This common household article will get rid of weeds in your garden

This product is probably sitting in your pantry right now.

Weeds are the scourge of every existence of the gardener. After spending hours creating your vision, keep your floor, andPlant your flowers, All you need is an unwanted green infestation to ruin your work. Many gardeners use weed killers to solve this problem, but that does not come without risk. According to the Environmental Protection Agency,herbicide pollution Can lead to declining plants' conditions, growth and reproduction, as well as the increased mortality of fish, amphibians and invertebrates. Fortunately, natural weed killers exist - and many of them can be found in your pantry. If you want to do the switch, read it to discover the common household product that will rid you weed in your garden.

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Vinegar can be used to make a DIY weed killer.

spraying plants
Wega52 / iStock

Pass your next trip to the depot of the house so that the killer-vinegar business weeds can do the job as well.John La Pumathe designer behindOrganic farm certified in urban areas The Farms The Puma, explains that all you have to do is fill a bottle of spray with horticultural vinegar and a tablespoon of soap at the dishes. The acid in vinegar will dehydrate the weed, while the dish soap helps the process by breaking the outer layer of the plant.

Spray the solution on weeds in your yard and they will be easier to pick about 24 to 48 hours later. As with any weed killer product, avoid applying it directly onplants you would like to keep. Similarly, avoid spraying land areas where their root systems are developing, as can alsonurse.

The key here is to use horticultural vinegar, which has a concentration of acidity by 20%, said the PUMA. Regular white vinegar, with 5% acidity, may not be as effective. If you decide to use it, vaporize it on a sunny day so that the heat of the sun can amplify the dehydration process, saysAshley Christian,gardening expert and publisher of Homestead Sweet Home.

The boiling water can be an alternative solution.

Boiling water on stovetop

Really want to save money? Look no further than your cooking sink. "Pour boiling water over unwanted weeds is one of the most cost-effective and environmentally friendly methods to take care of weeds," says Christian. "The boiled water, when it flows on your weeds, can kill them effectively until the root." This solution works because hot water deforms the cells of the plants, which trained them.

Christian notes that this method will not delete long-term weeds, so you will need to repeat the process several times throughout the growing season. Although some gardeners swear by adding a pinch of salt to the mix, Christian and the PUMA recommend against him because he can limit soil fertility by moving his natural minerals and nutrients. This makes it difficult to grow plants in the affected areas in the future.

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Give a crunch of alcohol a test.

spraying plants
ZBynek Pospisil / iStock

If you are still looking for your pantry for a way to kill weeds, access frictional alcohol. "The homework of DIY I use most often is one with alcohol to rub", declaresJeremy YamaguchiCEO ofLawn-Tech Company The love of the lawn. To create this solution, mix a quarter of water and two spoons of alcohol to rub in a spray bottle. Apply the weed solution by a sunny day, avoiding the plants you would like to keep. In a few days, these weeds will be easy to pick.

If everything else fails, use your hands.

Person pulling a weed from the root

There are some basic gardening practices that you can implement to reduce the number of weeds in your space, such as the use of mulch and planting densely. But when weeds arise, you can use good old elbow grease to eliminate them. According to, for the best results, you shouldWeed daily When the soil is wet; When you carve a weed, pull slowly to make sure you get the entire root system. Finally, eliminate weeds quickly once picked, to avoid leaving their seeds to find their way in the ground.

Soon you can sit, relax and enjoy your space without weeds.

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Categories: Smarter Living
Tags: cleaning / Garden / Home / News / plants
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