These simple sentences can change your life for the best, say the experts.
Life is difficult and no one comes out unscathed. At one time or another, each of us will confront a personal challenge, whether it is the loss of a loved one, a disease or a handicap, financial insecurity or something else. The key, say the experts, is Maintain a healthy state of mind While you browse these challenges - not with toxic positivity This ignores the very real difficulties to which you encounter, but with a perspective that leaves the door open to positivity when possible and helps you avoid destructive adaptation mechanisms in your darkest moments. And one of the simplest ways to achieve it is by positive affirmations.
"Difficult times can often act as a trigger of unnecessary or unhealthy behaviors. Affirmations are a useful tool that can help reduce this risk, interrupting negative thought cycles and disturbing prejudicial behavior models," explains Lea McMahon , EDD, LPC, the chief of chief clinic at Symmetry recovery .
In fact, you don't have to wait until you have a serious struggle to start the advantages of positive self -assertions - McMahon says that she recommends affirmations for anyone "who wants to establish a better relationship with themselves" .
Are you just looking for good mantras to stay positive through the ups and downs? Read the rest for the top nine claims, according to mental health professionals.
You cannot always face new problems with old adaptation tools - adaptability is essential. This is why you focus on your growth capacity can help you stay more positive through difficult times, reminding you that although you may not have all the answers, you are enough to pass and find The tools you will need to succeed. AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB
"This statement reminds us of our inner strength and our ability to lean without breaking. It is a soft boost that promotes a state of growth, allowing us to sail in the inevitable twists and turns of life," said Dan Auerbach , psychologist and clinical director at Associated advisers and psychologists in Sydney, Australia.
2. "I am worthy of love, happiness and respect."
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The claims that remind you of your inherent self -esteem can help you Boost your confidence And self -perception, finally helping you to remain more positive and safer from your place in the world.
"The keyword here is" worthy ". When we have trouble appreciating ourselves, it can make decisions that serve us difficult to make," explains McMahon. "This has an impact on each person in a different way. Some people can actively make choices that are harmful to themselves, while others may not find the motivation to take care of our best interests. ""
As popular quotation says, "life does not want to wait for the storm to pass, it's about learning to dance in the rain." In other words, every day will not be easy, but every day can still present opportunities for joy and goal - if the big ones or the little ones are perhaps.
"By focusing on the positive aspects of daily life, this assertion encourages us to seek happiness in small moments. It is a question of kissing the present and finding joy in the present, whatever the circumstances Exterior, "explains Auerbach.
When life gives you a curved bullet, making the limits of your control can be destabilizer. By focusing on the control that you always have on your reaction rather than on the situation itself, you can find a feeling of empowerment.
"This statement puts us in the driver's seat of our emotional state," said at theerbach. "It is empowering and promotes self -awareness, helping us to respond rather than react, even in the face of adversity."
R.Y. Langham , PHD, a clinical psychologist by working with Impulsive therapy , should be a powerful way to approach difficult times.
"In the middle of chaos, there is comfort knowing that even if we do not always have control over external circumstances, our internal reactions remain in our field. Kissing this affirmation allows us, promoting a feeling of an agency even at turbulent times, "she said Better life .
Sometimes you have to solve a problem in order to solve it. However, linger on negative things that cannot be changed can let you feel helpless and hopeless.
Najamah Davis , Msw, lcsw, a Approved behavioral health therapist , recommends repeating this assertion, which pushes you to spend more time thinking about the positive aspects of your life than on negatives.
"This assertion encourages us to move our concentration and our energy towards good in our lives. It crops our thoughts, our attitude and teaches us gratitude," she said.
Approaching the unknown with the opening and even curiosity can help relieve part of the fear and tension associated with the unpredictability of life. Although this can certainly be difficult to do, it can ultimately open you to get in touch with a wider range of emotions and a deeper link with your sense of humanity.
"Life is filled with uncertainties, and this assertion helps us to make peace with this reality," said Auerbach. "It promotes confidence in ourselves and in the process, allowing us to go ahead with courage and confidence."
When you look at life from the point of view from the "background of the rocks", it is difficult to imagine how things can improve. Remember that the feelings you feel during your most difficult moments are subject to change can be a powerful way to start the healing process, allowing you to make room for positivity.
"The beauty of this declaration lies in its timeless wisdom," explains Langham. "It serves as a soft boost, reminding us that everything, including our struggles, has an expiration date. By relying on this belief, we equip ourselves with a perspective that sees beyond the present moment and in The wider arch of our life trip. "
Not all the challenges of life leave a better or stronger person - some can break you and leave you worse for wear. However, many challenges of life have an opportunity for growth and development, and the search for these lessons rather than focusing on losses can be deeply transforming.
"Instead of feeling defeated by difficulties, this perspective encourages us to consider them as springboard, each bringing us closer to our growth and our personal development," explains Langham.
The psychologist recommends reflecting on the difficulties spent from which you have emerged stronger, more informed or more resilient.
"Pulling the strength of our past triumphs can be incredibly stimulating. This statement testifies to our inherent resilience and serves as a headlight of hope, reminding us of our past victories and our ability to overcome," she said.
It can be particularly difficult to remain positive when you feel isolated in your pain. Langham says that many people hesitate to exploit their support systems during difficult times, without realizing how much a significant connection can change the experience.
"Loneliness can amplify our difficulties. It is essential to remember that, even in isolation, we are never really alone," explains Langham. "Whether it is our friends, our family or even a wider community, support is often only an awareness. To embrace this affirmation can be the first step to seek the links for which we aspire . "
If you really feel that you don't do it Have a support system in place, this assertion can also be a useful reminder to search for these networks. Finding a confidence therapist can be a good starting point.