14 probiotic foods for a healthy gut

There is a war inside your intestine and good guys could be lost. This is the time you called in reinforcements for your wounded front line and remember the good health of incidents that should be yours.

Years of use of antibiotics, eating food coatings of sugar and a microbean diet avoidingPrebiotic fiber foods You are all big but not for the reason you think. This model of poor diet has armed the bad bacteria that live in your intestine with the weapons they need to exceed the good guys: probiotics.

And when your good intestinal microbes are exhausted, not only will they not be able to repel the inflammation inducing weight, they can not help you keep your metabolism hum, your healthy immune system, and your strong mind. That is whyintestinal health is so important.

Research suggests that more probiotic food consumption can help you repair your intestine and feed your microbiome. Before entering the best sources of probiotic foods, we will discuss what exactly are probiotics and how they can benefit you.

What are probiotics and probiotic foods?

Probiotics are living bacterial cultures that we naturally consume in fermented foods or in the form of supplement. They are called "pro" because they thought they were beneficial for our health, although science behind it has not yet proved how. (Or even if they are effective - like living probiotics often do not survive the hard-stomach environment - which is why theFDA has not yet approved to use probiotic supplements to treat health problems.)

Do all fermented food foods are probiotic foods?

As we mentioned that probiotics are naturally present in fermented foods, it is important to know that all fermented foods are probiotic foods. This is because fermentation describes a chemical process that can have different players and results. Only good components will produce probiotics and probiotic foods.

Take beer, for example. This alcoholic drink crosses a process of fermentation where yeast (which is not bacteria)ferment Sugars in alcohol and carbon dioxide (bubbles). Some bacteria can find some way in some beers (such as acids, where bacteria give a TANGY signature taste, according toNPR), but brewers do their best to reduce bacterial contamination during the brewing process and there are no probiotic bacteria in beer. (Although a group of scientists fromNational University of Singapore Try to do that happen.

How probiotics can benefit your health.

Research showed that our intestine microbes play an important role in the regulation of our health,Mental Health, And weight.

And additional research suggested a way that we could repair this imbalance: eating fermented foods full of probiotics (and also cutting bad food sugars with the microbe and charging onprebiotics.)

Studies have found natural probiotics can helpLighten the IBS and IBD symptoms,Symptoms of anxiety,Reduces the risk of eczema in infantsand can helpReduce the symptoms of seasonal allergy.

Another majorProfit of probiotics Can they help regulate weight. A study published in theBritish Nutrition Journal Found that overweight women who have been placed on a low calorie system and given a probiotic supplement for 12 weeks have shown significantly higher weight loss than those who have received placebo.

A possible mechanism, described by a summary in the journalIntestineDoes probiotic foods help rebalance your Gut bugs by creating an environment where good guys can find strength. The A-Lister usually mentioned isyogurtBut the probiotic foods we are about to discuss go beyond breakfast.

The best probiotic foods for the health of the intestines.

Now that you know the benefits, it's time to load your grocery cart!

Here are the 14 best sources of probiotic foods you can consume to recover your cashing - and win the battle once and for all.


Greek yogurt

Yogurt container - best probiotic foods

The most popular probiotics of the family of fermented foods, the yogurt is made by adding two strains of bacteria,Thermophilus Streptococcus andLactobacillus Bulgaricus, In pasteurized milk. Milk thickens lactic acid produced by bacteria, becoming the creamy product you trust into build up muscle.

But although mostGreek yogurts Can be a source of confidence of the protein, all will not provide probiotics. Some products are thermally treated after fermentation, which usually kills most beneficial active crops, so make sure to check the label of the phrase "live active crops". And make sure to stay away from those with added sugars that will do more for the bad bacteria they will do for good.



kombucha - best probiotic foods

Kombucha is a little effervescent (Aka is sparkling!) Fermented food drink with black or green tea and a symbiotic culture of bacteria and yeasts, known as Scoby. Thisfunctional foodwill only transmit its probiotic advantages if it is not perfectly pasteurized, which means you should buy aRefrigerated kombucha with low sugar.



Drinkable yogurt kefir - best probiotic foods

Although this dairy drink resembling Smoothie lies next to the yogurt, if you have dairy intolerance, it could be your best choice. This is because Kefir was found to counteract the effects of lactose irritating from the milk stomach:Ohio State University Searchers found that reversing this fermented drink can reduce bloating and gases caused byLactose consumption 70%!

Kefir is a powerful probiotic food and promoting health, according to aBorders in microbiologyreview. Which is particularly promising about Kefir as probiotic food is that its bacteriahave been found to colonize the intestinal tract, which makes them more likely to confer their benefits of healing to your intestine.



Kimchi being prepared - best probiotic foods

Kimchi is a flat of Veggie asian fermented foods, made with cabbage, radish and sparkling. This distinct red color comes from a paste seasoned with red pepper, salted shrimp or kelp powder. The unique strains found in Kimchi will not only heal your intestine, they could also help you stay slim:Researchers at Kyung Hee University in Korea Induced obesity in laboratory rats by feeding a high diet, then nourished a group of themLactobacillus BrevisThe cultural strain found in Kimchi. The probiotic has removed the increase in weight induced weight consumption by 28%!



