Category: Lifestyle

12 holiday remedies cold and influenza

These natural remedies have been used for centuries and are proven to increase the immune system.

12 holiday remedies cold and influenza
6 reasons why you should smile every day

At least once in life, we have all heard friends, family or even strangers, say, "You should smile more." As embarrassing as it may want to hear when you are not in the brightest moods, it is scientifically proven that the smile is really good for us. From the mood adjustment to physical changes, the intentional smile can really do wonders.

6 reasons why you should smile every day
10 things that happen to your body when you are asleep

Once we leave us go to sleep, we are confronted with 8 hours of dreams and rest, to wake up the feeling rejuvenated with little or no memory of the many hours we prepared unconscious. Here are all weird things our body passes through when we catch some of ZZZ.

10 things that happen to your body when you are asleep
People leave children dyeing their hair and internet freaking

People die children's hair and post it on the internet and people have strong opinions. Cool moms are all for the cause when they are securely realized, but a police internet police certainly had some opinions.

People leave children dyeing their hair and internet freaking
12 tips on how to teach your child to be a good friend

As a parent, it is natural to want your child to end positive influences and role models. But are your children good influences for those around them? Teaching your child the skills of what it takes to be a good friend will bring them away in life, not just in social skills.

12 tips on how to teach your child to be a good friend
Internet needs to stop the victim-blame Kim Kardashian and here's why

People do not see Kim as a human woman. They see it as a wax figure of herself, a celebrity shell of a human being and a daily slut target, which devalles it to a vapid whore in the spirit of the world. It's too difficult to see it as one of us. As a sister, mother or woman in our own lives, because she is a star of reality obsessed with social media. But what people do in Kim are simple and simple: blame victims.

Internet needs to stop the victim-blame Kim Kardashian and here's why
Top 7 instagram tendencies for 2019

The 2019 Instagram already rejects truly innovative changes that will considerably affect social media marketing, influencers, consumers and defilers of everyday large. Here are 7 of the largest instagram tendencies should take shape in 2019.

Top 7 instagram tendencies for 2019
14 Best Signs of March 2018 Women

March of women last year was an enlightening success and this year, the power of the girl is fully in force and is strong. Our favorite part was the astonishing spirit and posters that came out of all this terrible era Trump. The resistance is here, and it is composed of beautiful women without fear and their masculine allies of support.

14 Best Signs of March 2018 Women
10 reasons why guys hate Valentine's Day

Here are 10 reasons why guys can not support Valentine's Day.

10 reasons why guys hate Valentine's Day
10 + 1 inspiring ideas for your perfect autumn wedding

Autumn is here. It's a spectacular time of the year to get married. Fresh and crisp air, golden shades and all these natural elements such as pinecones, fruits, vegetables, berries and nuts will make your wedding party awesome and unforgettable. Do not be afraid of cold or rainy weather and make a big outdoor party. You can celebrate your wedding in a vineyard, in a small village or even in the woods. Take a look at the list below for more product.

10 + 1 inspiring ideas for your perfect autumn wedding
How I won a $ 500 Amazon gift card

Learn how to win a $ 500 Amazon gift card now!

How I won a $ 500 Amazon gift card
Auroville - Ongoing experience or a Hippy dream?

Have you ever dreamed of living in a place that is outside religion and politics? A place that is full of free people who just want to live in peace and take full advantage of their lives? A place where you do not have to worry about your career, from your country or origin. This place exists and it's called Auroville.

Auroville - Ongoing experience or a Hippy dream?
Top 9 Feroce Warriors of the Ancient World Warriors

These women fought with courage and led their affiliates of integrity and tactical skills.

Top 9 Feroce Warriors of the Ancient World Warriors
How to Fix Your Sleep Schedule: 10 Tips

The clocks of our body regulate everything, sleep with hormones, and when you confuse this clock with fewer ideal bed routines, it's a disaster.

How to Fix Your Sleep Schedule: 10 Tips
14 cute newborn animals to brighten up your day

You can never see too many cute pictures of kittens or puppies, but we are sure that some of them surprise you and we are quite safe there are some that you have never seen it before.

