After 30 years of panhandulation, the cop helps the man to demonstrate the truth about his identity

People do not realize how lucky they are before losing these basic equipment they are provided from birth. They often take their

People do not realize how lucky they are before losing these basic equipment they are provided from birth. They often take their loved ones for granted. But there are some people who understand the true meaning of having a family because they do not have one. These homeless may seem dirty but their insert back is sufficient to shake you from within. Mick Myers was one of the unfortunate homeless and there was no end to his tragedies. But then, a strange turn of destiny has changed his life forever.

Meet mick

Some people are lucky enough that when they are born, they have a roof on the head, the food to eat and a good comfortable bed. Nowadays, new parents seem to bequite excited when their child enters the world. They want to capture every moment of their child, from his first cry at his first step. But Mick Myers was not one of those lucky children when he entered this world.


A child was born on a thrillNight in 1950. He had never thought that his life would take such a trick and he will meet at Chaos when he would grow up. When Mick was just a baby, his mother left him. But then he had the chance to be adopted by a seemingly kind family in San Leandro, California. The kid was not aware that it was adopted until another Delight event passed into his life.


He never felt connected to his adoptive family from the beginning. Something was missing in his life. His adoptive parents tried everything to make him comfortable, especially his mother. His mother, while he remembers later, was the most affectionate woman and the oldest with all his adoptive family. However, many people hated it.


His mother tried to be next to him every time, then he did not feel neglected, but his brothers and sisters never left luck to intimidate him. And maybe that was the reason he never connected to his adoptive family, but at that time he was not aware of this fact. He also tried to adjust but after a few years he has also left things in destiny. And because of that, he stayed a solitary wolf growing up.

Describing the situation

When he grew up, he described his situation as "living a life as only as a person could possibly be". Shortly after finishing school, he lost all contacts with his friends. But he struck the bottom of the rock when he lost a person he felt really close to. He was broken when his mother left the world abandoning him in this cruel world. What would he do now?


He was only 16 when he came to know that he was adopted. And that seemed to be the perfect explanation as to why he never felt felt felt connected to his siblings or his family. Although this revelation has not helped it in any way. When his adoptive parents died, all his brothers and sisters turned on him.

A work

His brothers and sisters gave any part of the wealth that his parents had left. He has now had to find a job to stay. Soon, he even had a truck driver job. Many people could consider this monotonous work but Mick was happy with that. Mick had always been a lonely while the work seemed perfect.

Paying bills

Finally, after so many years, he was enjoying his life. He did not have to depend on others to pay his bills or if he had to buy something. He was happy and happy, but it seemed that destiny was always tested his patience. This time it was even worse. What could have happened?


Obstacles are part of life. These obstacles make us strong and shape us in the person we always wanted to become. But that does not always happen. And in the case of Mick, these obstacles just broke him from within. He had suffered a lot since his childhood. And if that was not enough, another incident happened that not only shocked it, but also forced it to come on the road.


A beautiful day he drove his truck on a busy path when he met a serious accident. For days, he was unconscious on a hospital bed, he had no idea where he was or the way he arrived there. And when he won his conscience, his doctors told him a heartbreaking truth. Which couldhavethey say?


The accident was severe and the doctors really consider him the chance he had gone out alive. But then they told him a heartbreaking truth from the heart and he had no idea what he would do after this revelation. Doctors told him that because of the accident, he had lost his ability to drive. What would he do now?

Source of income

Driving trucks used to help pay your bills and that this accident has lost its source of income. He was completely broken. He was sitting on the hospital bed, numb without anything being able to say anything. The nurses would give him medicine but he would not move. He wanted to cry hard and he could not. That night, while the fan slowly turned over his head, he landed motionlessly on the bed. What would he do now?


It was a luminous day in January when he was unloaded from the hospital. The nurses and the doctors were happy that finally, he was able to walk alone but on the other hand, Mick had just thought where he was going now. He picked up his business and when he made a picture of his adoptive parents fell on the ground, he picked it up. His eyes were full of tears, he hastily escaped the hospital and sat under the shadow of the tree. That day he finally cried his eyes.

