The 17 cute animals discovered in 2018

Meet the soft side of Mother Nature.

You would think here that we would have discovered everything on the planet we inhabited, oh, about 10,000 years old. You would be wrong. To date, we always discover new discoveries on the regular - and nowhere is it more apparent than in the animal kingdom. For the proof, it is enough to meet these adorable and fascinating creatures, totally enchanting, which have all been discovered in a single calendar year. It's hard to prove that our planet is always at home at Myriad Secrets - and (bonus!) Mother Nature has actually a mild side. And for a preview of another overview of the animal reign scarcity, checkThe rarest 30 animals on the planet.

Amphipod (Epimeria Quasimodo)

This kind of amphipoid rather adorable has been discovered in the Antarctic Ocean and has been named for the character of Victor Hugo, quasimodo the bossu. TheEPIMERIA QUASIMODO is just one of the other 26 amphipods living in the deep ocean. And for more examples of the smallest animals on the planet, check these23 small animals on the planet.

Atlantic Coast Leopard Frog

Atlantic Coast Leopard Frog cutest animals discovered in 2018
Image via Wikimedia Commons

Ato study Published in the newspaperPlos a Underlined the discovery of a single frog species, which lives mainly in the coastal plains of Connecticut north of North Carolina. More than any other species of frog in North America, the colors of the leopard frog of the Atlantic coast makes it incredibly easy to blend in their environment.

Tapanuli orangutan

Tapanuli orangutan cutest animals discovered in 2018
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Located in the Sumatran Mountains, this new species of orang-blood is now the rarest, with only 800 estimated to live in the region. According toresearchersThis species was tormented by the local population, with several airgun granules inside their body. The most incredible aspect of this discovery is, however, that this species is actually thought to be the oldest of all orangstantans - which means they have lived in the mountains for thousands of years. And for more old animals, check these30 the oldest animals on the earth.

Woniwoi tree kangaroo

Wondiwoi tree kangaroo cutest animals discovered in 2018
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While theWoniwoi tree kangaroo It was thought to be extinguished, the first photographic evidence of its existence was taken in July 2018 by the British naturalist Michael Smith. The animal was discovered in a largely unexplored area of ​​the Wonderiwoi ranges of New Guinea. To date, it was thought that they would only be approximately 50 kangaroos of living woniwoi, because of their limited habitat.

Hybrid bird with three species

Three-species bird hybrid cutest animals discovered in 2018
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Discovered by an amateur fauna photographer outside Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, thisHybrid bird with three species (The offspring of a mother of the hybrid parulin and a father Warbler of the chestnut of a different kind) seems to be the only one of its kind - at least for the moment. To correctly identify the father of the bird, the photographer has attracted carefully listened to the song of the bird, which finally indicate to his species - and, just as his father probably had probably, the bird started singing the Song of the coastal parulin.

According to experts, this strange hybrid is perhaps the result of thin matte picked during the previous season, which causes birds of a different feather (or a rather like) to mobilize. And for more on the strange habits of your favorite animals, checkThe 20st strangest animals use to stay warm in winter.


Genie's Dogfish cutest animals discovered in 2018

Just last summer, a researcher in Florida Institute of Technology discovered aShark species in which they named according to the famous research of pioneering shark eugenie Clark, died in 2015. Unfortunately, like this pretty cute socket on the typical shark wasdiscovered in the deepest trenches of the seaIt is not yet known about the number of existents or what their diet resembles. And for some real horrors of the sea, meet the20 Marine creatures more dangerous than sharks.

Tosanoids Aphrodite

Anthias asperilinguis cutest animals discovered in 2018

Upon arrival, the Greek goddess of love lives in this new species of colorful fish, found hundreds of underwater feet in the Atlantic Ocean. Discovered by researchers from theCalifornia Science AcademyThis species did not think about the habitat of the archipelago isolated about 580 miles from the coast of Brazil. As researchers have been quick to report, this species of fish is one of the most colorful and most beautiful discoveries in a while - and they are sure that it will not be the last discovery of interesting life grinding Hundreds of feet under the ocean surface.

Jinguofortis Perplexus

Jinguofortis perplexus cutest animals discovered in 2018
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Described as an ancient bird "disordered", theJinguofortis Perplexushas been discovered paleontologists in China in September 2018. This 127 million-year-old species seems to bear characteristics of dinosaurs and birds, with the melted shoulder belt and tiny teeth, rather than claws, which are typical of dinosaurs. without flight. If something, researchers say that this bird leads to a significant truth about evolution, which can sometimes be a disorder transition for animals because it is likely that this bird was not well adapted to its environment.


