Category: Depression

Has the exercise helped to reduce depression?
There was a BMJ publication that was published on June 6, which invited several titles that suggested that "exercise does not help depression". But weed

Depressed dog who lost his BFF, finally leaves someone strange after his owners abandoned trying to help him
Humans are not the only ones to be affected by a loss. There are so many other animals that cry the loss of a loved one or a friend. We all know that dogs has

Learn more about different types of depression
Depression is one of the most common questions faced by young people and old age. It has become a global concern that caused a lot of difficulties

This kitty was sad when an unusual cat ceased to visit her, then she testifies to an incredible scene at the window
The departure of your expensive being is one of the terrible phases of the life of anyone. Unfortunately, it is not only we humans who face this trauma and this anxiety, but there are others

Virginian Insta Caterr who is ridiculed by an online woman decides to give him a reply
Many of us plan our lives well in advance, every step with every little detail. But many of us do not have any things planned in advance. We all hope to understand

The woman is asked a strange question on facebook that forces the couple to make a research greenhouse
Henry Miller exaggerates on the destiny cited that "every man has his own destiny: the only imperative is to follow him, to accept it, no matter where he leads him

After 30 years of panhandulation, the cop helps the man to demonstrate the truth about his identity
People do not realize how lucky they are before losing these basic equipment they are provided from birth. They often take their

Can antidepressants really cure depression?
Depression has become one of the most spoken medical conditions that affect many of us. Depression is treated and addressed was a hot topic o

The subject of the whitening of the skin leads this Sudanese girl to have an intervention that changes her life
The life of Nyakim Gatwech has actually been filled with ups and downs. She lived the war in South Sudan, enter refugee camps in Ethiopia, Nyakim Woun

When the woman discovers hubby of a matter of more than a year, he plans the ultimate revenge for her
The relationship between a husband and a woman depends on a very important factor, trust. And many times, you trust your spouse blindly and never think