The hidden ingredient of lemon-lime soda

It can actually be used for many other things ...

If you are a lover love lovera soda (Sprite, Fresca, Squirt, and other similar), then there is something you need to know. The citrus aromas found in most soda lemon-lime brands are made from a chemical called Nootkatone, a natural oil found in cedars and grapefruits. And even,Although it is natural and safe to consume in accordance with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), it is apparently toxic to insects such as ticks and mosquitoes.

Monday, August 10,EPA approved NooTkatone As a chemical to use that will repel and kill ticks and mosquito nets on Monday, August 10th. According to research, NooTkatone will repel dangerous insects that can carry serious diseases such as Lyme disease, malaria and Western Nile. The Disease Control Center (CDC) says that a high concentration of this natural chemical may even kill them.

"CDC is proud to have directed Nootkatone's research and development," Jay C. Butler, MD and Deputy Director of Infectious Diseases at the CDC, in the APE press release. "Provide new alternatives to existing bit prevention methods pave the way for the resolution of one of the most important challenges in the prevention of vector-borne diseases - preventing bites."

Before dewarting from drinking such a chemical, do not be afraid - you probably already had it. Nootkatone is a natural organic compound and feels likePamplemousses, hence the use of citrus drinks. It is also used in perfumes, colognes and soaps. Use in particular in soaps, in particular, can be an effective way to repel these dangerous insects throughout the day.

This is not the first time that a natural oil has been used for the bug repellent. Citronella, peppermint oil, lemongrass oil and other types of vegetable oils have been used. But according to theNew York Times, NooTkatone is different because it does not lose its power in one hour and can even have the potential to last as long as synthetics.

So, if you start finding soaps and spraying bugs on the market (probably from 2022) that feel your favorite lemon-lending lemon sodas, you now know why!

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Categories: Groceries
Tags: Drinks / Groceries / Soda
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