Tag: fermented foods

Surprising probiotic foods for a flat stomach
Do you want to reduce your belly? Start eating bugs. It's not a fear factor flashback: probiotics, good bacteria useful in your digestive tract, play a vital role in maintaining healthy weight.

22 Best and Worst Probiotic Foods
All probiotic products are created equal. Here we call the best and the worst of the lot.

The new Kombucha Starbucks is just what your intestine has ordered
To expand its functional drink line, the evolution of probiotics add probiotics to its cold fruit juices.

14 fermented foods to adapt to your diet
We are all used to hear fresh food as a response to better health. But could fermented food intentionally situated for days, weeks or even months-being the real solution?

No, probiotics and prebiotics are not the same after all
They both have positive effects on the health of the intestines, but we must consume before the other.

14 probiotic foods for a healthy gut
There is a war inside your intestine and good guys could be lost. This is the time you called in reinforcements for your wounded front line and remember the good health of incidents that should be yours.

6 fermented foods that you can easily do at home
Fermented foods are a trend now! Good bacteria can increase immunity, improve digestion and even help reach and maintain a healthy weight.

What happens to your body when you eat fermented foods
Tastier that they sound, fermented foods can help cure your entire system.

A major side effect to eat whole wheat bread, says dietitian
Whole wheat can be a good choice for some, but others may want to be cautious when choosing their bread

5 Best fat yogurts for weight loss
The full fat yogurt can help you if you choose one of these creamy options.

This new cottage cheese is lactose free
This new organic cheese is the ideal solution for lactose intolerant cheese lovers.