Walmart has an exciting new surprise for these 6 states

The massive retailer hosts a special event in the university cities of America.

It's officiallyfootball season, and despite the coronavirus pandemic, the games started. But while your favorite teams play in stages with barely spectators, a major retailer has decided to have fun. Walmart has just announced that they will be surprising fans with aEvent of the play day in six different university cities Through the United States, the extravaganza will include tiling, walking strips, cheerleaders, local food trucks and school-minded shops to get all the best swag. Learn more about the head of the Walmart Game Day, and for another new development,Walmart has just launched a new line that has two years in manufacturing.

"For many of us,football hayons ... are angular stones of a large autumn season »William WhiteWalmart's Marketing Head stated in a statement of October 12th. "These additional events will give customers an opportunity to celebrate the things they like, while remaining safe."

There will also beHalloween activities, as a braiding or 100-branch treatment across America. From October 15, Walmart will dress its store car parks as socially distanced "fantasy streets", where families can come into costumes and enjoy the holidays in La Goujonie. If you prefer to keep the kiddos at home, Walmart launch nights of virtual Halloween game, featuring the award-winning actor TonyNeil Patrick Harris.

Although Walmart has not yet published the official university cities where these gambling day festivities will be, the retailer has identified the states that will host the parties. To find out which Walmart places near you can turn in time to kick off, read it. And for more exciting ads from the retailer,Walmart will finally start selling this in all 50 states.


columbus ohio
Sean Pavon / Shutterstock

See like buckeyes are aFootball Powerhouse With some of the most passionate fans in the state of Ohio, it's pretty sure of assuming a Walmart in Columbus will host the case. And for more Wally-World specials, here is here15 silver economy tips Only Walmart initiates know.


ann arbor michigan
Shutterstock / Paul Brady Photography

The rivalry between the University of Michigan and the Michigan State Court, so you can bet that a Walmart around one or other campus will throw the event. And for a place that would certainly have no game day celebrations,This is the only state without a Walmart SuperCenter.


Madison, Wisconsin, USA downtown skyline at dusk on Lake Monona.

WHEREAS MADISON has been crownedBest University City in America throughIllustrated sports In 2019, it would be strange that the event is held anywhere, but there.


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In addition to being one of the most vibrant cities in the state, Boulder also houses the University of Colorado. It is likely that the extravaganza Walmart will be held nearby.


downtown minneapolis minnesota

Thanks to the Vikings and Gophers, the twin cities are at the heart of Minnesota's sports scene. We expect a Walmart to the area plan for the tailgate. And for more useful information delivered directly in your inbox,Sign up for our daily newsletter.


salt lake city skyline

Utah University in Salt Lake City has the only major football team of the state. So there is a good chance that Walmart chooses this major metropolis as the basis of the celebration of the play day.

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