Boy returns with her dog LOST in heartwarming viral video

Carter could not remember his tears of joy when he saw his pug, Piper, again.

Alldomestic animal owner Can not imagine the horror of calling their dog or the chat name only to get no answer. But if you have the chance to befind a lost animalThe joy can be overwhelming, like this viral video of a boy named Carter with his dog bringing together, Piper, proves.

November 18April Elizabeth LicataAnd his son, Carter, that Piper on to relieve himself, but the precious little carlin did not come back when she was called. It was a nightmare scenario, but it was particularly difficult on Carter, as Piper had been a gift for his 12th birthday. "He had always wanted a black carlin since he spent his years with another baby carlin that he loved a lot-oliver-who had to go live with another family," Licata wrote in the legend of the video that 'She recentlyPosted on Facebook.

They spoke to the neighbors in their city of Byron, New York, and putting a call on social media, but, like the days spent, their hope that they had never tested it weakened.

Then, two weeks later, Licata received a message saying a dog that looked like Piper had been picked up and taken to theGenesee County Animal Shelter. She went to the shelter and, of course, he was Piper! Carter was out of town with his father at the time, so Licata decided tosurprise him When she next to pick him up at school.

"It's so amazing to see love, and honestly the video tells more than all the words I could write," she writes. It is true: the fear on the face of Carter when he first sees Piper through the window of the car isreally comforting, As he is happy curly tail wag of the dog. He breaks down into tears, then put his finger like saying, "One second," and leaves the frame to collect. But when Carter goes up in the car, heventilate again like Piper the chuckle of kisses.

"My sonlove So much, was sick while she had disappeared, and tonight she issleep next to He again, "Licata wrote, adding that his return was a"Christmas miracle" for the whole family.

Licata posted the video on Facebook Thursday, and it quickly viral, with more than 63,000 views in a few days.

"Warm messy mess here! A Facebook user wrote, echoing the general feeling. After all, when we see it, we all like to know and this right hereis love.

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Tags: News / Pets
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