8 stereotyped female images in cinema who are all fed up with

Modern society though it is very gradually, and yet overcomes gender stereotypes in various spheres.

Modern society though it is very gradually, and yet overcomes gender stereotypes in various spheres. Did not wash this process and film industry. Especially effectively, the issue moved at the end of 2017 with the beginning of the #metoo campaign ("I too"), which shook Hollywood. In 2016, the Date-Science Amber Thomas analyzed the most accumulated films of the year, and found that their female characters have only 27% of all dialogues. Also, very often directors do not fully reveal their heroines, but I will try certain stereotypes for them. Thus, looking at the first 20 minutes of the film, the viewer can already confidently determine with which the image has a case and what typical behavior / plot line to expect from the heroin.

1. Typical easte

This is probably the most widespread female image in the Hollywood comedies of the 90's. In fact, no film, designed for a teenager audience, was not able without such an ideal, stylish, puddy, self-suffering "Queen of the Bal." This character perfectly represents the heroine Rachel Makadams in the film "Bad Girls" (2004). Such an image demonstrates women as prone to hysterics, evil, surface and corrupted queens drama.

2. Warrior Woman

Here it immediately falls in the opinion of "Ksena Princessa-Warrior" (1995-2001), which was played by Actor Lucy Laws. This image forms a stereotype that physically strong women are necessarily aggressive, silent and cold enough to men. All their lives are a solid battle and survival, and all other roles are level off.

3. Sexy heroine

In this way, it is a strong, warlike woman, but with a maximum emphasis on her sexuality. An example of such a type can be the heroine of Angelina Jolie in the film "Lara Croft: theft of tombs" (2001). She as if established as an embodiment of male fantasies. The eroticization of the image objects a woman, shifting emphasis on achievements and professionalism on her body.

4. Girl in a calipi

Many Hollywood cinemobores are built on this female image. This is especially true for superhero franchise and almost all Disney Princesses created by Walt Disney's studio. In fact, the role of such a girl is reduced to a passive waiting, when it will be saved or conquered / reconciled by a classic hero, which can not be trusted, non-alternative and disaffling.

5. Fatal woman

The famous Katherine Tramell frame from the movie "Basic Instinct" (1992) Performing Sharon Stone perfectly demonstrates this image. Types of fatal women are very bright and, as if, are quite organic. However, they form a false impression that opened in his sexual woman who is not afraid of her manifestations, most likely a cunning, insidious, unprincipled and especially dangerous.

6. Careerism

Favorite gender stereotype that has grown tight in human heads. Such heroines demonstrate that a woman with a brilliant career in a leading position can not have a successful family life and just be a happy person outside his office. This image successfully demonstrates Meril Strip in the movie "Devil Wearing PRADA" (2006).

7. Obsessed with Pengo

Victimization of women is also a very common stereotype. The heroine of such a type must survive many bullying, suffering and pain. And only after all this horror it dramatically changes, it receives recognition, success and victory. This forms an idea that a strong woman is an inevitable consequence of the past, not a conscious choice. Examples are the main heroine to go Wilson "Her Nikita" (1997-2001) and Jennifer Lawrence "Hungry Games" (2012-2015).

8. GOOD GIRL GONE BAD (English "A good girl became bad")

This image is perfectly familiar with the example of heroins ramps with "brutal games" (1999) or Christen Stewart from "Twilight" (2008-2012). Their stories emphasize the usual and conditionally uninteresting life before the romantic protagonist. Only after the catharsis experienced with it, they are capable of opening, to manifest its own character, defend and mortgage to respect themselves. Such a type always forms a false idea that without a happy meeting, a woman will remain simply uninteresting "gray mouse" in their gray weekdays.

Categories: Entertainment
Tags: cinema
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