Incredible steak fries

Make a classic meal of Steakhouse which is incredibly low calorie.

It's fast, easy and packed with protein that will help you build lean muscle and resell your metabolism. And it's just one of the 150 delicious recipes in the newZero cooking belly!

Serves: 4
Cooking time: 35 minutes


1 LB Russet or Idaho Potatoes (about 2 large)
1 tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil
1/2 c. Dried thyme tea
1/2 c. Dried rosemary tea


1 20 oz steak flank, cut in four portions of 5 oz
1/4 cup of marinade with black pepper (see below)
1/2 cup of chemichurri (see below)
1 Asparagus bouquet, a white part of the rod removed (about 20 lances)

• Preheat the oven to 400 ° F.
• Peel the potatoes, each cut in two lengthwise and cut each half in 6 holds. In a large bowl, combine potato quarters, olive oil and herbs. Mix to uniformly remedy potatoes.
• Spread the fries in a single layer on a sheet of nonstick sheet. Cook on the central shelf in the oven until the edges are crisp and the potatoes are cooked through. About 30 minutes.
• While cooked potatoes, leave spinning the black pepper marinade on each side of the steaks and set aside to marinate at least 10 minutes.
• When the potatoes left about 20 minutes from the cooking time, heat a grilled pan (or grill) over medium heat. Place the steaks on the hot grill using a pair of clamps and let yourself be rest, not disturbed until the steak gets beautiful grill brands-about 3 to 4 minutes. (If you like your steak well done, give grill 5 minutes before turning.) Neighborhood turns the steaks on the same side and repeat.
• Return steaks and cook for 3 to 4 minutes. Neighborhood turns the steak on the same side and repeat.
• While your steaks end up cooking, add the asparagus to the grill.
• Pull the steaks from the grill and let yourself be rest on a plate. Return asparagus over several times until the offer.
• Divide asparagus and fries in four plates. Serve with a steak topped with 2 tablespoons of chemichurri.

For chemichurri

Yield: 1 cup
Cooking time: 5 minutes

3/4 cup packed baby rocket (about 1 oz)
1/2 Fresh Parsley Boot
1/4 zero cup Sofrito belly (see below)
3 c. Soup of red wine vinegar
2 clove garlic, minced
1/4 c. TSP SEL Kosher
1/4 c. Tret black pepper

• Place the rocket and parsley in a culinary robot. Impulse to well minced. Add the rest of the ingredients and pulse until well incorporated, but always chunky.
• Serve immediately or store in a glass pot without BPA in the refrigerator or up to a week

For the black pepper marinade

Yield: 1 cup
Cooking time: 5 minutes

2 tablespoons of whole coriander seeds
2 spoons with whole black pepper
Entire cumin seeds 1/2 c.
6 garlic cloves, peeled
1 inch piece of fresh ginger, peeled and slim sliced
3 shallots, peeled and thin trenches
1/4 cup extra virgin olive oil
1/4 cup of brown sugar

• Mix coriander seeds, peppers and cumin seeds in a spice grinder or clean coffee grinder up very well.
• Add the remaining ingredients to a small food processor and puree to smooth consistency. Add the ground spices and process to incorporate.
• Keep in a glass jar without BPA in the refrigerator or until one week.

For zero Sofrito belly

Yield: 1 cup
Cooking time: 8 minutes

1 Serrano Chile
1/3 cup of gross chopped shallots (about 2 large or 3 small)
1/3 cup of fresh ginger and roughly chopped
1/2 cup extra virgin olive oil

• Take the stems of the Serranos and cut it in two. Take the seeds and get out thin. Place Chilis, shallots and ginger in a culinary robot and cut up finely minced.
• Heat the oil in a saucepan with medium heat and add the shallots, ginger and chillies.
• Reduce heat to low and cook until the shallots and aromatics are very soft, about 8 minutes.
• Remove heat and cool.
• Keep in a glass jar without BPA in the refrigerator or until a week.

By serving: 475 calories / 23 g of grease / 32 gbb / 5 g fiber / 34 g protein

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