The secret turn to beat procrastination, says the high psychologist

Here's how cognitive crop - and good health of self-compassion can help you do things.

According toTimothy A. PychylPh.D., Professor of Psychology at the University of Carleton of Canada and one of the most important global experts on the science of procrastination, the act of landing is not as simple as people think. Pychyl says that people do not engage in procrastination to avoid a task at your fingertips and it is not a laziness-rooted behavior. In reality, he says that the procrastinators really try to avoid "associated negative feelings" with this task.

"I support that procrastination is an adapted answer to emotions," it isExplain. "We use avoidance to deal with negative emotions. For example, if a task makes us feel anxious, we can eliminate anxiety if we eliminate the task - at least in the short term. The key relationship here is that emotions are that emotions Negative is causal. Our procrastination. "

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The procrastinators often find themselves in a vicious cycle. If there is a rope to do and that they do not do it to avoid the negative feelings associated with the chore, it momentarily makes them a killing the bobbin of the road. However, these feelings end up taking a laid shift by self-blaming, stress, anxiety and low esteem - all this really leads to more procrastination.

This is why the leading psychologists say that the practice of self-compassion is one of the best ways to combat procrastination. In fact, a study published in the journalPersonality and individual differences found that the colleges that forgive themselves for the terrestinis really shot less then later. Another study, published in the newspaperSelf and identity, found that those who can not only have higher levels of stress, but also very low tests in the category of self-compassion.

"I think people do not realize that procrastinators, especially chronic procrastiners, are extremely difficult to themselves - before and after the task. And rather than continue with work, they will just turn and do turn their wheels ","Fuschia Sirois, Ph.D., Professor of Psychology at the University of Sheffield - and also one of the best experts in the world on procrastination, recently explained toScientific focus.

According to Sirois,There is another tactic that you can use to beat the procrastination in addition to being simply more kind with yourself: cognitive re-framing. In short, if you have a task on your list of things to do, you do not want to do - something that you will probably want to prove - crop your thoughts from the task by attaching the meaning to that.

"It's about reassessing," Sirois explained toScientific focus. "Seeing something more meaningful. And when you create a meaning, you create a connection to the task. Finding a meaning in the task, whether relative to yourself or other people, is really, really, really Powerful. And it's a great way to start this process of re-evaluation and dial of some of these negative emotions or at least make them more manageable. "

In addition, you are more likely to get the finished task and score it with your task list.

So, if you redoubling the dishes, be kind enough with yourself and you remember that it is totally normal to hate to do the dishes. Then go to the search for the task for significant, like reflection on how to please a flat dirty dishes will make your partner. And for more good advice that you can use, checkThe most effective way to work every day, let's say psychologists.

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