Miso paste - best probiotic foods

We like Miseo, and you also go when you hear its intestinal respectful advantages! You probably know in the soup of a miso aférisman you enter restaurants, but you can also find this traditional Japanese dough in supermarkets. It ismade By fermenting soy with salt and koji-a mushroom calledAspergillus Oryzae. Not only it's afull protein (Which means that it contains all 9 essential amino acids), as it comes from soy, but Miso also stimulates the digestive system, strengthens the immune system and reduces the risk of several cancers.



Sauerkraut - best probiotic foods

Do not let his association with hot dogs support your opinion of this food. Sauerkraut is the lacto-fermented cabbage and contains natural compounds that have potential cancer and belly. When not pasteurized, Sauerkraut is rich inLactobacillus Bacteria - even more than yogurt, which stimulates healthy flora in the intestinal tract, strengthens your immune system and even improves your overall health. Mouse fed a proprietically rich sauerkraut extract hadReduced cholesterol levels, found a study published inWorld Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology. Again, examine the label before taking a kraut for probiotic purposes. Because of the state bought in stores can be purchased can be pasteurized and prepared with vinegar, which does not offer beneficial bacteria of fermented foods, but imitates the same distinctive acid taste which is traditionally produced by the fermented lactic acid. To get an authentic product, check what people do in the farm culture.



natto - best probiotic foods

It might seem funky, but Natto is one of thehealthiest foods for women-And here's why: this Japanese dish offermented probiotic soy It is unique in the sense that it is the main food source of vitamin K2, an important vitamin for cardiovascular and bone health, as well as promoting the elasticity of the skin to help prevent wrinkles. In addition to this (and the reason why it's on this list), Natto is a powerful source of GUT healing probiotics. A healthy intestine and fermented foods to facilitate inflammation to the bay, that researchers say can affect the health of our skin since many problems like acne, eczema and psoriasis stem from inflammation.



New pickled cucumbers in glass jar with herbs and garlic - best probiotic foods

Cornichons are another classic option of Veggie fermented foods. "But it is important to distinguish that all marinated vegetables are not fermented," said di00iticians Willow Jarosh MS, RD and Stéphanie Clarke, MS, RD, co-owners ofC & J Nutrition. "In order to take advantage of the health benefits of eating fermented foods, you will want to be sure that the marinated veggie you eat is, in fact, fermented - and not just marinated." The stable products of the shelf are the first sign that a pickle is just marinated because the product would be pasteurized first, which kills all the bacteria, even the good. Make your own fermented pickles and other vegetables, at home with a starter, salt and water.


Beet Kvas

Beet juice - best probiotic foods

The probiotic trend has virtually unknown products from US markets, which is why you probably have never heard of Kvass. Thisprobiotic drinkOriginally in Russia, traditionally made in a way similar to a yeast beer but with raw rather than barley rye bread. Beet Kvass, on the other hand, uses beets as a source of starch and whey to accelerate the lacto fermentation process. The more beets are left to ferment, the more the flavor will be developed. Beets are already an excellent source of potassium and dietaryfiber, then ferment further amplifies their positive digestive properties.


cottage cheese

cottage cheese breakfast bowl with blueberries raspberries and nuts - best probiotic foods

Like yogurt, all cottage cheeses do not contain live and active crops. But one of the products that make is of a company calledGood culture. Although dairy products are packaged with protein digressing, slow muscle building and have been demonstrated to improve probiotic absorption, this option may not be your best choice; Many chalet cheeses are full of sodium, which can cause bloating and put yourself at risk of hypertension when it is consumed in excess.

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Sliced raw tempeh - best probiotic foods

You will often have seen Tempeh as a vegan alternative to Bacon - and, believe us, it's a lot better for your gut. Tempeh is a fermentedsoy Produced with a yeast starter which has a fleshy and tender bite with a neutral flavor; It is an open canvas for all your favorite seasonings. In addition to the benefits of the belly, a standard 3 ounce portion of Tempeh offers 16 grams of protein and 8% of the calcium recommended by the day.


Sweet and elderly cheeses

Probiotic soft aged cheeses - best probiotic foods

Many cheeses are created by fermentation, but all fermented cheeses do not contain probiotics. Soft cheeses, such asCheddar,MozzarellaGruyère, Gouda, Parmesan and Switzerland are usually the only type that will maintain beneficial bacteria. And another thing: they will have to be made fromGross milk and not pasteurized. These cheeses start with the addition of a lactic acid bacterial culture to milk, which will form lactic acid and cause milk to form clot and lactose. The more the cheeses are long, the most beneficial bacteria for your belly.


Green olives

Green olives - best probiotic foods

Double Martini, please - and double, we hear the olive. The white salt water olives undergo a natural fermentation and acids produced by lactic acid bacteria that are naturally present on the olive that give these bertids their distinctive flavor. Two strains of living cultures,Lactobacillus plantarum andLactobacillus pentosus,have been isolated in the olives, andL. Plantarumshows great potential to make you understand this flat stomach that you have after: this strain can balance your gut bugs and reduce bloating, especially in people with irritable intestine syndrome, according to a study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition . Note that all olives will not provide you with probiotic advantages, because most of the olives bought at the store are treated with loneses, which is not at home for delicate probiotics. Try these Fermented Olives + Olive Probiotics My Cornichon For a sure bet.

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