8 Rules for the upbringing of children in Tolstoy

Lion Tolstoy developed his teaching methodology, the principles of which were absolutely innovative for the XIX century. How relevant is it relevant today?

Lion Tolstoy was not only a great writer, but also an excellent teacher. In 31 years he opened a school in his native manor of a clear Polyana, which heard the peasant children for free. Tolstoy developed his teaching methodology, the principles of which were absolutely innovative for the XIX century. How relevant is it today?

1. Do not punish

Tolstoy always opposed violence. He was categorically opponent that students in the school were rugged. And it doesn't matter what the child's wines: not learned lessons or bad behavior. Interestingly, the refusal of any punishment in the Yasnocation school has become an innovation for Russia of the 19th century. By the way, many contemporaries of the writer doubted this method of upbringing and considered it ineffective.

2. Develop imagination

Tolstoy believed that education is not only the study of textbooks. Children's games, creativity, relationships with parents to no less affect the formation of the child's personality. In no case cannot teach the child for a clear technique. He always needs to give freedom, so that he will strive for creativity and developed his imagination.

3. Instead of dry terms, present impressions

A huge mistake of Tolstoy considered to force children to learn lessons. The Great Writer believed that the educational process should be built without coercion. The main thing is that the child enjoy learning. How to achieve this? Instead of dry terms, the guys need to be presenting impressions - this is the main secret of effective learning.

4. Rip independence

Subordinates the children with tough rules, we automatically deprive their own desires and will. The child should always be brought up in freedom and teach independence so that he can fully realize his creative potential in adulthood.

5. Learn useful

At one time, Tolstoy outraged the fact that for obtaining a certificate, the guys have to sharpen the information, which is then impossible to apply in practice. Latin, church law, philosophy - these items The writer considered too narrocyalized. In his opinion, much more important than knowledge that will be useful in life. Therefore, it is very important that students in schools have the right to independently choose objects to explore.

6. Do not hide your drawbacks

Tolstoy, as you know, an expert of human souls. He believed that children are significantly insightful adults. What is certainly true truth. That is why the classic advised parents to never lie to his children and work on their own shortcomings. Otherwise, children will be discovered by hypocrisy and will not listen to the opinions of the elders.

7. Give the opportunity to criticize

According to the method of Tolstoy, free education has always implied an honest and open conversation. It is not surprising that in the Yasopolyan school, students always had the opportunity to express their point of view and even criticize teachers.

8. Improve yourself

Tolstoy believed that children were chisty and innocent from nature. Gradually, focusing on the behavior of parents, they destroy their innocence. Therefore, the great Russian writer advised primarily to improve himself, and already take care of the upbringing of the younger generation.

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