The woman is asked a strange question on facebook that forces the couple to make a research greenhouse
Henry Miller exaggerates on the destiny cited that "every man has his own destiny: the only imperative is to follow him, to accept it, no matter where he leads him

Henry Miller exaggerates on the destiny cited that "every man has his own destiny: the only imperative is to follow him, to accept it, no matter where he drives it." Nobody has control of this one or no one who may wonder why is that going. No matter how long it is necessary, which is supposed to be that will certainly be presented at some point. Here is a story about how fate has changed the life of a lady named Gayle Brandeis who tried to escape from her destiny.
Gayle was a teacher from Sierra Nevada College in 2010 following her dark phase of life. Although she smiled from the outside, her mind fought against her insecure, her problems and her other issues that disrupted her. She was emotionally passive but was socially very active. His platform of these platform showed his makeup smile was Facebook.
A free conference
As soon as Gayle had free conferences, she used to scroll through her new Facebook and feeds on being able to keep up to date. She used to receive many compliments in the comment session and she was a little popular in the world of Facebook.
A decision maker
Gayle believed in herself and was sure what consequences his actions could do. She had always been independent and used her decisions all of them, so she could not live what regret is. She hated an external invasion in her life and continues to be the same thing every time.
A loving woman
She was a loving woman. She did all the household works and she even managed to work simultaneously. His life was pretty monotonous and she lacked the good old days when she was free. One day, while preparing for dinner, his phone chicked and ran to find his phone.
A message
To reach the phone, the first thing she did was remove the lock lock. Without wasting more time, she connected to her facebook and started refreshing the news and feeds. His Facebook inbox started flashing. Excited to read messages, she opened her inbox. The sender was unknown that made her ignore the message and continue scrolling.
Having kept his phone aside, she continued her kitchen. Suddenly, she felt like she had already heard the name of the sender. She tried to remember but all she could remember was a pain of fear she could revisit. She was curious to know the reason behind her this situation. So she was recovered for her phone once again.
Six years ago
When opening the text, it could scroll through the previous messages. She read these messages and tried not to react. She was surely disconcerted but could not believe what she read so she decided not to think about it and thought it must be someone's joke. She discovered that the sender tried to sleep six years.
His reaction
She had no idea why someone was messaging like that. She was too shocked against reading texts exchanged. All she knew was she had a family and she liked most of her family. The question was a little critical, which is why she kept her husband out of the question.
Tried to be normal
The next day, Gayle gets busy in the works of the household and was about to leave for the college. Before going to college, her husband prepares a strong coffee for both. They like to spend their "coffee coffee" of quality together every morning. But that day he spotted a small difference in his behavior, but he did not tell him anything. He kissed her goodbye and left for her office too.
Gayle had trouble looking quiet and she succeeds to a certain extent. She was herself realized that she had nothing to fear. The message she has received could be a joke and in this note she has moved towards the delivery of the next conference in a class.
The phone call
While he delivered his conference, she heard her phone ring. Initially, she ignored the call and continued with her delivery. But when the phone stops ringing, she asked students to excuse her for a moment and came out of the class to attend the phone call. Although the number was not washed, she attended the call.
Upon receipt of the call, Gayle learned that on the other side of the call was a private investigator. He wanted to pose private information about Gayle's identity and his past. She was puzzled because she had no idea what was happening with her life. She kept mom and let the investigator give the actual reason behind the phone call.
Hidden fortune?
When the appellant appeared as the private investigator, the only person she could imagine was his mother. She thought her mother had hired her to help locate the fortune she always believed that Gayle's father was hiding from the family. Gayle therefore chose not to speak but listen to the information that the investigator was about to reveal.
Is everyone connected?
Gayle was taken aback when she learned that the investigator was not hired by her mother. Instead of providing information, he continually asked him a personal question that made him a little uncomfortable. It could connect the discussions to the texts it has received on Facebook. Advanced, she hung up the call.
Back in 1985
Gayle, in 1985, it was a seventeen daughter when she took her first independent decision. Although society considered the girls of her "immature" age, as mentioned, she was rebellious and put her his yourself above all. The investigator brought back his back on time when she saw her first sex with all her consent.
Gayle clearly remembers that she had sex safely who did not result in any kind of unwanted pregnancy. She never regretted what happened in the past, because it was her decision and no one should be blamed for that. She even shared this truth with her husband and he knew all about. She thought she had a transparent relationship so she hid nothing of her husband.
As she was clear in her past, she repeated the investigator. Gayle told the detective that it must be deceived and it must look for another Gayle Brandeis. She assured the investigator she was not the one he was looking for. The investigator thanks her for her time and hung up.
The question
Gayle wondered what might be. The investigator came directly to the point and exclaimed: "Your son is looking for you ... The Son you gave in 1985." Initially, she was surprised to hear that. She calmed down and reminded her old days. After being very sure on his part, she then called the investigator and told him that he was extremely wrong.
Gayle was happy to solve the puzzle. She thought she would never face this type of scenario again in her life. To his consternation, his happiness could not last long. A Facebook message appeared again on its screen that reported all the uncertainty of the messages it had received so far. She chose not to answer messages.
The abandoned
Gayle was outraged when the shipper appeared as "the 1985 abandoned boy". She did not know how to react. She felt she was harass by someone and that person haunts her. She left her room and turned off her phone.
Emotional breakdown
The next day where Gayle Brandeis came back to Senses, she thought everything was composed. She was already shaking with her mother's psychotic breaks and suicidaire tries her mother. It was difficult for her to believe that his mother succeeded one of the attempts and was no longer on this earth. She was regularly recovering but the message she received disrupted her holistic recovery.
More questions
Gayle, putting all his fears from side, spent his phone and connected to Facebook. She was sure that everything she read was just an illusion. With this tail, she pressed the inbox icon and waited for the page to refresh. Poor Gayle, could not do anything but read these questions again and again.
Time to
These Gayle tormented messages whenever she crossed them. She could not take more, so she decided it was the strong moment to eliminate many misconceptions. She prepared to meet the answer to the texts.
With all his left courage, she opened the Chatbox and started typing she had no birth at 85 years old and she wanted her luck in her search for her gayle brandeis. It makes his heart feel a little lighter. She waited for a moment for man to respond. After 2 minutes, she could see the strike notification on her phone screen.
Gayle waited for man responding. To her surprise, the man excused himself with the sentence to annoy Gayle and on this note, he said "be good" and signed. Gayle realized that she needed these words of comfort in her era of mourning. She recently lost her mother and she could really empathize with the man who was looking for her mother.
This loss
Gayle tried not to think about the question a lot, but she could not resist himself to do it because she was going through the same loss. She could not do anything except to wish her luck. She went to live her life by forgetting this incident.
A happy life?
Gayle Brandeis with her husband started living a happy life, ending this part. She continued to go to college and her husband went to the office. Both knew a healthy relationship until another shock is on their ways.
Do not exit
In 2016, their life has changed dramatically and peace of mind disturbed. Gayle tried to forget his past but she could not get by. A message, for the second time, made her feel the chills she had forgotten for a few years. She could experience the same old gayle consisted at the time.
Once again, the pages of the Past refreshed. Gayle, while having wonderful years, had never imagined that the past she was ignored would come back before her eyes, haunting her again. For the very first time, she doubted her past acts.
Gayle shuddered to see this name again on his computer screen. Accumulate all its strength, it opened the message. She was mystified and rubbed her eyes so she could make sure what she read was true. The words "Are you my mother?" shone in the message box. She thought the hunt for the sender for her mother was not finished yet.
Not recognized
The mysterious shipper had gave him again. The reason was clear that he wanted to disturb Gayle. It seemed, despite his best efforts, he did not have a chance to find the woman who was her organic mother. He wanted Gayle answers because he believed that Gayle was deliberately not recognized as his son.
A father soon

