The most romantic zodiac sign, according to astrologers

The astrologers say that this sign is most likely to walk your feet.

Romance comes in many forms. Sometimes it can be shown with great gestures such as flowers and jewels, and other times, we can find in something as simple as a sentimental visit to where you have met for the first times or even share a meal at home. People have different needs when it comes to how they want their partner expresseshow much they care about it. If romance is something that will or break a relationship for you, astrology can help you determine which types of personality can be better adapted to be your partner. Read it to discover the six most romantic zodiac signs, slightly charming to a passionate.

RELATED:The zodiac sign less likely to fall in love, according to astrologers.


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The cancers feel deeply and like a good old-fashioned romance. At the heart, they are "bodies that can be filled with nostalgia," saysJill Loftis,Astologist and founder Night astrology.

"You know that cancer is in a romantic mood when they want to be a house body with you," saysAstrologer and tarot player RyanMarquard. "They give you a sense of belonging, even in their most private spaces, including the bedroom." When a cancer opens and makes obvious efforts to be vulnerable with you, it is their romantic interest. "Cancer is a pro to develop a shared emotional experience when it is in love with you," says Marquardt. It is important to note that cancers can develop emotional attachments to a super fast person. "They make you think and feel pure and safely," says Marquardt. But it can sometimes "feel suffocating" if they do not define healthy borders.


couple lying down and having romantic moment on couch

Geminis will dream in a magical way to win you. "Always desire something new and different, they will keep things interesting and will find out new ways of your heart," says Loftis. "This sign may want to re-create a moment when they read in a book, saw in a movie or dreamed themselves." They are also Wordsmiths and could cite words of poetry or you woo with their intellectual prowess.AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

RELATED:The most flirting zodiac sign, according to astrologers.


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Sude by Venus, the planet of love, Balance will bring a romance in your life even in the most banquished moments. "The scale is the sign that wants to randomly a pretty card and cupcakes to your office" ", says Marquardt. But they are not only sweet gifts. They take a compromise and a partnership seriously, so they bear attention Particular to your desires and intentions.

"The balance is more traditional with its values ​​of romance and tends to enjoy a good old-fashioned chivalry," says Marquardt. But he adds, he will always feel natural. "They like to dress, put their favorite perfume and treat yourself as the interest of love for a rom-com with cheese-but irresistible in the early 2000s."

If you can not say it already, this sign is verypartner-oriented And likes to provide a high quality and a good time. "Libras likes a classic fairy tale romance," says Loftis.


Couple on a date

Leos likes to show their love in big ways. "Create a good mood, plan the perfect outfit and make you feel as if the world's most important person is all Leo skills," says Loftis. They likefeel the projectory About them, and they also want you to feel the center of attention.

"Leo can be a little dramatic with gestures, like arrange for a moment" Kiss Cam "to your favorite sports event or putting rose petals on the bed when you come home," says Marquardt. But do not forget to make them feel special too. "They like to be pampered and rejected themselves and often" give "what they want to" get, "says Marquardt.

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Taurus is very emotional, passionate and willing to go to the extra mile for their love. "Nobody can make their lovers happier and more comfortable than Taurus," sayspsychic reader and spiritual healerEmily Newman. "They are dedicated and dedicated."

But bull usually moves slowly when it comes to love. "When Taurus is in love, he will feel so natural, unstrusted and founded," says Marquardt. "The romantic partners of Taurus appreciate the simplicity and organic chemistry Taurus ignite, so that the slower pace often wins at the end."


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Fish is the most romantic sign and goes for the classic,Hollywood glamor kind of love . They like to be swept away their feet, but they will also be able to provide that feeling with very little effort. "Fish has an Aura Otherworldly, which magnetizes and hypnotizes their partners," said Marquardt. "It can feel like a fairy tale in its own right. They give you the feeling that love can be like movies."

Even if the date is mistaken horribly, fish knows how to charm. "Fish do not care so much about everything that happens depending on the plan, they are just looking for intimacy and a sense of unity with their love interests," says Marquardt. When you are on the same page with fish, you will see it in their eyes. "Fish makes people feel that the world feels like moving away, and it's just you and them, levitation above the chaos of life."

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