What happens to your body when you eat strawberries

Are they as healthy as the claim? We asked the experts.

Eat healthy always involves eating an assortment of fruits and one of the most popular nibbles is theStrawberry. The bright red fruit, which is cultivated around the world, is known for its juice and sweetness - and a favorite among many who like to eat strawberries.

Like other fruits, there are many health benefits to eat strawberries, including vitamins and nutrients within the bay. Yet, although there are advantages, there are also unhealthy associations discussed when people eat strawberries, including thesugar content fruit.

Below we have highlighted five benefits and traps when you decide to eat strawberries and healthier boards, make sure you check out our list ofThe 7 healthiest foods to eat right now.


You might feel less stressed.


Unless you spend your alternating life between meditation and sleep, there is a good chance that you feel a kind of stress. Although stress can be an emotional tension, it can manifest itself physically and contribute to long-term heart problems. Fortunately, there are simple means ofstress This does not imply go to a massage studio or go to a beach somewhere - including when you eat strawberries.

"Foods like strawberries are rich in vitamin C, which not only help the immune system, but it can help reduce levels of cortisol, called stress hormone," says Philip Goglia certified nutritionist, the co-founder ofG-plans.

With strawberries, here is here21 best foods when you are stressed, according to dietitians.


Strawberries can be accommodated to pesticides.

strawberries in basket

Pesticides are useful for getting rid of insects or other harmful organisms that can be on products, but once it produced becomes at the store, you do not want thepesticides Enter your body. If ingested, pesticides can lead to a crowd of diseases, including heart disease, diabetes and arthritis.

Megan Wong, RD toAlgacteria says that unfortunately, strawberries are one of the most common fruits contaminated.

"Strawberries are notorious to be contaminated with pesticide residues," says Wong. "In fact, they have been on the dirty dozen of the EWG several times, holding Place No. 1 for 5 years."

WONG recommends launding strawberries before using them and buying organic bays when possible. And for other foods, you should wash you before eating,These are food with the most pesticides.

However, the number of strawberries that should be consumed for these chemicals to actually have a negative effect on your body would be an incredibly high number, according to an analysis of theAlliance for Food and Agriculture (AFF). Nevertheless, it is always good to know what you consume and wash your products before taking a bite.


They can prevent cancer.

fresh strawberries outside

While the deaths of Covid-19 are soaring in the United States, cancer still remains thenumber two main cause of death throughout the country, with 59927 Americans who die from cancerous diseases in 2018. Although there are almost certainly ways to increase your chances of cancer, like smoking, there are also ways to help reduce your risk of this, like eating strawberries according to Red Elmark, a nutritionist and owner ofStrongchap.com.

"Have strawberries lowers oxidative stress and decreaseschronic inflammation which is related to the training and progression of cancer cells, "says Elmarki.

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Your immune system improves.

strawberries cut in half in a bowl

Vitamin C It's not just the name of the songwriter of the iconic song of 1999 "Graduation (Friends forever)," it is also an essential vitamin that helps stimulate immune systems and fight against infections. Fortunately for strawberry lovers, the fruit is packed with them.

"Vitamin C works to strengthen your white blood cell production and also reduces inflammation," says Megan Byrd, RD ofThe dietitian of Oregon. "This allows the organ systems of your body, including the immune system, to work more efficiently."


You will be more regular.

sliced strawberries

Strawberries are filled with nutritures fiber , with 0.2 grams of fibers in a single medium strawberry. A normal portion of the fruit packs around Four grams on the average fiber . All these fibers contribute to improving the digestive system of a body.

With this improved digestive system also comes, well, you know. Having a good digestion always contributes to making a more regular body ", strawberries are a vitamin C and fiber nutrition plant, which are essential to good health, a strong immune system and a healthy gut," says Lynell Ross , nutritionist and certified health coach and well-being.

Now that we have convinced that you eat more strawberries, here's How easily hull a strawberry in seconds .

Categories: Healthy Eating
Tags: fruit / Health Tips / tips
By: ari-notis
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