Face Tap: What's this and how works

Teping is becoming an increasingly popular and trendy area of cosmetology.

Teping is becoming an increasingly popular and trendy area of ​​cosmetology. In the list of beauty salons more often there are procedures with colored ribbons, youTube is a lot of master classes on this topic, and the installation of accounts cosmetologists abound offers to pass the Tequality courses.

What it is?

Previously, Teiping was a kind of physiotherapy used by athletes to quickly recover muscles and communication. After 40 years of successful use, cosmetologists turned to this method.

For Teiping, a special patch is needed - this tape is made of a special elastic cotton material, which is applied to hypoallergenic glue. With small patches make express tightening, smoothing wrinkles that appear on the mature skin.

Principle of action

The tape (TEP) is glued to the face by massage lines, it raises the skin over the muscles, enhancing blood circulation and stimulating the outflow of lymph. The procedure helps relax the muscles, output excess liquid from tissues. Special plastics fasten on temples, chin, lower third of the face.

Taping zone determines the doctor-cosmetologist, depending on the age of the patient, its mimic activity, etc. For example, at a young age, TEP is used with a prophylactic purpose: in the zones of the forehead, interburn - it prevents the emergence of wrinkles. If there are certain age-old changes, then the quenching is needed to remove edema, improving the turgor skin.

Which result can be obtained

The procedure allows without operating intervention and injections to obtain the effect of lifting face by stimulation of certain muscles. Specialists argue that due to tissue can be achieved:

  • to get rid of small wrinkles;
  • get rid of bags and edema under the eyes;
  • to remove mimic wrinkles;
  • tighten the corner of the eyelids;
  • reduce the second chin;
  • simulate face contour.

Contraindications for Taping

This procedure, as well as any mechanical intervention, has some reservations to use:

  • allergy to tape material;
  • any damage and irritation of the skin, open wounds (this may provoke infection and irritation in the Tequality zone);
  • skin disease (eczema, fungus, warts, etc.);
  • Diseases of ENT organs (runny nose, inflammation of the tonsils);
  • oncological diseases;
  • Diseases of the lymphatic system and others.

Taping procedure can be carried out only after consultation with a doctor. For incorrectness and attachment, TAYP can damage it, conversely, worsen the situation. Consequences may be quite serious.

How much procedure is required

Cosmetologists believe that after several procedures for leaking the movement of lymph and blood circulation are normalized, and the skin has a fresh and beautiful look. However, one session should not expect a miracle, because the patches are not responsible for the lifting effect, but only block certain muscles and reduce their mobility. The number of procedures defines a cosmetologist doctor after a thorough view.

Efficiency Tequality: What do cosmetologists say?

Today there are no scientific research that would have to effect this technique. In addition, the army of cosmetologists (and those who have already rushed to the procedure) shared two camps: supporters of tapering and those who consider it harmful to the face.

The supporters of the technique are called an effective means of rejuvenation without surgery and botox. Cosmetologists who are not advised to taste their clients, explain this by the fact that it violates the barrier properties of the skin that are very difficult to renew. Tapes sometimes injure the skin lead to its mechanical damage.

Worth or not?

The main advantages of leaping face can be called availability (low cost) and ease of use (tapes can be purchased and self stick to problem zones). Of course, before that it is necessary to study the drawing schemes, get acquainted with the main techniques, acquire qualitative, proven materials.

Use Teipes or not - to decide only to you. However, it is always necessary to remember that the effectiveness of tay is not yet proven. Someone after the procedure immediately notices the effect, and someone is indefately walking with Teipes for weeks.

If you are not ready to do "beauty injections" and come to surgical intervention, then Teping is an alternative care method that can really help. It is not necessary to glue taypes every day for several weeks. You can only use them as an opportunity to quickly tighten the face oval before an important event.

Do not forget that it is very important to follow the instructions if you have already decided to use tipping at home. After all, it depends not only the end result, but also the health of your skin.

Categories: Beauty
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