Surprising probiotic foods for a flat stomach
Do you want to reduce your belly? Start eating bugs. It's not a fear factor flashback: probiotics, good bacteria useful in your digestive tract, play a vital role in maintaining healthy weight.

When your good gut bugs are exhausted, bad bacteria take over, causing inflammation. This goes on your FAT genes, leading you to earn more weight than someone who eats the same amount of food and spend the same amount of time in the gym. In fact, overweight men and women have been placed on a restricted calorie and given either a placebo or a probiotic complement for 12 weeks in a study published in theBritish Nutrition Journal. Women who consumed good bugs and fermented foods showed significantly higherweightloss. Twelve weeks later, women continued to lose weight, even if they had stopped taking the supplements!
Probiotics are largely found in fermented foods and MVPs have generally mentioned.yogurt, Kefir and Kimchi. But probiotic sources go well beyond breakfast and Korean barbecue; You can consume them as part of a wide variety of meals and snacks. Here are some of the best options for aflat belly.
Dark chocolate
The dark chocolate is a dietetic white knight. The chocolate magnet microbes in the intestine convert candies into anti-inflammatory compounds, researchers from the American chemical company found. When the cocaa reaches the digestive juices and the digestive enzymes of your belly, it is acclaimed by the good bugs of your belly, which close it in anti-inflammatory compounds. Bingo: You lose Belly Bloat. (Black chocolate also dilate blood vessels down blood pressure, which can reduce your risk of stroke.) Find a cocoa content of 70% or more. ACS researchers stated that the amount that seems to be beneficial is the equivalent of two tablespoons of cocoa powder per day, or three quarters of an ounce of chocolate (a square is about 1 oz).
Green peas

Spinach and cabbages have a little competition for green VEG of the moment. But the dark horse of this drag race is the humble green peas. Japanese researchers have discovered that green peas containLeuconostoc messageremef, a powerful probiotic that stimulates your immune system, in a 2014 study published in theApplied Microbiology Journal. Peas produce lactic acid bacteria that protect the mucosal barrier, a.k.a. The second skin of the body, which crosses your digestive tract and constitutes the first line of defense against bad bugs and toxins. Make sure you jump Soggy, salted canned peas and add fresh fees to your salads and omelettes, or paste the cool.

This blue-green alga, available in powders andsupplements, is super rich in protein: it contains all the amino acids needed. The search on its probiotic properties is preliminary but promising. A study published inWorld Diary of Dairy Sciences and Food Found effective spirulina in the growing culture of the useful bugLactobacillus acidophilus All by harmful killingintestinal bacteria. Separate Japanese research revealed that it reduced diabetic renal disease in rats and a 2015 study printed in the newspaperPhytomedicine I found protected mice against H1N1 infection. And green stuff can be able to flatten your belly by burning fat during exercise. Nine moderately sporty men took spirulina capsules or placebo for four weeks in a printed study inMedicine and Science in Sport and Exercise. Then men who had taken spirulina supplements were able to run 30% more than men who had taken a placebo and burned 11% more fat during a race!

Although dirtied by its association with hot dogs, Sauerkraut is a fermented cabbage and contains natural compounds that have powerful cancer and belly properties. Jump not pasteurized is one of the few fermented foods rich in probioticLactobacillusBacteria - He even more than yogurt! - which increases the healthy flora in the intestinal tract and strengthens your immune system. But this will also increase your overall health: mice fed to this strain of isolated bacteria from Chinese Sauerkraut have reduced cholesterol levels in a study published in theWorld Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology. And a packs 34% pack of your recommended daily dose of vitamin C and a solid 4 grams of fibers. Jumping on the shelf will have been pasteurized and is therefore less effective; Look for "live and active crops" on the label.
Green olives

These little green buggers have traveled a long way from their days as a unknown bar food:Lactobacillus plantarum andLactobacillus pentosus Have been isolated in the olives, nourished by the brine in which they are soaked, making the ultimate snack of fermented foods. AndL. PlantarumShows a great potential to make you understand this flat stomach that you followed: this strain can balance your gut bugs and reduce bloating, especially in people with irritable intestine syndrome, according to the American company. Clinical nutrition.
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