What can happen to your body if you do not do exercise

As we get older, it feels more difficult to sculpt the time of your day to break a sweat - but it will have serious long-term consequences.

Most people agree that driving drunk driving, steaming cigarettes and swalling sword are intrinsically risky activities. What is surprising is that sometimes do nothing at any time - do not move a muscle can be just as fatal.

Do not exercise, or even do not have physical activity, is a confirmed risk factor for premature death. In fact, inactivity and sedentarity cause more deaths in the world than smoking or diabetes, according to a study published inThe lancet. The researchers found that people who were the least adjusted (as determined by a treadmill test) were at an increased risk of 500% to die early.

Do you want to do the lace of these running shoes, do not you? (Eg "exercise" should not be as serious as running or hitting the gym. It can be as simple as walking. And for that we have these30 tips when you walk to lose weight.)

Here are some other dangerous side effects of not doing this can motivate you out of the couch and break a sweat. When you start doing exercise, make sure to complete your diet with good smoothies as food. They have incredible advantages:What happens to your body when you drink a smoothie every day.


You may find it difficult to have a good night's sleep.

Woman feeling neck ache, suffering from painful feeling in neck

Do not have enough sleep or throwing and turning the night may not look like something to fear. But if this happens regularly, it can inaugurate a host of health problems - from weight gain and diabetes, heart disease to poor immunity with mood disorders and even accidents. So, poor sleep due to lack of physical activity can be threatening life. Now, consider the reversal side: Have you ever fallen into the deepest, the most satisfying sleepers after spending three hours in the air working in the yard, paddling a kayak, hiking 10 miles or run a race long distance? A vigorous exercise, especially when you have done outside, is an extremely effective sleep inducer without drugs - a person you miss if you do not get regular exercise. A meta-analysis of the research exploring the interrelation between sleep and exercise in the newspaperAdvances of preventive medicineIdentified 29 studies showing that exercise has improved the duration of sleep and the quality of sleep.

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You can develop high blood pressure.

blood pressure monitor

Exercise helps your heart to pump more efficiently. If your heart is fit, it must work less strong to pump blood and strength through your arteries decreases. If you do not exercise, over time, your cardio-respiratory fitness (CRF) decreases. Numerous studies have demonstrated this: in a South Korean study published in theAmerican Journal of Human Biology, 3,831 men without heart disease or hypertension received two health exams at about 10 years of intervals. The researchers have found that topics that have decreased during this period included a 72% increase in the risk of developing high blood pressure compared to topics that have increased their capability. Respiratory. Then count not to exercise as one of the14 errors that make your hypertension worse.


You will probably develop heart disease.

man having heart attack

Even when you do not have any conventional risk factors for heart disease, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and obesity-inactivity can still lead to heart disease, a condition that affects up to 6 million Americans. . Johns Hopkins medicine researchers analyzed the levels of exercise reported in more than 11,000 people participating in theRisk of atherosclerosis in the study of communitiesAnd found that leaving without physical activity in the Middle Ages for six years was linked to an increased risk of heart failure. The 2,530 participants who reported a decrease in physical activity increased their risk of heart failure by 18%, even if they did not have a history of cardiovascular disease at the beginning of the study, the report ofTraffic show.


Your memory can fail more easily.

memory exercises

Scientists estimate that exercise promotes neuroplasticity, brain capacity to form new neural connections and adapt throughout life.Studies have shown that one of the areas of this growth is in the hippocampus, which governs the functions of memory and management. A study presented in the newspaperNeurology I found that people who were able to make young adults had a better memory, motor and a greater ability to focus and control the emotions 25 years later when they were mine.


You will destroy your endurance.

tired girl sitting on grass

High-level kayakists are a nice bouquet of shape, do not you say? So, consider this experience that has measured their VO2 max after taking a five-week break from their training. VO2 Max is a measure of the maximum amount of oxygen, a person can use during an intense exercise fight, and it is considered the standard gold test to determine the cardiovascular capacity of an athlete. TheJournal of Sports Science and MedicineStudy revealed that VO2 Max fell average athletes by 11.3% during the five-week kayaking training break. It is important. Now consider the severity of your VO2 Max may be if you, a mortal and not an elite kayakist, did not exercise at all for a long period of time.


Your blood glucose out of control.

Woman testing insulin levels

Physical activity plays a vital role in the way your body treats carbohydrates that even missing a few workouts can affect blood sugar levels, according to recent research in the journal.Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. "We now have proof that physical activity is an important part of the daily maintenance of glucose levels," said John Thyfault, Assistant Professor at the Department of Nutrition and Physiology for the Exercise at the University of Missouri. "Even in the short term, which reduces daily activity and ceases regular exercises causes acute changes in the body associated with diabetes that can occur before weight gain and the development of obesity. »

On the other hand, even "only one moderate exercise fight" can improve the way the body regulates blood glucose. And note that Thyfault said: "Moderate exercise. More and more research suggests that you do not have to become an athlete to reap the benefits of exercise. A 2013 pierced study published in the journalArteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology Compare the moderate walk to vigorous race revealed that both forms of exercise have produced similar reductions in the risk of type 2 diabetes.


