exhaustion," he added. "Involvement in community groups is a way to increase social support and become less vulnerable to stress. With a healthy lifestyle, these measures should be beneficial for cardiac health."
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Isolation a cardiac risk, other studies say
The study arrives at a time when health experts are closer to the health benefits of interpersonal links and the socialization of interpersonal ties, stimulated by the social isolation guidelines of the previous year requiring a Pandemic of Covid. . Previous studies have found that in older adults, social isolation and feelings of loneliness increase the risk of dying of any cause, a risk similar to smoking, obesity and a sedentary way of life .A study foundPoor social relations among seniors were associated with a risk of increased heart disease of 29% and a risk of increased stroke of 32%. Experts say that emotional discouragement could increase stress, which can weaken the heart. Talk to your doctor if you feel that you may be at risk, and atcross this pandemic at your healthier, do not miss these35 places you are most likely to catch Covid.

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