Walmart, CVS and Walgreens divert buyers with "incredibly frustrating" policies

Security measures have made some customers feel as if these stores are not worth the hassles.

Say that Retailers have trouble Since the start of the pandemic is a bit of an understatement. Customers have pivoted online purchases once covid, which has prompted many companies to reduce their detail - and high inflation has forced even more closures, because people 'purchase habits have changed. But now, big channels like Walmart, CVS and Walgreens seem to lose customers for a different reason. Read the rest to discover "incredibly frustrating" policies that push buyers to take their business elsewhere.

Read this then: The new Walmart bag policy hurts more than good, indignant buyers say .

The retail flight has increased.

Midsection of woman stealing capsule packet at supermarket

In the United States, the retail industry was in shock from a strip of display flight. The National National Retail National Survey of the National Retail of the National Retail Federation (NRF) revealed that the reduced retail trade, the loss of inventory of things other than sales, now amounts to a problem of almost $ 100 billion. The main engine of this narrowing is incidents organized on retail crime (Orc), which the average retailer has increased by 26.5% in 2021, according to the survey.

"The kind of flight It is above all happening Is not the flight to scale. This is organized crime, " Mark Mathews , vice-president of the development of research and industry analysis in the NRF, said Forbes In November 2022. The organization's survey revealed that Orc groups generally target categories such as clothing, electronics, health and beauty, accessories and shoes to fly.

To fight against this, the big retailers began to implement new politicians, but not all are well seated with the buyers.

Chains like Walmart, CVS and Walgreens have locked the products accordingly.

Tubes of Colgate-Palmolives Colgate toothpaste are locked up to deter shoplifters in a store in New York

Popular retailers talked about the troubles they met with a surge flight. "Theft is a problem. It's higher than what it Historically been , "CEO of Walmart Doug McMillon said during an interview of December 6 on CNBC Squawk box .

But the alarm bells have been ringing for some time now. During a Senate hearing in November 2021, Ben Dugan , the director of organized retail crime and corporate surveys at CVS Health, revealed that The company loses More than $ 200 million each year due to the Orc, adding that it has seen a 300% increase in the flights of its stores since the start of the pandemic.

And in January of this year, CFO of Walgreens James Kehoe says that Company reduction rate was 40 to 50% higher last year than in 2020.

Consequently, the three retailers turned to the inclusion more and more of their products in the past year.

CEO of Walgreens Roz Brewer Told Wall Street's journal that the company is Lock more products And is now focusing on securing whole product categories instead of simply certain items at high prices. Forbes reported that Walmart began to test new guys Cases locked this year which can only be opened by employees using a smartphone. And in CVS stores, viral videos have revealed everything shampoo and conditioner to soda bottles be kept behind locked cases.

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Buyers say it is "incredibly frustrating".

Woman getting bored of grocery shopping

The retailers could try to push back the shoplifting by locking more products, but they could refuse loyal customers.

Roger Evans , an Arizona consumer, said He stopped buying Articles like razors at Walgreens and CVS because of these new security policies - instead of choosing to buy direct brands for consumers like Harry's and Dollar Shave Club. "I have always had trouble finding a staff member to unlock them," Evans told the media. "Pharmacies have been perpetually under sub-efficient." AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

Maura Mana From San Francisco, California, said to inside that local buyers have trouble with retailers who have locked the items for some time now. "It's incredibly frustrating for customers and employees," Mana said at the point of sale.

Buyer complaints have spread on social networks, people sharing how the shopping experience in these retailers has become frustrating. "In [California], it's almost impossible to shop At Walmart, "said a Twitter user in October." Everything is under locking as if we were all thieves. You have to take a feat to unlock the cabinet when you want an eye shadow. Ridiculous."

Another user has tweeted that locked products are a major factor contributing to why they " rarely shop "At Walmart nowadays:" They have socks under locking and key. Socks!"

Experts say that shouldn't be a long -term solution.

New York NY USA-December 16, 2022 Over the counter cold and flu medications in low stock or locked up to prevent shoplifting

Locking the products can be what retailers feel the need to do right now, but over time, they may want to examine different ways to fight against detail.

"During this holiday season, we see many more articles kept in lines and the key", " David Johnston , the vice-president of the protection of assets and retail operations at the NRF, said to inside. "It is necessary today because we are faced with this problem. In the long term, it is probably not ideal for the customer experience."

It may not be good for retailers either. Joe Budano , the CEO of Indyme, a company based in San Diego whose safety devices are used by Walgreens and other large channels, told Forbes The fact that products locked in stores generally lead to a reduction of 15 to 25% of sales. "It's a last resort solution", Budano Added in a separate interview with slate.

In a declaration at Better life , a Waglreens spokesman said: "Walgreens is committed to providing safe environments to our patients, customers and team members. Like other retailers, retail is one of the Main challenges that industry is faced today. We continue to take measures, such as the installation of anti -flight devices for example, to dissuade flight and ensure safety and safety in our stores. These stores. Steps are taken in response to flight data and for this reason, and these additional security measures allow us to improve the availability of products on the shelf to customers. "

Better life Also contacted Walmart and CVS on the backlash of locked products, but has not yet heard.

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