Tag: Pets

15 breed the most fluffy you have to look at right now

Imagine just hugging one of these blurred guys.

15 breed the most fluffy you have to look at right now
25 incredible things that you never knew that dogs can do

Marvel, answer your next superheroes.

25 incredible things that you never knew that dogs can do
Veterinarians warn pet owners on the fatal risk of salt lamps

Protect your furs from the dangers of salt poisoning.

Veterinarians warn pet owners on the fatal risk of salt lamps
8 genius dog products that will make your cleanser at home

Hair demonstration mittens with special brushes, these products will address all your dog loss needs.

8 genius dog products that will make your cleanser at home
These are the most likely pets to get coronavirus

According to CDC, ferrets and cats are a particular risk of coronavirus.

These are the most likely pets to get coronavirus
How to keep your pet calm during fireworks, according to experts

Fireworks can scare your pets, but you calm them, it's easy with these tips supported by the veterinarian.

How to keep your pet calm during fireworks, according to experts
Why do not dog breeds do not live as long as small dog breeds?

Fido's time on earth can have a surprising determining factor.

Why do not dog breeds do not live as long as small dog breeds?
These warm photos of a boy with a rare heart state get a corgi will make your day

The photos of Austin Lewis and his puppy, Gatsby, are sure to put a smile on your face.

These warm photos of a boy with a rare heart state get a corgi will make your day
If you feed your dog that, stop now, says FDA

The FDA has just announced a reminder on this dog food due to possible exposure to toxin.

If you feed your dog that, stop now, says FDA
This viral marriage photo of a better conscientious dog man will warm your heart

Marley has been with the doubles of their day of marriage at the birth of their son.

This viral marriage photo of a better conscientious dog man will warm your heart
Why President Trump needs a dog

Science says that a soft stuffed plush could do wonders for man.

Why President Trump needs a dog
30 Names of pets of the most funny celebrities

Featuring a certain lifestyle guru with an apparent penchant for dictators.

30 Names of pets of the most funny celebrities
Here's how to keep your pets with mother's safety

Because, chances are, your fur friend can not handle without you.

Here's how to keep your pets with mother's safety
That's why dogs are moving their tails

It's more than a happy hello.

That's why dogs are moving their tails
Dog loves pizza so much that he has forced to wear a hilarious label "do not giving me pizza"

El Jefe is a hero for gourmands everywhere!

Dog loves pizza so much that he has forced to wear a hilarious label "do not giving me pizza"
The 17 cute animals discovered in 2018

Meet the soft side of Mother Nature.

The 17 cute animals discovered in 2018
The 50 most popular dog breeds in America

Meet the Cool Kid's table in Canine High.

The 50 most popular dog breeds in America
21 adorable photos of puppies very bad enemies of winner

Enemies Beware.

21 adorable photos of puppies very bad enemies of winner
Tweet of this man on his dog being corrupted by a viral bears

"It's a big bipartisan, the interspecific work."

Tweet of this man on his dog being corrupted by a viral bears
These photos of hilariously un flattering pets will do your day

Just look at these adorable goobers!

These photos of hilariously un flattering pets will do your day
This online pet did the most kind thing after the customer's death.

Nothing will never bring it back, but this gesture has certainly helped.

This online pet did the most kind thing after the customer's death.
These "aristocates" of the actual life blows from our spirit

Now, everything they need is a Thomas O'Malley.

These "aristocates" of the actual life blows from our spirit
45 The most funny animal jokes

Not only is your pet to your hairy friend (I hope), they are also your funniest.

45 The most funny animal jokes
Meet the Senior dog who finally found a house forever after 450 days in a shelter

Look at this happy face!

Meet the Senior dog who finally found a house forever after 450 days in a shelter
35 funny pets of pets that seriously hate bathtime

Splash splash, I would not like to take a bath.

35 funny pets of pets that seriously hate bathtime
30 hilarious dog even to make you scream with laughter

We tracked the best dog jokes on the internet!

30 hilarious dog even to make you scream with laughter
Dog photo Sleeping on the prosthetic leg of the late Owner VA viral

After the owner of Clancy died, he clung to all he could.

Dog photo Sleeping on the prosthetic leg of the late Owner VA viral
Golden Retriever who likes to slide down Hills will bring you joy

Leny The Retriever is spinning in our hearts.

Golden Retriever who likes to slide down Hills will bring you joy
Boy returns with her dog LOST in heartwarming viral video

Carter could not remember his tears of joy when he saw his pug, Piper, again.

Boy returns with her dog LOST in heartwarming viral video
25 photos of AWW of Sleeping Animals

There is nothing like seeing a kitten enlisting to enlighten your day.

25 photos of AWW of Sleeping Animals