6 types of milk that is an option for cow milk replacement

If talking about milk in the past We would think that there is a single type. Is the milk that comes from the cow Which the cow's milk is useful And rich in calcium and high protein The cow's milk became one of the main food. Necessary for the growth of the body But with a lot of nutrients Causing the cow to have a high calorie And can make you fat easily and still have no more people who are allergic to cow Or cannot digest cow's milk By consumption of cow's milk Will cause diarrhea, so at present, the alternative milk made from that plant or nut Was very popular Because there are nutrients that are not allergic to milk And there are other vitamins from the cow's milk plant It also has a delicious taste. So in the article today We therefore requested 6 kinds that are a good option for using cow's milk replacement.

6 types of milk that is an option for cow milk replacement
8 kinds of health food that may make you fat without knowing

Healthy food consumption Began to get more widespread popularity Because of being healthy And the body that is probably Requires food control Which results more than heavy exercise, people choose to eat healthy food and in the market, we saw this type of food more sold. But do you know that There are food for health. That we believe that it is good for controlling that food In fact If consumption is too much Will not increase your body weight

8 kinds of health food that may make you fat without knowing
7 Benefits of Guasa Therapy

Gua Sa is one of the traditional medical therapies of East Asia, where the word Guasha means dispeling, take pain. This type of therapy has developed from the study of body circulation.

7 Benefits of Guasa Therapy
10 hot-cooled drinks around the world, try this summer.

In each culture, there is a creation of a hot loosen menu. And who knows These drinks May become your favorite drink in the summer to arrive.

10 hot-cooled drinks around the world, try this summer.
Top 10 summer food That you should add in your food menu

From favorite items throughout the avocado and peaches to basil and blueberries and this is the top 10 summer food. That you should add in your food menu

Top 10 summer food That you should add in your food menu
Swiss Fancy Rolls are made from all natural colors - you can try it yourself.

Meet the bakery in the social world. Creative delicious dessert And have a beautiful look Which is made from all natural colors

Swiss Fancy Rolls are made from all natural colors - you can try it yourself.
6 Lip scrub recipes that you can do yourself

Lip It's the easiest way to make your lips look soft, look healthy. And make your favorite lip gloss or lip gloss lasting And reveal the real lip color And it is not necessary to lose a lot of money with the lips Because these formulas Is a DIY recipe that you can easily do at home

6 Lip scrub recipes that you can do yourself
Your wonderful dessert according to your zodiac symbol.

Horoscope and zodiac symbols have become an important part of the popular belief that they rule our world, so why not let this trend determine our excellent dessert?

Your wonderful dessert according to your zodiac symbol.
9 surprising ways to use aluminum foil

Here are some strange ways. And very useful that you can use aluminum foil in everyday life

9 surprising ways to use aluminum foil
Creative braid hairstyles is an art form.

Who knows There are many ways to knit the pigtail?

Creative braid hairstyles is an art form.
Chic home decoration, Bohemian That makes us enchanted

2020 years is a headache year And sometimes what you have to eliminate that stress is The room is gorgeous. Colorful The chic interior design is a popular bohemian for many years. Let's see why It indicates the aura of the California girl who is playful. But tempting the girl who has dressed with the class But most likes to go to the sea without makeup And wear a long dress

Chic home decoration, Bohemian That makes us enchanted
10 foods that are more sugar than you think

Although the tomato soup you buy from supermarkets will have sugar content each day. If you want to seriously reduce sugar, you need to know a little trick.

10 foods that are more sugar than you think
15 How to eat in this hot weather

All of us There is no feeling of wanting to eat anything. In the midst of this hot weather That is because Our body has a power saving system. To reduce the heat inside the body By reducing digestion Which is a system that increases the temperature inside the body And in order to maintain the temperature of the body In this hot weather more than 30 degrees Celsius You can try according to the techniques that we will give the following.

15 How to eat in this hot weather
8 yoga postures to increase immunity, flexibility and your mood

The word "yoga" in Sanskrit means 'Unity' - Being a unable to your mind and body spirit That is the reason why yoga in ancient times, which has been thousands of years. Not only covers physical activity Fixed position and breathing training so that our body is strong. But also including spiritual practices such as meditation and consciousness as well

8 yoga postures to increase immunity, flexibility and your mood
6 lies that you should stop tell yourself

Those words will discourage you from growth. And good health, happy, human being Which is toxic to your life Even if you are not aware of it But it is really toxic

6 lies that you should stop tell yourself
7 Health and beauty benefits from fermented vinegar from Apple

It appears that fermented vinegar from Apple. Or apple cider vinegar Is an amazing treatment method that can restore your digestive system Helps to treat acne and make your hair look shiny and beautiful.