Bamboo bat cutest animals discovered in 2018
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Earlier this year, a brand new subspecies of Bamboo Bat was found in the Andaman archipelago, between India and Myanmar. This new subspecies, called Tylonycteris Malayana Ertemaga, results from the first large-scale exploration of this archipelago byThe Department of Zoology at the University of Osmania. Bamboo bats are named after the unique wealthy for the doosting of the day in the hollows of big bamboo shoots. These last subspecies are distinguished from others because of their slightly smaller and wider skulls, as well as their lighter gray color.

Waorani Bat For Dog

Freeman's dog-faced bat cutest animals discovered in 2018
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Looking strangely like a dog in the most adorable way possible, the Waorani bald for dog wasdiscovered in a remote part of the equator. Named according to their strange resemblance to the best friend of man, this species of bat joins seven others in the genus of the dog's bat.

Vogelkop superb bird-of-paradise

Although it was discovered in 2016, this rare bird was not considered recognized as a new species until 2018. Appointed after its habitat located in the Vogelkop Peninsula in New Guinea, this colorful bird is in a little known already, because of the appearance of a man of coupling of the coupling of a bird bird of David Taisborough of David TaisonoughEarth Series. More than any other distinctive feature that the bird has, it's the electric blue feathers resembling a smile and a pair of blue eyes that really make theVogelkop superb bird-of-paradise stand in the animal kingdom.

Rhynchocyon Stahlmanni

rhynchocyon stuhlmanni cutest animals discovered in 2018

It is not surprising that the new Rhynchocyon Stahlmanni discovery is so adorable, given the fact that, in general, elephant miseraignes are one of the most "AWW" species in the realm. And, similar to the Vogelkop Superb Bird-of-Paradis, this species was already considered existing - although the researchers were waiting until 2018 to raise them to their own species.

According toResearchers outside the California Academy of Sciences Who finally made this conclusion, the Rhynchocyon Stahlmanni tends to dragging into the forests and savannah of Africa, proving that it can withstand multiple types of ecosystems and climates. However, despite their new promotion to species, we do not know much about the Rhynchocyon Stahlmanni.

Lion Marsupial

Marsupial lion cutest animals discovered in 2018
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Thought to be around the size and stature of a current Siberian husky, the new prehistoric species of Marsupial, theWakaleo SchouteniIt was thought that we traveled around the tropical forests of Australia about 18 to 26 million years ago. Researchers outside the University of New South Wales felt that this 50-pound marsupial has probably climbed trees and discouraged for vegetation, rather than meat, proving that even the most difficult cats could live in peace with their environment.

Nederlandse Koookerhondje Dog

Earlier this year, theKennel American ClubOfficially recognized Nederlandse Kookerhondje as an official dog breed, bringing the total number of dog breeds recognized at a height of 192. originally used as duck hunters in the sixteenth century, these energetic and friendly dogs are easily trained and incredibly faithful to their owners. And for more adorable puppies, meetThe 30 most cute hybrid dogs in the world.

Grand Basset Griffon Venden Dog

In addition to Nederlandse Kookerhondje, the Grand Basset Griffon Vendeen has also been recognized as a formal dog race by the American Kennel Club in early 2018. There is also an attentive and faithful dog, the Grand Basset Griffon Venden Sega is from Rabbit and hunters of Hare.

Cloned monkeys

Cloned Chinese monkeys cutest animals discovered in 2018
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In an effort led by theChinese Academy of Postdoctoral Sciences Compatriot Zhen LiuThe macaque monkeys were successfully cloned for the first time this year, using the same technology that led to the creation of the famous clone Dolly the sheep. Zhong Zhong and Hua Hua continue to live healthy lives under the care of researchers, who emphasize that this effort brings the world a step closer to cloning humans.

Khao Manee Cat

Khao Manee cat cutest animals discovered in 2018

Although the Race of the Khao Cat Manchee has been existing for thousands of years, it has not been officially considered a legitimate breed until the beginning of 2018, by the Cat Fanciers Association . Considered as a national treasure in Thailand where it comes from, the Khao coat cat is white with eyes that often oppose colors of blue, green or gold. They are so loved in Thailand than to own one we think of creating a good luck life. And for more facts about your own friendly feline, consult these 25 hidden ways that your cat displays affection.

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Categories: Culture
Tags: animals / Pets / Science
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