To look for

He was devastated when he returned home. Before that day, he had never felt that alone. The house that always seemed to comfort him, that day the house was ready to eat it. He really felt hopeless and did not eat anything. He sat down in a corner, raising his eyes in the sky and fell asleep against the window.


For a few days, he has lived his savings. Every day, his health improved and was his hope. One night, he finally decided to try again and find a new job. And the next few days he invented interviews tirelessly. Is his hard work profitable?

Hard work

He felt like the fate smiled again when he had a new job. He was really happy but he did not know that his happiness was short-lived. Shortly after joining his work, he realized that he could not stay for a long time because his back allowed him to stand for hours. AfterA few days, he also had to leave this work. He was broken again but he knew he could not stay at home. So he started looking for another job.

Looking for a job

The next morning, he woke up at the usual time and prepared for breakfast. He was determined to find another job because he knew that his funds will not last long. Myers had limited options in his hands because of his health problems. He started looking for a job in manufacturing and restoration. Would it be able to find a job?

Part-time work

His steadfast efforts have finally paid when he has had a part-time job for DMV. No matter how much he tried, he could not succeed in getting appropriate jobs that could pay it decently. But now he had to do this work at all costs.


After making a part-time job for a few months, he again had to leave his part-time job as his health deteriorated more. Now he had left no source of income. He started using his savings to pay for his medications and other bills. Soon that too started to exhaust. What would he do now?

A beggar

When he had not left penny in his pocket, he was expelled from the apartment by the owner. Now he had no place to go and no food to eat. Myers had no choice but to become a beggar if he wanted to live. He started playing the guitar in the street to collect money. And with this money, he used to buy us food. Even after a few years of guitar in the street, he always begs. Would there be a change?

Change the seasons

The seasons have changedsummer In winter, but the mick conditions remained pathetic as before. It was not only the one who suffered in cold winter. According to an investigation, about 25% of homeless people lived in the street. Myer was one of those 554,000 people living in the street and begging to fill their stomach.

Sudden change

Life often takes a half-turn but it had become so frequent in the life of Moner that he has not shocked it anymore. And this time, the change that came into his life was positive, he had no idea that after so many years ago, something well was going to happen in his life. What was going to happen?

A beautiful day

It was one of the cold mornings of December and the year 2017. As usual, Myers Irame in the street when he met a local police officer on a highway in Hayward, California. The police officer used to patrol this area and he had run several times. So what was different that day?

Sheriff Jacob Swalwell

The deputy sheriff Swalwell was a very sincere policeman, he had never been rude to anyone unless you do not follow the instructions. The policeman saw him playing the guitar and wins it often by saying not to ask for an also animated way. On top of that, they had never had one to one to speak one with the other.


It had been years since Myers had been in the street, begging to make a living. He had aged and fragile playing the guitar on the edge of the road. It was the only information that the police had on the old man. Why was the policeman interested in the old man? Did he do something wrong?


One day, out of Blue, the police officer approached him. For once, Mick was scared, but when the young policeman started talking, his fear became faded. The policeman started asking him from the back of his life. After so many years, he had arrived that someone had asked about him and he felt really good about it. But when the officer asked him for his identity, the whole story took a ride. Because he did not.

To advise

The policeman has pity on Myers and wanted to help him. Swalwell was an educated man then he knew the rules, regulations and benefits granted by the government. He wanted the old man to take the benefits that were given to all the elderly of the country but for that, the man must have an identity and myers lived in the street for a long time to have no evidence. What would the police officer do for the moment?

Help him out

After knowing that Myers had no document, the task appeared to be quite difficult. He was housed to this revelation that a man spent most of his life without identity. He told myers: "You have someone to help you now. I will help you get a piece of identification, so you can get social security and get out of the streets. How would he help him?


He felt a little connected to the old man and that could be because he had never seen him abused the money he used to beg. He had decided that he would help him anything. So, without wasting time, he went to DMV the next day to recover his records. But unfortunately, they do not have the archives that the Myers worked for a long time. But the policeman was not going to give up that easily.

From zero

So when he could not find any record, he asked his colleagues from the Sheriff department of Alameda County. They helped the old man by signing a letter of residence for Myers. Deputy Swalwell tried to discover the hospital where the old man was born so he could have his handson the Certificate of birth of the old man man.


