How to keep your pet calm during fireworks, according to experts

Fireworks can scare your pets, but you calm them, it's easy with these tips supported by the veterinarian.

For many people, July 4th means a day off, a barbecue in the yard, and a rest and relaxation. Unfortunately, for your furry friends, it often means one nightPast softening into fear As strong fireworks displays are triggered. According to a 2010 study published in theNew Zealand veterinary newspaper, 46% of domestic owners surveyed reported that theirCats or dogs have lived fears related to fireworks, triggering everything, to hide to go to the bathroom outside the designated areas to engage in destructive behavior. Fortunately, even if they have terrified your pet in the past, there are many easy ways to keep them calm during the fireworks of this day of independence, it is enough to discover what veterinarians recommend. And for more ways to keep your friends safe safe, check these7 facts for coronavirus pets that each owner needs to know.

Cover your windows.

girl closing curtains of bedroom at night

The auditory and visual aspects of fireworks can cause anxiety in animals. It is therefore wise to block them by any means possible.

"In advance on the fireworks, prepare your home by closing all windows and curtains to help stifle the sounds", suggestsAntje Joslin, DVM, a veterinarian forDogtopia.

Add soothing sounds to drown noise.

tabby cat watching a tv show about cats
Shutterstock / Ingus Kruklitis

Some familiar noises around the house can help reduce the answer of your animal's fear with fireworks. "Turn on the music or TV, but make sure he has soft sounds to help calm their anxiety," says Joslin.

Keep your pet inside.

scared dog in blanket
Shutterstock / Gladskikh Tatiana

You may want a first row seat to your local fireworks display, but your puppy is certainly not.Sara Ochoa, DVM, veterinary consultant, says it's important to keep sterile pets inside during the fireworks and recommends keeping them in a confined space inside your home.

"Keep them in your home, closed in a room or in a kennel, will help them escape when you come and go," says Ochoa, who recommends covering the kennel with a blanket. And for more information up to date,Sign up for our daily newsletter.

Create a comfortable space for them.

jack russell terrier sleeping in dog bed photos of snoozing dogs

If your pet does not usually use a kennel, you must always sculpt a comfortable space that they can hide.

"Create this space for them in advance with their dog bed and toys, with easy access to their food and water", suggests Joslin. And if you want a preview of the behavior of your puppy, discover these19 things your dog tries to tell you.

Give them an extra game time during the day.

german shepherd puppy playing fetch
Shutterstock / Anetopic

One of the easiest ways to make sure your pet does not panic when the fireworks start? Get them so tired they do not even notice.

"Throughout the day and before the start of the fireworks, take your dog on a long walk. Run with them, play games and exhaust all their energy so that they are tired of pleasure," suggests Joslin , who notes that even if they do not fall asleep, feel physically worn will help keep them calm.

Try aromatherapy.

calico cat sniffing essential oil diffuser
Shutterstock / Kristi Blokhin

Salming perfumes do not work exclusively on humans - your pet can also benefit from aromatherapy.

"Lavender, Chamomile and other soothing essential oils also help humans to settle their nerves, but also canines," said CAT / Dog Behaviairist certifiedRussell Hartstein. However, Hartstein notes that some essential oils can beToxic for pets- and different oils can be toxic for dogs and cats - so it's important to run this step by your veterinarian first.

Talk to your veterinarian on drugs.

white hand giving pill or medication to cute puppy
Shutterstock / Cunaplus

If it looks like you have exhausted your other options, do not be shy to ask for help from your veterinarian.

"It's good to say yes to drugs or holistic supplements, including pheromones, prescription antidepressants or anti-anxiety drugs, saysJustine Lee, DVM, a veterinary spokesman for Pumpkin animal insurance .

Although it may feel strange to give your medications to your pet, Lee Assures: "The drugs recommended by the veterinarian are very safe and can play a decisive role in the conservation of their calm during the incident situations of the anxiety." And if you want to keep your puppy happy in the long run, start by nixer these 17 things you make that your dog really hates .

Categories: Smarter Living
Tags: animals / Pets
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