7 Health and beauty benefits from fermented vinegar from Apple
6 powerful ways to practice you love yourself

Everyone's happiness begins from my love. Which is impossible to find peace and happiness inside If you don't learn to love yourself first

6 powerful ways to practice you love yourself
6 food types that help reduce belly

Can't deny that Nowadays, people turn to health. Whether it is exercise Or choosing to eat foods that are useful because if you do not maintain health Other sickness will ask But at the same time The current food Then lure the hearts of the people ...

6 food types that help reduce belly
6 Dew-Arisara's love story and Sebastian Lee boyfriend

Considered as a couple of people in the entertainment industry that people pay a lot of attention in this period Because both of them often have sweet pictures for us to see And both have various news for us to see often

6 Dew-Arisara's love story and Sebastian Lee boyfriend
5 blue cities from around the world

The color is the heart of life - it makes the mind. And our emotions are full of brightness With a very depressed in the world It is good to see things. From the blue lens The blue is the color of peace and wisdom. It has the ability to send you to a paradise. The blue is also meaningful with loyalty, intellect and trust - all the features that we should try for ourselves every day. Meet the blue city that we like from around the world.

5 blue cities from around the world
What does coffee around the world look like?

Coffee is one of the most popular drinks in the world. From coffee and cheese to aromatic coffee beans With spices, this is the nature of coffee around the world.

What does coffee around the world look like?
Mask for acne is easy.

Current beauty companies Many dark spots Mask, acne, acne, acne, etc. But can the mask get rid of acne? They can definitely help the outer skin level. Today we will tell you about a few masks that you can do at home, do it yourself. Which can help the skin that is likely to be acne

Mask for acne is easy.
6 kinds of popular trees are grown now.

The minimal style bakery can come immediately. See today, we want to present 6 kinds of trees that are becoming popular. So that you can get an idea in the house Including living from these trees

6 kinds of popular trees are grown now.
6 new lifestyle In the definition of the word "New Normally"

After our Thailand has released more locked down measures Therefore making our country Looks more lively From which businesses must be temporarily closed Most people didn't go out. Causing the country to look quiet Which after the numbers of the Kovid infected people in Thailand are quite that they are almost safe, so various stores business Was allowed to open again But people still have to be very careful Therefore is the source of the word New Normally in order to be careful not to prevent the outbreak of Kavid again.

6 new lifestyle In the definition of the word "New Normally"
6 Each Roan that still dominates the high ratings in 2020

What is the favorite Thai drama? And the Thai drama industry Was more fierce competition, including new stars Who came to create color for many entertainment circles This place People have more options. Such as digital TV Or various YouTube channels Make various television channels From the very high competition Returning must be more strategic to create ratings to the channel again. And the navigation of the theater that ended and then aired again It is a strategy that stimulates the ratings of the channel as well.

6 Each Roan that still dominates the high ratings in 2020
14 cute little animals That will make your day bright

Never had enough words Or too little for kitten images Or a cute puppy for us And we are sure that these images you will see Is a picture that you have never seen before

14 cute little animals That will make your day bright
8 The amazing benefit of olive oil that will help increase beauty for you.

Olive oil is one of the best moisturizing things you can find. Which does not contain any components of chemicals Which you can use as a hand cream, fermented hair or face mask Or even detox toxins from your body

8 The amazing benefit of olive oil that will help increase beauty for you.
Progress of yoga before and after

Many people who enjoy playing yoga And practice it regularly Because they have passed through a difficult point Then if you feel discouraged by seeing the image of others are practicing difficult yoga posture That is because it's not only your time. Yoga must rely on flexibility. And increased strength respectively Which requires patience and one time

Progress of yoga before and after
12 simple ways to love yourself.

It is not easy to love yourself. Especially The world is full of chaos right now. Whether it's facing now. You will see only news that makes you tense. But to express to those around you that you love them, it's very simple. So why not do it yourself, do it.

12 simple ways to love yourself.
11 Beauty tips for this summer

There are many things you need to remember in order to keep the beauty. And happiness during this summer and this is the 11th most perfect beauty tips for the summer to arrive.

11 Beauty tips for this summer