New "anti-Diet" easier to people who lose 2 inch size in 18 weeks

A British health expert has created a program to promote weight loss without restriction.

When it comes to weightloss , there is an endless discussion on what should not eat. Even popular weight loss drugs like Ozempic Work largely by helping you limit what you consume. But if you could lose a large amount of body fat without be too restrictive? This is what a well-known health expert is now trying to promote with its new "anti-Diet".

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British epidemiologist and professor Tim Spector , MD, recently worked with the Zoe nutrition team, a health science company he has co -founded, to discover how people can lose weight without having to abandon certain foods or restrict their contribution thanks to A counting of calories.

To do this, they conducted which was published on May 8 in the Nature Medicine newspaper. The Kings College of London Zoe Researchers gathered 347 participants who correspond to the obesity criteria and divided them into two groups. A group received an 18 -week Zoe subscription, where participants were sent to your home and blood sampling kits that would be sent to a laboratory to calculate their levels of blood fat, blood sugar and intestinal microbiome.

With the results of these tests, the ZOE application marked 1.2 million food products From 0 to 100 so that each user gives him personalized advice on how his body would react to each, the Daily mail reported.

The other study group received a standard guide for "food guidelines for Americans" as well as a video tutorial, online resources and weekly checks to help their weight loss journey.

In the end, those who received membership in Zoe lost the most weight. The participants of this group were able to lose 6.3 centimeters, or about 2.5 inches, of their size in just 18 weeks. In total, they dropped approximately 4.7% of their weight, while the other group lost only 2.4%.

"We have shown that those who follow Zoe's nutrition advice will see improvements in their overall health," Spector said in a statement. "It is clear that certain current advice of the population are obsolete, on calories and low -fat foods and with low adhesion that would cause little goods."

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The study also revealed that the group based in Zoe was twice as likely to feel less hungry and four times more likely to report a better sleep quality than the group which was provided the guide "Dietary Guidelines for Americans".

But what exactly does the ZOE application promote to help weight loss? While each individual user will see unique guidelines, one of the key points of "anti-diete" of Spector is that he generally recommends that people increase the amount of fiber they eat, according to the Daily mail .

Previous research has shown that eating more fiber can help people lose weight as it can reduce your appetite.

"The fiber slows down the speed of digestion, which makes you feel full and can help you eat less and stay satisfied longer", " Marisa Moore , RDN, culinary and integrative dietitian, explained has Prevention .

And although no food is considered "prohibited" as part of the ZOE program, users are recommended to turn to food richer in fiber, such as fatty fish, whole grains, nuts, seeds and legumes (legumes). This, in turn, helps them to avoid large amounts of dairy products, processed carbohydrates and alcohol, which can make you gain weight instead.

"What the test shows is that Zoe's approach to provide personalized nutrition can help people lose fat around their belly and improve their health while having more energy and feeling less hungry ". Sarah Berry , Zoé chief scientist, said Daily mail . “It is the antithesis of the restrictive and normative regimes that we have seen that exclude whole food groups and leave people hungry and tired. And it works better than standard care, even when people have closely followed generalized advice in the control arm. Zoe. is a way to improve your health, for life. ""

Best Life offers the most up -to -date information for high -level experts, new research and health agencies, but our content is not supposed to replace professional advice. Regarding the medication you take or any other health issue you have, always consult your health care provider directly.

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