Women's tricks of family life: what is better never to tell her husband

The key to a happy family life is sincerity and honesty between spouses. But there are exceptions in everything. There are several secrets that you better never tell your husband. There is no such woman who would have been completely satisfied with his appearance. Overweight, cellulite, big nose - no one ...

A mortgageless family life is sincerity and honesty between spouses. But after all the exceptions. There are a few secrets that you better never abrupt your husband.

His complexes

The netward woman who would be completely satisfied with his appearance. Overweight, cellulite, big nose - none of us is ideal. But with its complexes need to be necessary, and not to "cherish" them and constantly complain. The worst option is to complain to my husband. He is not a nanny or psychotherapist. Of course, he is vapotile, but respect for himself in his eyes you definitely do not add.

Memories of their former

There are no orders to speak either well or nothing at all. Although not. This option is not ideal. Every time you will share warm memories of the usort, your husband will think that you reproach him into something. And, most likely, hopping.

Colleague sympathy

Stamping passport and a ring on the finger does not make a woman less attractive for Mother. Most likely, you have a lot of pretty boyfriends at work, who's away to tie a novel with you. Even if you do not give them nikochopodovka. Just do not have to be proud and talk about her husband. He will also know what your beautiful you have. Stories about fans will make sure to make it. And jealousy, as you know, does not bring to the good.

Secrets of your girlfriends

Share a friend to share with you a secret and asks for anyone not to tell, she also has a husband too. Although you are one family, you are still two-valued people, and not a single whole. In addition, your husband may forget that the information was secret, and break the more unnecessary in the circle of common friends.

Criticism from relatives

In addition, there is a family family at least one, yes there is a relative who will be withdrawn by your Washword. Well, if it is someone not from the close circle, and even more so, the novel of mom. But in any case, you should not pass the offensive words abandoned in his direction. Even if he has everything in order with self-esteem, Etto will equally upset it.

Dissatisfaction with his body

Mudyazhena is akin to a brilliant diplomat. Openly criticize the external flaws of their own - the case is a glible. Most men wounded and sensitive to critical body. Even if they are trying to portray the opposite one of all, it will slow down the universal renunciation on you, and only then will run the corrected stakes in the gym.

Loss of interest

The lizpsy of each family comes the period when the glow of passions is fading. It is nature, it's hard to fight with it. But you should not try to "decide" this problem from all the forces. And especially, blame yourself or husband in this. Just relax. Remember how if it started. Flirt, flirting, compliments. Everything should be shattered and without coercion.

Cute secrets of your children

For small kids mom is the closest man. And if they ask, keep something in the secret, do so. For example, your little daughter like a neighbor boy. But she is shy and asks, nothing to tell dad. Most likely, Dad himself has long noticed. But if you do not keep your mouth on the castle, the faith of your child will shake in you.

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