You can increase your risk of certain cancers.

Doctor and patient

Sitting the whole day increases your risk of cancer? Scientists do not know. What they say is that sedentary behavior is a risk factor for many chronic diseases and premature death. Although no study has proved the lack of exercise causes cancer, many self-reported observation studies have provided evidence linking higher physical activity to reduce the risk of cancer, according to theNational Cancer Institute. For example, a 2016 review of 126 studies have shown that people who have committed at the highest level of physical activity had a lower 19% risk of colon cancer compared to those who were the least active physically. Similarly, a meta-analysis of breast cancer studies has shown that women who have the most exercising a lower risk of 12% to 21% to develop breast cancer.


Your shoulders and knees can hurt.

woman with arthritis holding knee

Pain, and the throbbing joints can be caused by osteoarthritis, injuries, repetitive work movements, and aging, but inactivity is also a common trigger of joint pain. "Limiting your movements can weaken the muscles, which aggravates joint problems, and affect your posture, triggering a cascade of additional problems", writing researchers at Harvard Medical SchoolHealthbeat. The solution is simple, but does not occur overnight. Start a regular routine of walking and other aerobic exercises, and resistance to strengthen key muscles in support and restore the flexibility of the joints.


Your HDL cholesterol "good" rate will drop.

high cholesterol

Performing regular aerobic exercise is one of the most effective ways to identify high density lipoproteins (HDL), which is called "good" cholesterol. HDL cholesterol, it helps eliminate bad cholesterol from your blood circulation and is associated with lower risk of heart disease, according toHARVARD HEALTH LETTER. So, if you are not the exercise regularly and do it with enough intensity to increase your heart rate, your HDL will probably go down and the LDL (bad cholesterol) will increase. The American Heart Association recommends 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity per week. "If you break that down, it ends up being half an hour five days a week, about," saysHaitham Ahmed, MD, MPH, A prevention cardiologist in New York. "These activities are enough to get your heart rate, and you breathing difficult. This is usually good for your HDL cholesterol, as well as LDLs and triglycerides. Supplement that with a healthy diet that includes these20 foods that increase your "good" cholesterol And give you your heart a break.


Your bones can become brittle.

Mature woman suffering from pain in wrist at home

As you get older, the calcium of your bones is reabsorbed in your blood. The result is a reduction in bone mass and can result in fragile bones, a condition called osteoporosis. One of the essential means of preventing this bone loss exercises. If you do not go much, you increase your risk of bone weakness related to age. TheAmerican College of Sports Medicine Recommends lift exercises that involve a jump jump (such as tennis and basketball) and work. The workout with weight resistance is also recommended to increase bone density by theNational Association of Force and Packaging.


You can become depressed.

anxiety depression

It is a chicken or egg conundrum: does physical inactivity trigger depression or depression prevents us from retiring in sedentary behavior? Clinical research supported this last theory: depression leads to a decrease in activity of any type, including the desire to exercise. In fact, somestudies Suggest that inactivity can even be an evolutionary survival strategy - we slow down to become less remarkable and avoid conflict.

Meanwhile, exercise is a well-established medicinal treatment for anxiety disorders and depression. But can inactivity-without depressive symptoms be a higher risk of developing symptoms of depression? aanalysis Dozens of observation and intervention studies suggest that physical activity could prevent depression. While some of these studies have shown that low and high-intensity physical activity was both effective in reducing the likelihood of depression, a number of studies have revealed that the vigorous exercise had the greatest preventive effect. .


You will probably have weight.

gaining weight

Most experts agree that your eating habits play a greater role in the gain or weight loss than the amount of exercise you do. However, considerable research has shown a correlation between obesity and a sedentary lifestyle. Such a study of Stanford University researchers published inThe American Journal of MedicineLong-term results of more than 17,000 participants in the National Survey on Health and Nutrition Review. The analysis revealed that from 1988 to 2010, the percentage of adults who reported do not exercise in their free time from 19% to 52% in women and 11% to 43% for men. During the same period, researchers found that the prevalence of obesity among women reached 25% to 35% and 20% to 35% for men. Does think there can be a connection? To make you healthier, it will be worthwhile to start doing exercise and try these 9 the easiest ways to start eating healthy .

Categories: Healthy Eating
Tags: Facts / Health Tips / tips
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