14 cute newborn animals to brighten up your day
9 table decoration ideas for Valentine's Day dinner

Valentine's Day is just a few days and you are in a serious relationship, just with casual or single, we always urge you to celebrate. And to do it in style - here are some table decorations for Valentine's Day dinner that could inspire you.

9 table decoration ideas for Valentine's Day dinner
Self-assistant advice to follow

Self Care is a popular buzz word, but not that many people really understand its definition. Personal care is all that promotes your well-being. This can be self-indulgence, but above all, it's a wide range of ways you are taking care of your mind, body and soul, inside and out.

Self-assistant advice to follow
A marriage next to an erupting volcano

What do you do if the volcano located near your wedding site chooses to erupt the day of your wedding?

A marriage next to an erupting volcano
12 the most adorable trait for each sign of the zodiac

You could have some confidence, otherwise you could find yourself. Anyway, there is something about you that someone outside finds irresistibly cute. That's what makes you so amiable to your friends, family and potential contenders.

12 the most adorable trait for each sign of the zodiac
Meeting Sanna Marin, the first minister of the youngest world

Sanna Marin, Finland's Minister of Transport and Communications, is about to change the story in Finland and, hopefully, this has a domino effect on global leaders who could observe it.

Meeting Sanna Marin, the first minister of the youngest world
10 ways to manage empty nest syndrome

When children are at home, it seems like you never had time for yourself. But when you finally have at that time, the empty house can begin to feel alone and the parents forget to focus on themselves. Whether your first child or your last, have left them at home is always emotional. Here are five ways to help you like the next chapter, instead of fearing it.

10 ways to manage empty nest syndrome
A wedding photoshoot to remember is interrupted by a deer

Marriages are always spoken of the most important day of life, and they are also known to be notoriously difficult to plan. But some things you simply can not plan, there are always surprises on the way and some of them are really incredible.

A wedding photoshoot to remember is interrupted by a deer
Mental Health Tips for the Tired Millennium

The millennia have a lot to live, nowadays, and their challenges are very different from their predecessors of Baby Boomer. They are exhausted, overloaded and constantly reprimanded by other generations, led them to the experience of mental illness or poor mental health at a higher rate than others.

Mental Health Tips for the Tired Millennium
The only thing that makes you irresistible, according to your zodiac sign

It is when astrology comes to the rescue with its deep knowledge of human nature according to the stars and the planets. You want to know why are you really special?

The only thing that makes you irresistible, according to your zodiac sign
Things that women should never talk about

Women are famous for their ability to discuss all that is the current political situation to this type of Molly last week. We, girls, are simply wired in this way and want to share our views with people sharing the same ideas. That being said, everything should not be revealed to the public. There are secrets that you should even keep your boyfriend and best friend!

Things that women should never talk about
10 Tips for stopping emotional power

Emotional power is a serious problem. The #StressAating hashtag has more than 120,000 positions from around the world, and there is a reason for that. Here are some coping mechanisms to make sure you eat to feed you with food well for you instead of indulging in your mood.

10 Tips for stopping emotional power
12 bad habits that can ruin your life

As human beings, we are stretched to give our vices and bad habits. It is difficult to be virtuous all the time, but there are serious traps that are worth avoiding. Try to cut at least one of these behaviors in your lifestyle and let yourself flourish. After all, the practice is perfect!

12 bad habits that can ruin your life
6 tips to strengthen your creativity

To keep this creative muscle flexed and ready to leave, sometimes you will have to force yourself intentionally to think outside the box. For starters, here are 6 hacks to strengthen your creativity.

6 tips to strengthen your creativity
6 ways to say thanks to your guests to your wedding

There is no better way to honor the presence of your loved ones at your special day thanking them in a thoughtful way. Discover these 6 memorable means to thank your wedding guests.

6 ways to say thanks to your guests to your wedding

Whether you have a hormonal natural imbalance, or a person induced by birth control or menopause, we all know that hormonal levels out of breeds can cause a boat of problems such as weight gain, irritability of Acne and mood swings.