Once the member had acquired his birth certificates and other important documents, he went directly to the DMV. After a tedious process, the police officer had finally managed to get the old man an identity card for the year 2007 December. With his birth certificate, the police officer discovered a new revelation on the old man.

Amazing facts

The policeman was shocking on a strange revelation that arises before him while he acquires the birth certificate of the hospital. He revealed that Mick was not the real name of the old man but it was his second name. His real name was "Gordon Michael Oakley". The police officer also learned about his adoption.


Between Of all the revelations, the link between the old man and the officer caught the eyes of the media. KPIX-5 Reporter began calling in the police station to cover the incredible link of their newspaper. The journalists wanted to cover the inspiring story between the police officer and the old man. But there was another person who saw more than an image on the photos and the birth certificate. The man was a private investigator named Mark Askins. Whatcould he have seen in the photo?


Askins who had been privately investigated for a long time been intrigued by Myers' story. He was not just an investigator, but he also worked for the "miracle message" of charity too. The Group's agenda had to "put an end to relational poverty in our streets." This has been used to help homeless people meet with their relatives and family members lost for a long time.

Give a hand

The investigator contacted Myers and Swalwell and proposed a plan to follow Myers' family. But Mick Myers was worried if his family members would be alive and even if they were why he would recognize him after leaving him at the hospital to another couple. Nevertheless, men started their investigation with a motive to find something that could make Mick's life better.


The investigator started his investigation with a limited amount of evidence he could find. At first, it seemed really difficult, but the two men were determined to discover the truth. They knew just where Mick was born, who was his mother of birth. With that a lot of information, they took a train for his place of birth to find out more. Would they be able to find something?

Find indices

While looking in the old documents, they met another revelation. It was Mick's birth mother, they discovered that his name was Marie Pauline Oakley. The lady was married to Wiley Albert Oakley to a call for tenders. Soon, they were waiting for their first child when they moved to the Alameda area where the story took a turn.

The decisions

The marriage of the couple did not last so long. After many disputes and arguments, the couple separated from their ways. The investigator and the policeman began to find more about the father of Mick. After studying a lot, they came to know that he had died of the years. Now, their only task was to find on his mother. Both started praying for the well-being of the lady.

The appellant

The next task was to find his address and for that they had to find the contact number of the old lady. His name was so common in America that he had become difficult to discover Mick's mother. Finally, they composed a number. Who would take the call?

Good news

They had crossed their fingers when the line is connected and an old lady responded to the call. And luckily, Mr. Mick mother and pushed a sigh of relief. The old woman lived 250 km in Eureka, California. Now they could not wait to meet her and talk to her about her son.


They also asked a question about his son lost for a long time to confirm if they spoke to the good lady and it was then she fell into tears. She asked the two men in a fragile voice if her son was alive. They told him in short, the two men were curious to know why the woman left the kid in the first place? Do they say their truth?

The reasons

Oakley told them that her son remained sick and when they consulted a doctor, they came to know that the child has a hole in his stomach. Unfortunately, at that time, she did not have much money to support her life. She had to make the decision to give him a family that could take care of him better than she.


After listening to his part of the story, they have not lost time and did not bind him to Mick on the phone. For a minute, they could not speak a word and both have fallen into tears. Finally, in 2018, the Son and the mother met for the first time in person.


The Minute she saw her child, she hugging her closely. Mick finally felt complete. The feelings he had buried for years, finally came when he kissed his mother too. For the first time since so many years, Mick had the feeling that he had returned home.


His mother showed him all the old photos she had clicked when Mick was young. The heart of Mick was heavy while he returned the pages of the album. He just thought about how she had managed to live all these years without him. They both shared the stories of the difficulties of their lives. The moment was so emotional that, in addition to the mother and the son, the police officer and the investigator could also not control their tears.


Finally, after so many years, he had found a house and loved he had perquier. Now he did not have to beg to the street and count on the guitar to fill his stomach. After decades of ignoring and hating by people, he finally had the love he deserved. The policeman was happy and happy to help a family get together with their son. The investigator was also launched because he had never seen such a meeting before.

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