Gayle started referring to this man as his "Son of Shadow". She had to hear from him that he would soon become a father. He wanted to inform Gayle who breaks she was her mother, then she's going to be a real grandmother soon. Impressed by her dedication, Gayle proposed to be a "figure mother" for him, but everything he needed was answers.

Shadow Son specified that there are important reasons why he wanted to know the truth. One of these reasons was his health conditions. He was fighting with health concerns and he needed to know if she was her mother in order to ask her details such as medical information.
Ready to help

Gayle had to answer him with the same statement she made years. She continued to hit she was not the woman he was looking for. She added that she was not her biological mother but she was willing to help her find her real mother. She said because she wanted to find a kind of closure for this subject.
Sharing the problem

Gayle talked about the question with her husband. Her husband could also empathize with her young man and he too wanted to help him. The couple decided to work together as a team to follow the biological mother of the "Son of Shadow".
The research

It accounted for a decade and four years that the private investigator was called Gayle. In all this time, Gayle had never considered helping man as an option. The couple soon entered complete detective mode to follow the mother's mother. This situation has somewhat brought the couple closer to the son of the shadow. Finally, after a few months of their research continues, they could find the real mother.

The couple successfully completed their mission to find the mother. What came as a real shock was, the person they hunted tirelessly, were no longer. The real mother had died a few years before. Gayle could not hold back his tears because she knew that her fictitious son had aspiring her to her true mother all life.
Break the news

Going all his worries, she prepared to break the news to her ghost son. The staggered son was not moved as much as she thought he would be. From that day, both began to open up with each other. They were foreigners who turned to become a family.
A family!

Both of them shared a mutually beneficial relationship. The son of shadow had found a mother figure in Gayle and through their combined efforts, they found her biological sister. They were intended to be together and finally, they believed that fate and fate play their roles accordingly.

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