Tag: a family

≡ 6 reasons why you should allow your children to use cosmetics》 Her Beauty

Is it safe to allow children to experiment with makeup at such a young age?

≡ 6 reasons why you should allow your children to use cosmetics》 Her Beauty
7 faithful signs that you have long been married

Relatives and friends increasingly ask you a question: "When will you get married?". But you doubt? Or you can't determine if you are ready to go to the registry office?

7 faithful signs that you have long been married
6 signs that you are poorly educating the daughter

Want to know about the most common mistakes in the upbringing of girls who negatively affect their further fate?

6 signs that you are poorly educating the daughter
6 reasons why girls choose "bad" guys

We have gathered several of the most common scenarios who pushed women in a deliberately unhappy relationship.

6 reasons why girls choose "bad" guys
10 things that the woman is entitled to demand from his man

A smart woman will always demand these 10 things from their man. Because they are the key to stable and harmonious relations.

10 things that the woman is entitled to demand from his man
8 signs of good dad

A real man is not only a fighter and a getter, it is also a good father, a mentor and a teacher in life. In his power to help the child to overcome their fears and complexes. Teach him stand firmly on the legs. Let's figure out what qualities a man is needed to become a good father?

8 signs of good dad
How to take a child on quarantine: 10 excellent ideas

Quarantine Zastiga surmoved most parents. But you should not despair! We have prepared 10 ideas for you how fun to spend time with a child on quarantine. We promise will be interesting - and you can finally tear your child from gadgets.

How to take a child on quarantine: 10 excellent ideas
Women's tricks of family life: what is better never to tell her husband

The key to a happy family life is sincerity and honesty between spouses. But there are exceptions in everything. There are several secrets that you better never tell your husband. There is no such woman who would have been completely satisfied with his appearance. Overweight, cellulite, big nose - no one ...

Women's tricks of family life: what is better never to tell her husband
8 Rules for the upbringing of children in Tolstoy

Lion Tolstoy developed his teaching methodology, the principles of which were absolutely innovative for the XIX century. How relevant is it relevant today?

8 Rules for the upbringing of children in Tolstoy
6 reasons why a man needs maternity leave

In Western Europe, maternity leave for fathers is a fairly common practice. In the post-Soviet space, the number of fathers on the decree does not exceed 2 percent. Why don't men be afraid of maternity leave?

6 reasons why a man needs maternity leave